We need a gun for the bad guys but it needs to be better than an AK to show that these bad guys mean business

>we need a gun for the bad guys but it needs to be better than an AK to show that these bad guys mean business

Attached: g36c.jpg (1631x1152, 101.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>the bad guys need to look professional , an elite crew

Attached: file.png (900x800, 160.78K)

>we need to reinforce the big scary henchman’s intimidating size

Attached: 69603AE6-D618-4503-A8C0-E292E54E2B70.jpg (640x395, 33.04K)

i also play modern warfare call of duty

>the main protagonist opens a weapon crate and his face lights up in amazement but the camera doesn't yet show what's in the crate but it will be revealed when the main antagonist who is possibly trying to escape with a helicopter is about to be killed by the protagonist

Attached: rpg_7[1].jpg (600x300, 41.5K)

>we need a gun for the bad guys henchmen

Attached: ump.jpg (1551x740, 238.48K)

This gun does not instill fear, it's the ultimate try hard firstie weapon. Now pic related emits fear and dread. Old, rusty and dirty....new guns are shit

Attached: 1521589859233.jpg (2318x1991, 916.32K)

>HK P7.jpg

>We need a main villian's pistol that is sophisticated and enforces his germanic heritage

fuck that barrel is long

virgin plastic toy

>We need a gun to slot floppies.

Attached: FN-FAL_belgian.jpg (2000x465, 85.92K)

>we need a gun for the main villain

Attached: index.jpg (266x190, 5.07K)

>We need a "bad ass" looking shotgun, and we don't care if it's actually a complete piece of shit.

Attached: img_3447_7.jpg (900x600, 29.36K)

That’s a standard barrel

>it's 2045 and we need any gun

welcome to military spec m4s

>we need a gun for loli anime assassins

Attached: REbsfJY.jpg (1281x598, 257.34K)

>we need a gun for the islamic villain

Attached: tariq.jpg (1000x667, 73.4K)

it's a fucking rectangle with two holes in it, how do you even grab that thing

thumb the hole

>islamic villain
no need to be redundant user

That's not a shotgun Vincent, it's a bloody anti-aircraft gun!

( can't upload a picture so imagine a Xm8)

It's 2006 and we need to show it's 2020 where rising sea levels have caused gun to evolve into fish.

>We need something to contrast the age difference between the boomer due for retirement and his slick young detective partner

Attached: 2e0a051ba1cc70f932e54976e26eb49a.jpg (758x534, 41.63K)

Left hand thum and right hand trigger inger go in the oversized trigger guard. It is like double thumb stock. If you have big hands it is kind of cramped. Tried one with the goofy looking long barrel did not like it. That being said magpul bulpup was sexy as fuck. If it was produces I was going to get one just for the anime look.

Attached: Magpul_PDR_Sideview[1].png (530x264, 112.79K)

like this

Attached: Leon+Nikita.webm (576x320, 2.26M)

>we need a gun from the FUTURE

Attached: images - 2020-03-08T112646.254.jpg (679x452, 15.21K)

>Not we need a space gun for our future military and their intergalactic adventures

>clip doesn't even show how to hold it
Congrats on being the worst poster on this board.

retard & retardino

whats this one mean?

It is robots favorite gun.

>We need a gun where you're wondering did he shoot six shots or only five

Attached: bad_boy.jpg (900x554, 25.24K)

>we need a gun for the hero

Attached: 1527421636471.jpg (1600x981, 207K)

>also wondering if the victim is feeling lucky

its called a magazine not a clip retard

how accurate are these in real life, in games they can never hit shit farther away than 30 feet

Yeah, well, I wanna raise some pulses, don’t I?

what a weird thing to photoshop, why?
M4s have a 14.7 overall length barrel and only 1 grenade launcher cut.
No, its photoshop.


I don't know if they necissarily instill fear, but they've got a Hell of a lot more personality. All those scuffs and dents mean those guns were killing people since before you were born and will probably still be killing people long after you've shuffled off.

150m to hit stationary or very slow moving target the size of car. Above this it is a wishful thinking. Helicopter or moving tank? Forget it if you are not very close.

>We need a gun for clearing corridors and classrooms that's capable of putting down clustered groups of targets within a ten minute window

Attached: M4gery.jpg (792x584, 116.13K)

>we need a gun for the spoiled only child around the corner from you

Attached: 8084C4BD-E93C-4A0E-B3F6-3A23E66DA489.jpg (300x300, 10.05K)

>We need a space gun and P90s are starting to get pricey.

Attached: SG-1_LT_Carter_Special.jpg (732x435, 104.84K)

>we need a gun for the stealthy scene

Attached: HK-MP5SD-2.png (500x228, 75.09K)

>we need the worlds lone free nation

Attached: bazooka booom.png (1453x957, 2.5M)

You mean Mexican heroes

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>we need a gun for the good guys

Attached: MP_40_AYF_3.jpg (2550x1335, 875.51K)

>we need to be laughably dated in five years.

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I don't understand this trope. It's not common at all for a police officer to use a different gun than the one issued to him. My uncle is a boomer police officer and he uses a glock 22 like every other traffic cop in the department.

It's okay. Does the job as an unguided warhead. The funny thing is that the warhead has a pin, unlike many modern warheads. The ragheads doesn't quite get that point which brings endless videos of idiots falling or just tapping the head into shit followed by a big boom.

based, but still sidekick material imo

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>We need a gun for our Police Detective
>I’ll go get some Glocks sir-
>No no no, we need to show the audience our Detective isn’t just some regular grunt, he’s slick and a bit of a wildcard
>I’ve got just the thing, sir

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Why did he spin like a fuckjng looney tines character?

>We need a longsword

Attached: 1552311326024.jpg (450x246, 20.29K)

>we need to send a message

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If only.

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based + 1

Attached: lock her up.png (831x1064, 925.78K)

>TFW bought my first AR when I started working at a local gun range after I moved here
>Have only actually shot it once.

I honestly wish shooting at the range wasn't so expensive.

>we need to show how badass this character is without putting any more effort into characterization

Attached: tokyo-marui-aa12-74231.jpg (800x531, 41.33K)

No fun here, someone explain pls. I'm guessing he inherited some nono guns?

Many of those guns are worth tens of thousands of dollars each.The MP5 is a full auto, from before they banned full auto weapons, and so is extremely rare.