What's up with people suddenly breaking down later in life? Just midlife crisis or something else?
What's up with people suddenly breaking down later in life? Just midlife crisis or something else?
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that's just being a woman
Because by then you've usually ticked the typical societal boxes and have discovered that none of it makes you happy.
They get validation from Likeson social media. By strangers and "friends". Quite pathetic really.
that's what happens when you reject Logos
I would make her feel good with my mouth and asshole
She misses the island
>I often feel alone and unseen
I'm not hot enough for tabloids anymore and I need attention
with your mouth and asshole?
It's Death tapping you on the shoulder.
She should live in somewhere like Syria for a while to recalibrate as to what hardship really is.
She still cute tho, I'd attempt to put a baby in her
>its a Kate episode
Thousand cock stare.
not enough lighting, i cant see her rough time properly
Her hardships hurt because it was real
>yeah, honey, will ya take a pic of me. Yeah yeah wait a sec, I gotta take a dramatic pose to look extra sad. Nice! Make sure it's blurry, you know, to add that hopeless, candid feel. The world must know that I felt upset today.
With his mouth and asshole.
can you explain what this means?
I understood that reference, god those movies are Dog shit
The real question is why is this making me so turned on?
she was in her late 20s-early 30s when Lost was airing. isn't that the wall?
>feel alone and unseen
Wahhh why don't you look at me, why don't you worship me? All my life I've been told I was a goddess. Now I'm an aging actress with minimal roles, Marvelflicks are over. Why don't you worship my ground anymore????
women go crazy when they grow older without having birthed children
Takes them a few years of heavy cope to accept it
So she didn't want to make people feel sad a year ago but now she does? Oh fuck off, Hollywood people are the most narcissistic scum on the planet, I swear. It's insane how actors will go on about something for days and still find a way to go "look at me, LOOK AT ME!!!"
Is literally all your views about the world ad-hoc shit, millennials?
Watching roasties get smashed by the wall and sink into the abyss of depression and bitterness is one of the most intoxicatingly pleasant things to behold.
She is single, childless and got old. Young white bvlls won't touch her, hell, not even big mutt's laws will go anywhere near her. It's over.
>not savouring the breakdown of young troubled girls
you are doing it wrong
Yeah, that's the story of the millennial generation: dysfunctional people struggling to be normal when everything has been handed to them in a silver plate, and the smugly walking towards a suicide in their 40s.
Let us hope coronavirus finishes off the few millennials that will not commit suicide this decade.
She's married with two kids, she'd be happier if she actually spent time being a mother instead of paying a team of nannies to do her job
>She is single, childless
Both of these are wrong
Who took the picture? Seems staged.
I personally welcome it, the sooner we get rid of millennial "idealism" the sooner the west can start to recover.
These fucks have been the biggest cancer the west has suffered from, all of them either openly leftists or leftists with camo, all of them worshipping shitskins and asking for muslims under the guise of "welcome refugees" or "damn islam is based".
No quick death is punishment enough for a millennial.
>my wife is dying/died
>let me post a pic to reddit for some internet points and fake awards
Fucking disgraceful.
Reminder that the modern woman has absolutely no hardships whatsoever
Part of it is media, but of is a touchy feely society.
People these days are conditioned by media that life is nothing but happiness.
Everything in society has become so 'emotionally aware' and touchy feely.
These two factors combined lead people think that life is going to be full of joy and happiness with a happy ending. Due to a naive sheltered childhood but dumb parents.
Then when people grow up and friends start dying they realise life isn't all fun and games and basically the people who have 'bad years' or 'bad periods' are just these result of all this and can't hack it.
Life is cruel and you need to be toughened up when you're young to meet the reality head on and deal with it.
Part of this is due to women having a vote/say/opinion in everything. Being emotionally in touch with people is actually a bad thing.
Most people eventually have to rectify their dreams with reality. However, the average channer dreams of nothing besides a few tendies and their next coom, so the only "crisis" they will have at midlife is figuring out who will pay for internet when their mother dies and the government inevitably slashes their dole.
Unless you've been to a warzone, men haven't either.
Millennials, if you were in any actual danger, you think you'd still be pretending the box office of superhero movies is what decides the future?
Ok Boomer
Maybe if I let her peg me she'll cheer up :)
>claims to have a "break down"
>manages to get a pic of it for social clout
>posts a sob story to get validation from internet likes
This is peak narcissism. I've had break down moments and the last thought is to publicise it on social media and get sympathy likes. People are fucked and so far up their ass.
You blame it on millenials, yes it's boomers who have allowed the zoomers youth to be so pampered with an unrealistic view of life.
Shut the fuck up, you are all retarded in equal measure. The only question is who is more prideful.
I'm 20, and i'm currently training to join the police because, one day, all the west will have to contain the clusterfuck you have caused with your laughable politics.
If you get caught in the cross fire, maybe something positive will come out of it.
>here, get a picture of me being sad
based EMJ poster
I think the word 'break down' is thrown around quite a bit.
I doubt she actually had a psychotic episode.
But Millenials aren't even the ones who are in power or capeable of influencing politics yet.
It's BOOMERS who have opens the flood gates of diversity.
And you supported it with your votes.
Hell, even the "right" is now saying
>damn, Islam is so based
and welcoming them in their own way.
It's as if they are inherent traitors.
So she's just whining. That's even worse.
>I wanna beat up blacks without repercussions.
It's boomers who have been bribed by people with money to let in immigrants so there can be cheaper labour so boomers can get more profits.
>And you supported it with your votes.
Now that is utter shit and you know it.
Not every fucking zoomer would vote for more immigrants. I sure as fuck didnt'.
Don't assume anything, its a bad trait to have boomer.
I would unironically take Islam over the globohomo shit you boomer faggots and jewish overlords have been pushing on us (even though it is bullshit)