Scarlett Johansson Doesn’t Think Monogamy Is Natural

>Scarlett Johansson Doesn’t Think Monogamy Is Natural

What did she mean by this?

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she wants some dick that is not her partner is what she means

Who cares what she thinks?

mating call, so chads know that she's ready to fuck

she meant "i know quite literally nothing about anthropology but i was in in iron man 2 so my opinion is important"

>i'm a cheating piece of shit but hey thats ok because monogamy is not natural

Scarlett's mother, Melanie Sloan, a New Yorker, has worked as a producer. She comes from an Ashkenazi Jewish family from Poland and Russia, originally surnamed Schlamberg,[5] and Scarlett has described herself as Jewish

anthropologists are the most deluded people on the planet. they studiously avoid ever actually understanding anything about humans because it might contradict their religious dogma

>modern women are against monogamy

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It is natural “in society”

Monogamy is not natural in state of nature savagery. The primary cause of civilization is the control of human sexuality through monogamy and marriage

There is a reason why virtually every society that has advanced beyond Stone Age has strict moral and even legal institutions that relate to monogamous marriage between men and women and strict punishments for adultery and cuckoldry.

The further we break from that the more our society will dissolve

She means that she prostituted herself out to producers and she doesn't want to feel guilty about it.

she is still not wrong

Wonder if she got HARVested

>society is natural
god women are dumb

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I mean, cavemen probably just stuck their dicks in everything but probably killed other cavemen who tried to fuck women they already peed on. I don't think cavewomen were riding the carousel.

She's a slut.

She meant the tip of the human penis is shaped like a mushroom in order to create a suction effect in the vagina in order to scrape out sperm of previous lovers while the repeated thrusting of the shaft only makes sense in context of sexual competition. Monogamous animals like the gorilla have a small penis and come quick. That's why hungary has bost the highest amount of prostitutes in europe and the longest dicks on average while the japanese have a micropenis.


>What did she mean by this?

She’s a woman, a Jew, and a whore, so naturally her only purpose in life is destroying anything good

>no casey calvert

Birds for the most part are monogamous, so no, she's retarded and wrong. Having a family to care for children promotes a higher rate of survival in children.

It means shes trying to stay relevant

Oh look, another Jew denigrating the Western canon, what's new?

Common thought for attractive woman who can get any guy she wants. Wait till she hits the wall and the dick train leaves. Then when nobody wants her old broken ass, she will suddenly want to settle down with someone.

Not raping women is unnatural desu

>knowing who that even is

Yeah scarlet, that's the fucking point. Shitting in porcelain objects that carry your shit away to be disposed of isn't natural either. Monogamy and sexual limits is a huge part of why we have a civilization in the first place. hypergamy and no sexual limits is a trait of savagery. And I'm pretty sure you don't want to live in a situation like that, because you won't get to choose who you want to have sex with anymore, you'll simply be raped.

We're just at the end part of western civilization anyway, where more and more of these savage elements are seeping through while having the structural elements of civilization still in place. Eventually though, it will crumble, because the foundation is cracking. Like a house, it needs constant repairs over time to maintain it's integrity.

It's weird how people think how civilization just pops out of fucking nowhere and that there werent huge sacrifices to maintain it.


Hey isn't she a Jew lol. Man thats a strange coincidence.

It means she wants my cock in her ass

as she gets older she is going to think monogomy is a good idea after all and that it should be illegal for men to date or marry women more 10 years younger.

She means that everyone should act like rich people

society isn't natural

but subverting a nation is?
how can you convert to it if it's a race and not a religion?

rich people have stronger families than poor people, they promote stuff like this to torpedo lower class families so they can't build generational wealth

>Slut doesn't think monogamy is natural
What's surprising about it?

Civilizations aren’t murder they mill themselves

Something about a certain level of security and wealth just makes people lose their perspective and purpose and they become self destructive

The west is SO strong and durable that this will take a long time to collapse, but you are correct our civilization has totally run our of steam

All that’s left are people sucking what wealth they can for as long as they can and meaningless soulless fucks like her acting as unwitting arsonists to our foundation

They don’t actually want to know “why” things are how they are, they are so deluded that they simply want to destroy every rule and every tradition because they “can” because they are “free”

Fools, all folly and fools

you know whats not natural? cutting your tiddies off cause theyre too big!

It means she can’t control her urge to throw her pussy around to any chad she impulsively wants to fuck and because of her inability to reconcile this she wants to convince you monogamy isn’t natural so she feels less shame about her mental illness.

