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'e took a lit'l tumble down the catalog

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>OH N-

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Shadowfax. He is the lord of all weapons. And has been my friend through many dangers.

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>tfw X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X

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Wtf, he looks nothing like Sean Bean
2/10, shite art

The problem there is the Gollum hobbit

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I'm tired of this. All we've had is faggoty threads for 3 stinking days!

you leave him the fuck out of this!

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Saw this in concert last night, based experience made better by the memes floating through my head during.

Where there's a whip, there's a way.
Where there's a whip, there's a way.

Yeah! Why can't we have some memes?

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We don't wanna go to war today! But the Lord of the lash says, "nay nay nay!"

>shieldwalling while your archery takes care of the threat of the human too dangerous to dispatch in close combat
Are the Orcs the only ones to use actual fucking tactics in that world?

We haven’t had nothing to post in but Barneyfag threads for three stinking days

Boromir was incredible. No numenor blood or elvish bullshit.

>checked and cello pilled

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I don't know, Helm's Deep was actually well designed
>Fortress was carved into the mountain thus requiring only one front to defend
>Front door had a narrow bridge thus bottlenecking forces and making their numbers irrelevant

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was this a bonus scene or something

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He does have numenor blood, just not as much as Aragorn

>helms deep BTFO

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He was an absolute unit

He was a big guy

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Uruk-hai are so fucking cool, man. Any lorefags know how much liberty Peter Jackson took with depicting them as opposed to how they looked in the books?

He was a cheating motherfucker using black powder!

were headshots not activated or something? how big of a mistake was this

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>Yes, yes, well done, Saruman. Well done, HOWEVER...

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Did they build this guy fake traps? If they didn't holy shit man, this guy is fucking massive. I know they built some fake jaws and stuff to make the helms deep uruks look gnarlier.

What was his problem?

I can't remember if there was any actual difference in the books. Uruk-hai literally just means orc-kind, or something like that.

>almost hundreds of examples of Legolas taking down Orcs/Uruk-Hai with a single arrow
>can't even take down a single, unarmored Uruk-Hai when it actually matters, leading to the fortress being breached and hundreds dying
What the fuck Tolkein?

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Legolas chokes in big moments

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The ONE FUCKING TIME Legolas jobs. Seriously, its almost comical how ridiculous this asshole is on the battlefield. It almost became parody tier during Battle of The Five Armies. You could just see Aragorn lose his shit at him fumbling the ball

I think the biggest controversy is how they're actually made. Jackson went with the idea of the underground mud pits or whatever, but some people think it's a little more biological than that. Noteworthy to remember that at the end of TLOTR Books the orcs that are left get some land and all become farmers.

Lets be honest though bros, this was the ONE moment he COULDNT fuck up in and he did. Let's analyze:

He only had enough time to let off two arrows. One in each shoulder.

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In the book, it actually describes how Legolas is pissed off because he shot all his arrows and halfway through the fight he has to scrounge around in the dark for something to shoot with.

Though also he only had 1 knife as a melee weapon in the book and he wasn't some magical ninja who just tears through orcs like it's nothing.

Wouldn't it be funny if Aragorn never let him live it down?
>"Good work everyone. Especially you, Legolas. Thank god they didn't have torches and were barreling right at us in broad daylight"

>tfw when enemy's magical elf can't take down one orc resulting in massive casualties for said enemy

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was this an inside job?

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>Should of called in the real Lord of War

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Why didn't they just hang Legolas upside down from an eagle and let him kill everything all the way to Mordor?

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Name a better duo

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It's amazing how much they look alike.

Sam's giant mithril balls

he was my favorite character because I felt bad for him as a kid. he literally did nothing wrong. got the hot blonde in the end though

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