
International Stupid Cunts Day Edition

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First for porthos

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Nth for a cute

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I reaaaly hope we will get a cameo from the voyager doctor in Picard, he was my fav character in voyager hands down

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How is one man so based?

>mfw Picard drops a heckin F-bomb

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>fucks Shakkar
>writers change them to 'just friends' later on due to pressure for a Odo x Kira relationship from viewers

In tribute to the last thread:



>getting baited so easily

>tfw no romulan sister-gf

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>pressure for a Odo x Kira relationship from viewers
Bullshit, it was like one writer who was a fan of the relationship being teased like three seasons earlier


>International Stupid Cunts Day Edition

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The Romulan Science Directorate is clearly composed of the smartest people in the universe

Leave me alone, Keiko

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>forcing incestfetishes with edits
lmao fuck off.

Why? They'd just kill him off.

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whats up with this autism? i said i felt very strange to hear such language in a Trek show, but i am very happy for it because it feels much more realistic

Imagine shilling for the cw

What? She got titties

The only 'forcing' here is the indoctrination that makes people hate incest, despite it being a beautiful and perfect thing.

Totally bro! I love old trek but it’s hard to suspend my disbelief when every character isn’t swearing constantly like real grown ups! Now it’s just like real life!

Peak cumbrain

great, i am glad you understand :)

>that episode where Kirk calls Spock a 'filthy fucking half-breed'
Can't believe they let it air back in the 60s

>Delta Flyer

>admirals swearing in regular conversation like they're fucking dock workers
>muh realism

I'm more partial to the episode where Janeway says "we have to out-Ferengi the Ferengi", referencing one of Ezra Pound's famous antisemitic screeds

It's a tiring trend that executives and creative personnel pulled the teenage's sense of being mature and just made everything dark and edgy.

Attention Bajoran workers.

FUCK Bajor
FUCK the Prophets
FUCK the orbs
FUCK Garak
FUCK the Federation

And most of all... FUCK Bajoran women. If you know what I mean...

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fingers crossed for Q doing a cameo and fucking romulan and federation shit up and then curing picard's brain thing on his was out

but nah the would never go for this tier of deus ex i suppose, this ain't dr who

Dukatposter, if you are seeing this comment, it means you attempted to force your meme while the generals's self-destruct sequence was engaged. That will not be permitted.

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>FUCK Bajoran women.
Ducat is such a gamer

Did you deliberately make this thread because I said I was going to make a /trek/ in honour of International Women's Day? Honestly, pretty rude.

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Set phasers to based.

>this ain't dr who
Yeah that was in TOS

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but dark and edgy IS realism you pleb, open a news paper once in a while
am i supposed to believe that klingons never say any bad works like h e double hockey sticks?

Stop being paranoid, it was probably an accident

>swears like a salior
immersion ruined

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>expecting rational thought out of one of the cosplay-thot spammers

> International Stupid Cunts Day Edition



Yeah I did. Fuck off and take your fedora and your whores back to r/pinkpillfeminism

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I'm totally fine with the Klingon tits in Discovery, though.

I know DS9 writers said they had no reason to put Q into the show (bar that one time) due to the fact only Picard could make the relationship work... but couldn't they have done an episode where the Q jumps into a meeting with the Prophets and basically argues with his fellow 'Gods' about how boring they are by doing everything in allegory.

Why is /trek/ always retarded like this?

It's rich having all the gritty stories written by people who never ever left their own middle-upper middle class bubble. Realism in this context is just an excuse for making vulgar crap. It's basically HBO shows were "edgy" and got popular, now everything must be the same thing.

Honestly, you're a retard.

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Yes. I'm KNOWING he's based

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Based Vir ("man") Cotto

>the delicate and sensitive aspies in /trek/ think swearing and sex is edgy

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Wasn't Nog entering Red Squad? Why didn't he? He said he had the grades but needed Sisko to vouch for him. Sisko said he would; why didn't it happen?

Spaced and galaxypilled

Is Babylon 5 posting a substitute for DS9 posting?

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>It's rich having all the gritty stories written by people who never ever left their own middle-upper middle class bubble.

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>It's basically HBO shows were "edgy" and got popular, now everything must be the same thing.
and why that is?
because they were right, it is realistic, and realistic is very entertaining to watch because it seems so real, and i for one fucking live this new era of dark realistic shows.
I hope they lest kestra drop the C word soon

I wouldn't be surprised if Red Squad was disbanded after commiting treason.


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I used to be a security officer like you, until I took a phaser to the knee.

sure, theyre practically the same show

Wow... so this is the power... of morning /trek/

Let me guess, someone stole your hasperat.

Didn't they all die after taking control of a ship?


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oh wut now you cunt, is the baby pregnant with satan?

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This is a dumb cunt

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Those elves from Vulcan. They've got pointy ears. Pointy. Ears.

kek, half of the Picard writers came straight outta compton my man