Coronavirus G00k
I can't stand his pompous face
In the thumbnail he looks like the fat tranny from the Jazz thread, Mo something.
>capitalism sucks
>also dont forget to preorder the Parasite limited edition 4k+3D bluray combo with a steelbox and a mickey mouse keychain
The director = the Studio=the Investors = the shareholders= the marketing department.
You're a fucking gaybo if you think it's not irksome to have a rich faggot worth 30 mil. ask the unwashed masses to pay for his indulgent "MONEY BAD" vanity project funded by his rich friends and investors to be peddled across the world while he sips martinis in his luxurious mansion fucking trafficked kpop girls. If the nigga is so parsimonious and saintly, why didn't he fund the film from his own pocket, bypassing the studio system? Why not sell the tickets at reduced price, or simply admit poor families in the cinema for free, to make a statement? Is it because this shit won't make his fat gook face even fatter?
>capitalism sucks
He hasn't said this in any interview.
Socialism is not about being poor, my dude.
>people unironically defending unregulated capitalism
I am not even a commie but Wallstreet niggers should be hanged.
>dude buy my movie about how capitalism sucks
There are autists who have created entire computer operating systems for free but artistic types make constant excuses about how you should pay them money so they can talk about how evil money is. Nothing but a bunch of opportunistic hypocrites. If their message was actually a threat to the system then they wouldn't get producers on board in the first place. The modern left is so pathetically impotent.
>Well he still can relocate to the better Korea....
But he won’t.
Tell that to socialists
>The real parasite the friends we made along the way
What the fuck kinda ending is this
U mad?
Woah.... That's so deep...
>contrarians: the thread
Volunteering to watch your wife get railed by five black bulls is less cucked than shilling for capitalist overlords who would rather see you get bone tomahawked in the middle of the street than see their taxes go up a fraction of a percent.
a leftist made this post
Fact: if you defend capitalism while not being the part of 1%, you're literally a cuckold slave defending his masters
No shit, idiot. How do Bezos' balls taste? Hes offering you financial compensation, I'm sure?
This is pretty true imo.
I've lived in the US, in Hong Kong, in Taiwan, and now in Japan.
Aside from very slight cultural differences and of course language differences it is the same. Things operate the same, the same products are sold, people operate and think in the same manner. It is because of our capitalist system. It transcends language, It is like a disease which only seeks to replicate itself and spread to other sectors. It is no good or evil, it is. Whether or not it tears apart the human subject is of no consequence to itself.
There is no less or more.They are both bad for society and should be dealt with for threatening the social norms in long term.
La Lexus Las Muttos
Ok so the gook is a fucking hypocrite , but the message of his film and his words still ring true , don't they ?
You need to separate the art from the author.
Is he a North Korean agent? Spreading anticapitalism amongst the South Korean population could make reunification easier after the North reconquers the South
"Who is the real parasite?" is a common pleb trap right at the bottom of the inverted bell curve. The film is not discussing that at all.
Dont worry, im sure you will get a cushy government job executing wrongthinkers once the revolution happens, comrade.
South Korea has been a US vassal state for decades
No problem with rich people as long as they pay their fair share, homie. It's a pretty simple concept.
t. cringey rightoid
Extremely based
but most of us don't at all. if you're a retard like and think having about 50% of your income be automatically owed to the state (which wastes close to 100% of it and there can never be a mechanism to avoid this) under threat of imprisonment is capitalism then you're in for a rude awakening about how much more "capitalist" the west is going to get in the next decade or two.
So why doesn't he go live in communist North Korea?
Best Korea's right there if you love socialism so much Bang Ding Ow lol
>ok im gonna pirate your movie
>Fact: if you defend communism while not being the part of 1%, you're literally a cuckold slave defending his masters
based piratechad
>implying I'm a commiecuck
I just want to see the rich bleed. I want to have everyone who's wealthier and better off than me to be gutted out on the streets, have their homes burned and families slayed. I don't care which political system enables that. Anyone who succeeds me must be put down like a dog.
i mean, if he hates capitalism that much he's welcome to go to south korea
How do gooks see through their tiny eye-slits? Wouldn't that impair the vision?
based.fuck richniggers that think they are untouchable.
He probably doesn't care or even think about pirates tbch(to be completely honest)
He already has millions of dollars from the release plus the oscar wins.
That's not even to mention the proceeds from his other films.
I don't see how it is 'hypocritical' for a rich person to criticize capitalism. If they were poor, you would say they are just 'bitter' for being poor like the system isn't a race to the bottom already.
It just so happens that everyone turns out that way though.
why didn't they just reveal the mole people once they deleted the evidence and escaped
He does, by employing millions of people worldwide with all that money he has rightfully earned.
>implying American "capitalism" is unregulated
The problems started when governments became too intermingled into the economy past enforcing some tax legislation and actually began to inject taxdollars to the leeches creating this indebted shithole world we have now.
FDR and neoliberalism destroyed the cultural identity of the West and made everything the same and boring instead of differing, unique and actually diverse.
It might as well be unregulated when the rich is powerful enough to go around the laws without even flinching once.This whole system favors nepotism not competition.
Impotent socialist rage is so cute.
>I don't see how it is 'hypocritical' for a rich person to criticize capitalism.
Because they should practice what they preach.
Interesting how all the edgy bootlicking teens online (who think they're definitely totally gonna be millionaires one day soon) view this film as a direct attack on them, rather than just an interesting story.
They were all parasites in the film, the father was especially parasitic. The opening scene was specifically trying to establish that. But you were too busy screeching about communism (the eternal bogeyman that has never managed to take hold anywhere other than the most loony and brief of dictatorships) as though the red menace was kicking in their doors.
Also amusing that Americans screech so hard agains this film, while being host to a bloated and very blatant parasite for the past 70 years.
>No not me tho, I get to keep my stuff.
The capitalist system rewards greed. If this makes you upset then you are an anticapitalist, regardless to what class you belong.
Why do communists call other people bootlickers? Pretty ironic.
the parasite living in america has been around for well over 2000 years. i'd like to see kim bong jun do a film about that.
I agree, if you're against capitalism you shouldn't be greedy yourself, that would be hypocrisy. You should be selfless and donate the vast majority of your money away.