I know this movie has its ups and downs but these 3mins are pure Supes & Batman kino. Probably the best representation of superman from any movie of his true strength. A little CGI heavy, sure but better than the Avengers
Holy based
>holy based
that clip was super cringe
>Batman firing a laser gun and smiling like an idiot when deus ex Superman arrives
>it’s kino guys!!!
"I don't NOT like you"
Haha who else lol for real in the kinoplex?
The Whedonization ruins it so much
You can feel it out of every pore
Eh..he fixed Synders mess actually
He literally just refilmed already shot scenes in reshoots and added quips.
And that's why it's better :)
I still think the best parts of the film were the Superman and Flash banter.
Between the ending scenes and the fight scene after they resurrect Supes
Its all fucking over the place.
it would have been better to just hire him from the start
>im an aspie that likes this scene from this shit movie
>HA this franchise sure is better than that other franchise
fucking faggot consoomer
Faggot you show me anywhere in that movie Superman and Batman shaking hands, that’s the real kino that snydcuck and wheadcuck fucked up
This is the best scene
affleck is moving like he's physically uncomfortable and that SHIT smoke VFX, holy shit how the fuck did this movie leave the editing room.
no way dude
No cigar my dude.
This is the best
Cavill is the best Superman, how are they recasting him
Stupid movie but the battles have more presence then those weightless MCU pantomimes.
I don't understand how can anyone unironically watch capeshit, this is fucking atrocious.
>Man of Steel good
>BvS good (critics are jews remember)
>JL bad
these things are all alike except for JL being directed by fucking Whedon of all people. It's no surprise the movie is so brightly lit and looks like his typically Sunday morning tv trash.
Looks like it's a CGI model of him
Yeah just look at how much presence that fake cgi hand has,,,
DCucks are fucking retard
I'm sorry you've been filtered, probably because of rudeness, try again but be polite this time.
Man of steel was shit
BVS director cut was ok
Literally the worst capeshit film ever made
Everything about this scene is cheap, boring and uninspired. They couldn't even get it right from a single page FUCK I hate WB so much.
It could have been good but it just missed the mark for me.
They even had to ruin it more by bringing up that "brunch" gag again (which was a Whedonism btw).
That's a hot take, most people prefer MoS but I prefer BvS and the director's cut is the only way to watch it.
Flash is older in the comics. Ezra flash is basically a teenager so still a dipshit and no idea what his limits are.
Zack Snyder is God.
the scary thing is its not even the worst ever and they actively were trying to make it awful
Yes, but it doesn't mean that JL Ezra flash isn't total dogshit, which he is.
I didn't see what was so bad about it aside from a few Whedon cringes.
this looks like absolute garbage I'm glad I never watched it
you're all just joking, right?
What TV show is this from
Why does he always look so fucking smug the smary cunt?
>tfw your Mom says you can't bring your Naruto headband to school that day
He's so gay he can't stop it from reflecting on the character, I didn't know Flash was supposed to be gay.
They're going to try and sell him as a straight guy and it's gonna be hilarious.
>cgi neck
Bro the entire thing is CGI.
yeah you laugh now, but I guess you don't remember 2016 when he bulked for Flash for the first time and everyone shit their pants when these photos appeared.
Yeah but meanwhile, in 2020...
I would unironically have gay sex with Ezra, naked full-body contact. Damn he's hot.
no homo.
Cast him as Griffith.
What the hell is this lmao.
he's so relentlessly handsome
you are not alone
Wtf? Who the fuck are these people? POOS? this batman's voice is realistic.
It's no worse than Bales. But there is no reason Batman should not use a voice modulator. Trying to mask your own voice is kind of retarded.
>But there is no reason Batman should not use a voice modulator. Trying to mask your own voice is kind of retarded.
Based retard
>don't avail yourself of technology
based luddite
>batman not availing himself of technology
I like what they were going for, but it looks like shit, the writing is bad, and Batman is just standing there shooting things. Not good, user.
he’s just so sexual all the time, I bet he’s a nympho
This thread is a false-flag by scared marvel shills who know the Snyder cut is coming so they're attempting to discredit the cut before it comes out
Don't fall for it.
What's funny about this is that, even if Flash wins he is still a redundant hero if Superman is that fast AND super strong, etc.
Whedon cut was complete cringe. But this was kino