Cast them

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kevin Bacon as Kevin Bacon

>the one on the left is a hair stylist

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the guy in Better Call Saul who sells the pills and Liam Neeson

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Does this "test" imply Kevin was such a moron he was duped by a certified retard, lmao?

sounds like a tragic comedy

What is wrong with Americans?

>mark's husband turns out to be the devil mastermind

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Holy shit lol

Cast him.

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I know right just shave that dumb shit off don't die it pink you already look awful. Who would even hire him as a hair stylist?

that's two less degenerates in the wild atleast


Which one is 25?

>be a gay cannibal fetishist
>want to live fantasy but not get caught
>marry a retard and trick him into doing it for you so you can watch
Kino plan

nonmonogamous gays are the worst
why can't people just chill at home like my husband and i do

Why do white people do this shit?

I know! I bet they haven’t even watched all of The Good Place yet!!!!

Whose balls would they eat then?

holy shit is that mark pro'ache'?

cannibalism is just the end state of homosexuality

>certified retard
certified chemist, more like. he has a master's in organic chemistry

somewhere down the line his life took a weird turn.

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heh we actually like the good place

fair point?

>gay cannibal hold a patent for lube

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I put "open relationship = dead relationship" in my Grindr profile and got flooded with butthurt

is he a big guy?

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So, he clearly was competent enough to lure a guy into a shack in the woods without raising suspicion and killed him, but no competent enough to stand the trial? How does that work?

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he's kinda cute tbch
too old though

Lot of cannibalophobia in this thread.

oh boy I know what I'm going to do if I ever get caught

he had a history of mental illness
he even pretended to be someone else at his arraignment

i'm surprised that guy still had his balls

Stop eating balls

I only softly caress balls, user

20 mins from my house. They just auctioned the house off for 100k

Bradley Manning, the army guy who leaked shitloads of classified info, got pardoned by Obama because he decided to be a tranny and claimed he couldn't get proper treatment in jail.

Get help

Its almost worse to be found too incompetent for trial. Dudes going to be stuck in a mental hospital forever and be a guinea pig for all sorts of meds to try and "fix" him.

>retard who would have been a complete and utter leech to society can now potentially contribute to it by giving his retard life to science

Trump Term Two is when we start executing LGBTQ and minorities in the streets

This is the 2nd time this guy has gotten away with it. He was jailed a few years ago and they let him off on incompetence as well. Crazy.

>being gay is perfectly normal and healthy

It’s not like you forget how to cut people’s hair when yours falls out

>A New York man born in 1973 fled Latunski’s home, jumped a fence and called police after becoming frightened during a consensual sexual encounter
>A 29-year-old Lansing man wearing only a kilt got “spooked” during a consensual sexual encounter in which he was chained up in Latunski’s basement Nov. 25, Kaiser said. He fled to a neighbor’s home with Latunski in pursuit of the $300 kilt

This is why all gays need to be exterminated.

Roger as Kevin Bacon as Kevin Bacon

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Why are 100% of homosexuals murderous psychopaths?

Yeah this Jew Yorker who has been an ally of gays all his life is going to start exterminating them because the media that hates him said he's a homophobe. Get a grip.

>hairless hairstylist

Also what's up with homos and cannibalism?

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I like how new sites call it a "dating app"

Cast her.

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By allah once again islam is right. All gays deserve death by stoning.

There's no such thing as gay monogamy, because there is no point to gay monogamy, and thus no point to gay "marriage".

I've seen bigger

>there is no point to gay monogamy
Besides falling in love with your one and only? Not getting STDs is pretty cool

Lol gross

Softly caress her... Clitoris, I guess?

scary mother fucker

trump term 2 is to placate you and think that you've actually made a difference. you want things to change, you have to organize yourself and get shit done without any puppet figureheads.

time for cannibal kino

Energy vampire


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Cast them.

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100% based.

Why do so many queers look like the guy on the left? They all have that face, a 'gay face' if you will.

My straight friends divorced after having an open relationship. It's retarded regardless of who you're with, and people who fall for it are morons.