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B-but muh Utopia

>Something about a certain level of security and wealth just makes people lose their perspective and purpose and they become self destructive
This, you need a certain amount of danger and threat in life to remind people they are only human

Thanks rick

yet another slut trying to justify her actions

She is right though.
It's not natural in a truly patriarchal society, which is what early/primitive societies were.

Also she is probably under the impression that women get to fuck who they want in a non-monogamus society, when in reality they would be under complete control of the men, which is what we literally can see in muslim countries.

So iphones, planes, expensive brands, money, jeans, make up, movies, surgeries.

What was her point?

What does this have to do with Yas Forums - Television & Film?

>jews: families are extremely picky about spouses, parents can completely stop a wedding
>also jews: you goyim should marry niggers, love is love!

Child support and alimony are not natural

>soft science garbage
Into the trash it goes

Monogamy is clearly natural as we see it in the animal kingdom outside of humans. But continued monogamy in humans is a result of matriarchal influence from an earlier period of time seeping into patriarchy

It's completely arbitrary, both monogamy and polygamy and all sorts of other sexual behavior occurs naturally in humans. The point is we need to make a choice about what is best for society as a whole.

Post-modernism is a cancer.

And deep down you know that is right. We have been hunter gatherers like 90% of our existence and in those times men didn't have the same woman for all their lives. They have one woman and then a new one and then a new one, you had to pregnant as many women as possible. The kids didn't have just 1 parent, they were raised in a community. Hunter-gatherer life was the best life, sedentary life was a big mistake.

The sad thing is that feminists really think that monogamy is simply a patriarchal invention made in order to prevent women from "having fun".

>We have been hunter gatherers like 90% of our existence
pretty sure it's 0% for anyone posting on Yas Forums, throw your computer away and go live in the forest if you hate civilization

To a large extent it is, uncontrolled female sexuality is devastating to peaceful, advanced societies

>throw your computer away and go live in the forest if you hate civilization
Computer is civilization?

And yes, I would be happy at this point living in the fucking forest hunting and living my own.

She means she is afraid of intimacy so she prefers having multiple less intimate friends rather than one more intimate partner

Also, I was talking about how our brains are shaped from all that time we were huter-gatherers. Tens of thousands of years.

That’s not true faggot

There was monogamy in hunter gatherer societies and ones that didn’t have monogamy died or never advanced beyond chimp level societies

>Computer is civilization?
Yes it's a product of advanced civilization, you're not particularly bright are you?

she enjoys sex with multiple partners as literally all people do

it isn’t.
if you were looking at human mating trends throughout our history we practice polygyny

Yes but it also serves women. Monogamy give them security for both them and their children, they can be sure that a man will help raise them. That's not a thing in polygamy

>There is a reason why virtually every society that has advanced beyond Stone Age has strict moral and even legal institutions that relate to monogamous marriage between men and women and strict punishments for adultery and cuckoldry.
Unironically sounds like incel rage desu

Now that they are financially independnet they don't see polygamy as oppression, it's only oppressive when the male is having multiple wives, when it's the opposite, it's polyamory and it's empowering. Women don't even have a sex drive that would justify this, they are just like apes trying to imitate men in every way. All of this stems from their penis envy, and feminists convinced them they can grow a dick if they they want.

you dont understand, women having sex is bad because I am a virgin.

Why would any man invest himself into a relationship with a slut who fucks around? Did she ever think about that?

>What would any man invest himself into a relationship with a slut who fucks around?
If scarjo got an onlyfans account she could have 50 million men empty their bank accounts for her in a week

We've been monogamous for 100% of civilized existence.
If you want to go and live like an animal go and do it in the middle east.

>western civilisation
You mean "civilisation"

this but unironically
fuck that life I'm tired of being a leftover

Actually male polygamy is natural. A man can inseminated several women and go about his business. But the inverted scheme doesn't work, a women can only get inseminated by one man at a time and then she goes into pregnant mode for nine months and has to take care of the baby. What will her husbands do in the meantime? This is just peak degeneracy by a feminized society created by jews.

No, if monogamy isn't protected you end up with a situation where every woman is a single mother raising degenerate criminals who hate themselves and have no idea who there father is and every man just pumps and dumps women

Basically look at the African-American community and that's what happens when monogamy is gone

socially monogamous yes but in terms of breeding no absolutely not