Why was Pippi such a racist?

Why was Pippi such a racist?

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ron howard looking bitch

because black people are repellent.

they're always culturally appropriating her kind

Scandis are the most racist.

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why is Greta's tite little body so perfect

veganism is a blessing. No meat hormones to make 10yo lolis looking like 25yo thots. And Greta is 17yo.

Based. You can tell in her face as she looks at him that she realizes niggers reproduce out of control, shitting up the environment, consuming resources and contributing nothing in return.

Why does Greta look like she has conflicted feelings of both disgust and desire?

There is no desire on that face, user.
And I can prove. How every woman on the face of the earth looks at you in the same way and you still haven't sex?

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damn bros if it weren't for that goblin face and her being a political puppet she would be a real catch

>why is he allowed on the train

calm the fuck down janny

is that kevin hart?

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fuck off, incel

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She was lucky to get out of there without disease or injury.
They look as of they're about to start chimpin'

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brehs what was this archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/130353151/#130358457

ok i take it back she's kinda cute for a gobbo


tite hhhhnnnggg

a milking vid

She kinda looks like my Oblivion character I made back when I was 14.

Is it wrong if i want to wait until she's 18, marry and put a baby inside Greta?

did they ever collab before?


she went nuts at puberty because she was neglected and had severe anorexia
adolescent anorexics are a prize. miss their growth spurt so they remain tite little packages their whole life

kino theme song

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potato chan is so cute

In her home country, she is already above the legal age.

that actress end up doing porn, look it up.
(the reboot Pippi, not original)

repost it pl0x ;__;

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his face makes me laugh. like an alien is infront of him

Give me her stage name.

Greta is cute! Cute! I'm sexually attracted to Greta! Greta is legal where I live!

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I wonder how much gas she produces

tons, vegans can't help it
it's all the fiber they have to eat
and plant farts are 10 times as bad as meat ones

yuck as if it wasnt bad enough that was she geting a bit annoying now shes tainted by touching that whore

So you're saying that her life has both ups and Downs?

She wasn't racist, just racially aware

Bro shes pro eugenicism and racial hygine

She was basically superwoman. She had super strength, super intelligence and also super judgement. She knew.

the great debate

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naomi unironically looks like an alien

imagine the threesome

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Good parenting

>negros can't be cheerleaders

Was this necessary?

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>19 and 17 years old
>Both look 13

How is this allowed?

muh dick can only get so haaaard. If only all legal girls looked like sexy hebes


>sexy hebes
its still PEDO even if you change the words PEDO

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ahh. no it isn't. the definition clearly states pedo is prepubescent you dumb peasant

explains why he's smaller than Greta.


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you are still a pedo

were u range banned?

and you still have an iq under 100

Am i still banned??

are you?

pippi is literally a punk


ban evader pedo

american pippi was so lame.

that word has no power here you brainlet. we're anonymous. social slurs mean nothing. there's also no need to virtue signal. we get it. you're of such high moral calibre because you called someone a pedo. well done.

Always but im on brother's wifi now