Hillary on Hulu

FUCK FUCK FUCK. I was so wrong about her. I wish she was President right now. We fucked up.

Attached: hillary-clinton-hulu-documentary.png (1600x1200, 1.16M)

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why does this exist

hope she dies soon

It exists because of money laundering. "Book deals". "tv deals". Thats how the Clintons are worth 100s of millions of dollaroonis. Just dont think about it user.

Because it turns out that Hulu subscribers hate ambassadors.

I voted for her. Wished she won

she's had people killed


and libyans in general

>all muh freaking out over her health and she's still doing fine
What are some kinos about cheap fearmongering?

Unironically based

>Because it turns out that Hulu subscribers hate ambassadors.
Why didn't this show get a full seasom/series? It was so comfy

Attached: 220px-Ambassadors_Cast.jpg (220x124, 13.96K)

>bernie drove me crazy
>nobody likes him
>i feel so bad people voted for him instead of me
what did she mean by this

amy klobuchar was unironically hillary without the baggage and she got 4% in the primary before dropping lol

*sigh* Somehow...

She looks like a wax doll. Her hair doesn't look right

what are some kinos about a political veteran and ruthless careerist getting outmaneuvered by a game show host?

Kill yourself user, its the only solution to not having hildawg as prasident

Why won't this bitch just shut the fuck up? She lost a major election for her party and created a schism that's still being felt in this very primary. Fuck off, cunt.

>Game show host
You mean successful entrepreneur and international hoyel chain owner

Hildawgs finally got a kino of our own
we made it bros

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It was her turn...


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> the thousand electoral college vote stare

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The stack of books really sells it, it's like a sequel to Idiocracy

Honestly, things wouldn't be that different if she were president. She would probably be spending a little more money of useless social programs and instead of all the political maneuvering and trade wars with China it would be Russia. I doubt all the fear from the right about open borders woud have come to pass. Deep down establishment candidates like her know you can't actually have no borders in the modern world. Our global standing would be better because people just see Trump as a goofy outsider. All in all, we probably dodged another generic presidency that would have ben defined more by her being the first woman president than any real accomplishments.


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>HILLARY: Welcome to Costco, I love you Welcome to Costco, I love you Welcome to Costco, I love you

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this level of hubris is astounding

WTF, I was referring to that one guy Hillary killed (not that one, the other one); Hulu and Netflix approve so many projects that there is almost certainly a streaming show which fits your dartboarded idea.

>I voted for her.
imagine voting for a woman

If you unironically voted for her you're as mentally stunted as the same people who voted for Trump.


a woman president?! please fuck off

Worse than people who preemptively tattoo super bowl victories on themselves.

the true retards supported bernie

Attached: pete-davidson-hillary-clinton.jpg (640x1086, 100.4K)

My cousin was pic related all election. He is still seething and saying she is president


Jesus christ

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Right before election establishment stopped payments and shipments to al Qaeda though. Pretty sure migrant crisis 2.0 would be going on now.

Thick ankled dogface

She'll be in good company

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I hope Pete Davidson dies soon

I can't make heads or tails of this guy.
He's such a dumb ugly beta goblin, but he's successful professionally and with women.

what the fuck is that suppose to be?

>a grown ass man got this tattoo

I could maybe see a woman doing it but really?

she fucking won bro

and was denied her rightful place

vox populi

Because the plan has always been to nominate her again during a brokered convention. It’s why she’s been ramping up tv appearances and why this documentary just happened to release now

Hillary would have led the US into war, and not challenging China just lets them take over the world.

If she had won, she would be president now. You don't get to change the rules after the fact.

>we probably dodged another generic presidency that would have ben defined more by her being the first woman president than any real accomplishments.
That's a refreshingly realistic take. I'm glad things got shaken up a bit with Trump, but Hillary wouldn't have been the end of the world.

He’s Jewish

>successful with women
>multiple failed relationships
He gets girlfriends because women see he's dated hot chicks before, and thus think "wow he must have some value for a woman that hot to date him." Then they date him, realize he's garbage, and leave him. Then another girl sees him and says "oh he dated two hot girls, he must have some value" and the cycle continues. Literally, back in school, all you had do was either convince one hot, popular girl to go out with you, or start a rumor that you were going out with her, and other girls would flock to you. Shit doesn't change when you become an adult, hence why so many women chase after married men.
>successful professionally
He has a career that's dead ended on SNL, and not during a very popular time in SNL history.

So is Jonah Hill, why isn't he dating Kate Beckensale-tier women?


We would have had more military engagements for sure if she got in.

This. So much this.

Have you got the "diverse" pepe gang?

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Women can't run a country

No body was interesting in her book.

no one honestly thinks this.

can I get a link

Women shouldn't be taken seriously.

her husband had vince foster killed, she knew about it
believe nothing that comes from this cunts mouth

Not even a sexist or anything, but women should never be allowed to lead nations. If your country is led by a woman, I feel sorry for you.