How can a woman escape the wall? It seams near impossible

How can a woman escape the wall? It seams near impossible

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>alone and unseen


Pure narcissism.

Whats up with incels obsession with womens aging

>oh no, my life of riches and fame is so difficult and hard
really nigga

Become the wall

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>born too early for anti-aging nanobots to save me from inevitable decline and death

It's over brehs

Road hard and put up wet roastie

Literally LMAO

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>getting real about feeling L O S T

>Pure narcissism.
100%. Imagine being rich and famous and still thinking that.

some sort of coping mechanism
>they don't won't to fuck me, but at least they go ugly fast!
something like that i suppose, their idea of karma.

Are celebrities aware they are among the most privileged people on the planet and have a better life than 99.9% of us?

Drama mama!

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>make millions for having a tight tummy in your 20s
>get depression


what a fucking idiot she is. Why are hollywood fucks so detached from reality?

But no dude you don’t understand she’s SAD! :’(

>being rich and famous means you're automatically content
besides that, I dunno what the fuck she's on about. I'm sure there's at least a 1000 cucks within 10 miles of her willing to bend over backwards for her at a moment's notice.

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This is exactly it. They live in this fantasy world where they'll age to look like a movie star, when in reality they'll still be fat and unattractive

Shut the fuck up, that's still .1% of unhappiness and it's all you would focus on despite any wealth. As a public figure she can't afford to be herself or honest so she has to put up a facade at all times. Must be tough showing her actual feelings for once and putting herself out there like that.

>Are celebrities aware

Imagine not thinking men hit walls when they get fat and go bald before 30. Newsflash women don't want to fuck post-wall men either unless they have money or are interesting. Which is like nobody who complains about women hitting the wall anyways


jesus christ i thought she was 60


By becoming genuinely interesting when they are young.
But almost no girls do that, they instead cruise by on their looks alone.
Remember that women lack testosterone and the drive to achieve things that comes with it.

What does she have to feel sad about? Her life is objectively great

1. Don't do drugs or drink
2. Moisturise daily
3. Exercise but keep a healthy level of fat
4. Fuckload of genetics
Applies for both men and women

Naw fuck you and fuck her

Men look better at 40 on average it's just a fact of biology blame evolution

God I wish that was my sack

Hello, Simp hotline? It’s for you.

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>boohoo I am so depressed because muh perfectionism and people think I'm hot
that IG post is hilarious


>are women sentient

Ah there it is. Jealous that they have an easier time than the big old tough world on you. You guys are whiny "life's not fair" bitches too, and I want you to know that.

doesn't cure depression and personal problem and tics dude
you know you're already more privileged than 90% of the world population and that doesn't stop people being a hero in western countries

If you were starving, you'd probably still want to laugh at any gluttonous fatass who eats themself to death

What a joke

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>made light of my deepest traumas
>that ear thumb bite thing on Conan
Dis bitch got raped by her uncle

When can they start writing articles about my personal problems

I am 28 and I paid all my student loans 3 years ago and I have been so happy. The last time I was this happy for so long was when I was a kid.
People don't realize that being financially independent and not being worried about your financial future is a big part of being happy. Being poor puts a lot of stress on your and your relationships with others.

Why does paying low interest loans trigger millennitards so much

Amazing, 40yo women have the same level of self awareness as 12yo boys posting Linkin Park lyrics


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It doesn't mean you're automatically content, but it does mean you are very much not alone or unseen.

I am sure than 90% of good looking girls get raped at least once in their life. Most just give in and some even start dating the guy if he is near the same age as them just to feel good.

she said she feels alone and unseen, not is alone an unseen.

But struggle is what makes one beautiful, and women commonly lack it.
That's why middle aged men are typically more admirable and mature than middle aged women.
If anything, I pity them.

Chads reached their peak at 35. Key word on chad

We know what she’s saying. What we’re saying is that she’s a narcissistic retard.

Ah, the steroids withdrawal
Case closed, bois, don't mess with hormones

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When women get older they finally start to understand what being a man is like.

I've seen more feminine trannies

>haha i call u a simp lol u mad!!!11

People have been calling each other cucks and incels non stop for the last 3 years you fucking moron. Take your weak ass Twitch insults back to Redd1t.


What the fuck. Also was her bf in the audience setting off her buttplug vibrator here?

I don't think she is. I'm not defending her specifically, but you can feel alone and isolated despite being surrounded by fame and fortune. It doesn't make you a narcissist.
Where she's going wrong is posting this on social media instead of identifying the underlying feelings of why she feels this way and addressing them in a healthy way. But still, that's farm from narcissism.

>you know you're already more privileged than 90% of the world population and that doesn't stop people being a hero in western countries
nice false equivalency retard

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Imagine being this upset because you white knighted a roastie on 4 channel.


You sure?

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Pretty sure, yes

What’s up with white knight simps obsession with incels

Post the last girl you had sex with

how so ?

>I pity them, I swear
Textbook cope

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I don't doubt it I see non stop posts from guys who literally see women as objects that have no other purpose and don't care about their "feelings" cause "women have it easy"

3 paragraphs about nothing but emotions. She didnt even include reasons for her emotions. Just emotions.

Fucking hell man I dont understand femoids sometimes.

>woe is me a millionaire actress

Cause they finally got an insult that triggers incels

>As a public figure she can't afford to be herself or honest
>she can't afford
Thanks for doing all of us a favour and admitting it's all about greed. She -can- afford to be whatever she wants, she can easily retire right this very minute and never have to worry about money again. But she won't, because she craves the fame and the attention.