Are there any realistic films or documentaries which involve something like a person with severe physical or mental disabilities, that keep them from working or having a social life, being able to become successful through hard work and/or luck? I'm looking for some motivational success stories because I'm somewhat of a failure.
Are there any realistic films or documentaries which involve something like a person with severe physical or mental...
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I looked in the mirror today and thought of Syd Barrett
>the wage gap.webm
The Revenant
Extension du Domaine de la Lutte
Very inspiring, you'll love it.
Man is God's magnum opus.
Do you even actually have any serious disabilities? Being mildly socially retarded or lazy are not medical problems.
This webm is the perfect video to show why feminism is retarded. The video shows, no matter how much adversity the man faces, he can overcome with sheer willpower alone, but also by training his body hard to overcome lifes walls and other obstacles that may be blocking his path. The female to the far right sees him slowly traverse the wall without any help from his comrades, even with him missing an arm and a leg and she cannot comprehend how he can do it. She sees it with her own eyes and cannot believe what she is seeing and looks to someone off camera and gives a disgusted reaction as if it's impossible, that he obviously cheated, that she could never do that without any help even with all her properly functioning limbs. This is obviously male privilege.
Holy fuck, fuck off redditor. You're no edgy or particularly insightful for typing out: "diversity is our strength" in a sarcastic manner.
I know women are useless besides giving birth just from common sense. Btw you're not fitting in. This is why I'll rule over people like you
Tits or GTFO
You guys have a movie rec or what?
What is literally happening here
The patriarchy.
movies about feigning victimhood?
>The video shows, no matter how much adversity the man faces, he can overcome with sheer willpower alone
Except when it comes to accepting responsibility and getting a gf
Ayy lmfao!
i would agree with this post, were it not for the fact that i know fat and useless hands wrote it. that man is an example of the greatness men can aspire to, but most men are not like him. i myself am nothing like him, and i am sure you are not either. similarly, there are women out there who are also examples of the ideal human female, but most women are not like them either
The Pursuit of Happyness
One of those military inspired obstacle courses.
Guy had his limbs blown off in the war but it won't stop him from competing, roasties think it's not fair because they were led to believe by cucks and feminists that they're equal to men.. which they're obviously not.
why didn't they just identify as males?
Its called happiness, esl user
Gone Girl
loving trannies completely dismantling feminism and the social justice movement by themselves
>he just had to walk up to his boss and give him a firm handshake and he got a movie and he was on oprah
is it that easy?
I ironically hope they're allowed to compete in the olympics.. and I'm a homophobe.
men are pigs
Bradley Cooper was in a movie about the guy who got his legs blown off in the Boston marathon.
And you're fat and ugly
I've been diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ptsd, ocd, and more by an M.D.. On top of that I have IBS, get migraines, and I'm far from conventionally physically attractive which I get why you might not consider serious but they're serious disabilities personally to me. If I could get paid to work a simple job that's within my abilities then I would. Until I find a suitable job, I'm going to keep living off of the small amounts of money I get from SSI every month. There's a lot of more details I've left out but I figured I should just give you a short summary.
You need hobbies dude. Shit posting and watching tv can't be the only ones.
what's that? She wants all the pork?
That's a pretty shitty hand you were dealt, I'm sorry. But at least your conditions are not severe enough to make you lose touch with reality, you still know what you're supposed to do in order to be a more functional member of society and that's good.
It's still up in the air (scientists can't agree) but you're only qualified if you have low test or you have snipped your balls off.
No, that movie is retarded propaganda for burgers
Pffft "scientists", if they've been contemplating whether they're really women or not, their opinions and credibility mean jackshit. This is now a battle of feels
And the liberals dictate what is scientifically valid. I imagine that with more screeching and stupid viral tweeting it should happen. Hey man if they're going to pan the camera away from the butts, what good is watching them compete anyway.
Might as well make it interesting and competitive. If they stupidly think they're equal, with officially sanctioned men (transexuals) vs. women events this whole insane notion will finally be put to rest.
Are you trying to say this person isn't a woman user?
Women obviously need to just train harder to compete with this new breed of women
If you were half as good looking as Syd you wouldn't be here
Yeah you're right, the television and media tells me it's supposed to be a woman.. so I guess I'll believe them.
If they tell me human shit is good for digestion, I'll eat it.
Gonna leave this thread now. Women hate threads make my blood boil and I get a fucking headache every time
How many X chromosomes does it have?
Based nigger tranny
absolutely based
Have children.
Honestly watch any feel good movie about women in sports because its obviously fantasy. Video related.
White men can't jump. But neither can women.
Why are there more and more common sense normal posts around here lately?
Is this place turning into re-ddit?
Another example that women suck at sports.
calm down cow, ill make your milkers leak !
wtf is going on there?
Temple Grandin
Women playing sports, she literalyl shot her own basket because women take the dummy route just as often as men, if not more since they dont have to try in this culture (other than looking pretty).
Neither team knows what they are doing.
>White team gets free throw-misses
>Blue team gets control of ball, shoots in their own hoop/goal
>White team gets control of ball, runs it back up to their own goal/hoop and shoots ball into their own goal, misses time runs out.
christ what a trainwreck
i get regular auditory hallucinations but i dont know whats actually wrong with me because i dont want to pay more for health insurance if i get diagnosed and theres soemthing seriously wrong with me. i do at least know something is wrong with me though, and the voices and sounds i hear aren't actually real, so i cant be schizophrenic
>what a trainwreck
Actually, those are motorcycles.
which ones the tranny?
>i get regular auditory hallucinations
I always hear weird noises when I'm napping, it's fucking scary
Nigga, this is Real Life, not Crash Bandicoot
Gonna give you a based
And you get a
Both blacks were trannies
See, even Sean Connery spotted the Tranny immediately.