The absolute STATE of this nigga lmfao

The absolute STATE of this nigga lmfao

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>Fucks a vampire on tape and becomes a Sex Slave next episode
Yep, you will not get this in japanimation. The US has won.

What are the chances that vampire mommy will betray her sisters and elope with this nigga?

But how does this affect Fight Club?

0, since he'll kill them all

wtf is castlevania back?

Around 1%

Well at least he got some pussy unlike you user

I calling it that the whole episode with our based nihilist nigga Isaac and the wizard is foreshadowing for him breaking that ring and absolutely destroying that annoying vampire cat lady.

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>want a vampire anime based on a vidya franchise
>get gay porn
Netflix in a nutshell

>not gay

Vampires are always sexual degenerates, who gives a shit

I dont understand why the writers have such a rape boner with our guy

At least he didn't get the dick up his ass... yet.

are zoomers really this dumb?

The sad part is that now I can really see them doing that

/ournigger/ Isaac is gay but he's still pretty based

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It's a female thing, just go to reddit/tumblr/twitter and see what women fantasize about. They are obsessed with gay male fantasy.

Give a example ? Because vampires were hypnochad fucking women last time checked
Nope. Monsters and killers ? Yes. See above.

I fail to see how gay rape porn fit into a anime based on vampire hunting. Enlighten me.

>t. Zoomer
Yes, you’re obviously are. Not that anyone expected anything in the first place.

>go to reddit
A disturbing notion in its own right

>v-vampires have always been gay!
Stfu, all this shit happens because Konami doesn't give a shit about their franchises and just wants the money. Nintendo would never allow for Link to be assfucked in an adaptation, because despite being turbo jews but at least they care about what people do with their shit.
I frankly don't care if the characters are gay but it's just the icing on the shitcake that is this series, it's just taking the piss of the games' fans.

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So what happens to Hector? Did he finally get his balls back? Or is he still Carmilla's submissive servant?

I'm probably the oldest person in the thread, but nice try bud

Imagine being a Castlefagia fan RIGHT NOW

>Or is he still Carmilla's submissive servant?
changed owners

>I frankly don't care if the characters are gay
That's literally all you care about, stop pretending that it's anything else.

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What, you think being 19 is old ?

He gets turned into a literal sex slave by one of Carmillas galpals

He succumbs to vampire pussy and gets magically enslaved to Carmilla's sister while fucking her.

I actually think that the sister has some sort of feelings for him and will end up saving him or some shit.

>turned into a literal sex slave by one of Carmillas galpals
haha oohhhhhhhhhhh maaaaaan haha wouldn't that be just the worst thing ever oh wow haha

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I hope you're ready for next season when Isaac springs Hector loose, only for them to start fucking each other, because they won't know any other way to develop their relationship.

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No retard, I've been talking shit about this series for a year now, the gay stuff is just the lamest addition to the shitpile.

I'm 37

>wanting some gross undead cat lady to own you
Ok fag

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Not him, but Carmilla was first popular vampire story (way before Dracula) and one of the most notable things about her were that she was a lesbo.

Okay, user.

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I'm not even mad that Alucard is gay, I'm mad that he takes it up the ass. If he was the one doing the ass fucking I wouldn't mind so much.


Hectors been a dumb retard the entire show.
He still is, but at least now he's part of something based.

Is there a synopsis where I can read what happens in S3? I don't want to waste time watching through how many ever episodes S3 has. I watched S1 and S2 months ago and didn't enjoy it. I don't want to spend anymore time watching it but I want to know just how much they butchered the characters.

Honestly, I don't mind Alucard being gay/bi/whatever. Vamps are degenerates. They're always shown being open to any kind of sex. But Hector is a character I liked from a game I enjoyed. I hate seeing how he's turned out, completely emasculated like that.

Hector's life was shit in the games, too

>this degenerate studio have the rights of DMC animated series

I am afraid, bros...

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>lesbian vampires treating people like they're dogs or cows
pick one retard

Alucard has a bisexual threesome with jap twins, they betray him, he impales them. Trevor and Sypha go on a dumb Scooby Doo adventure with Germaine who goes through a portal. Isaac takes his undead army to Carmilla's castle. Carmillia and her three feminazi vampire partners conspire to conquer Austria. One of her partners gets Hector's loyalty by femdomming him.

>”As you can see, this is a gaystation black dick. Cock number one contains coomer data, so please don’t suck it. But you probably won’t listen to me anyway, will you?”

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Just watch the last episode, it has a kino fight scene and pretty much all of the character development happens in it. Hector is pretty defiant throughout the whole thing, tries to kill vamp mommy the first time they meet. He's locked up in Carmilla's dungeon and vamp mommy plays the sympathetic one giving him food and such. Tricks him into swearing loyalty to her while they're fucking and she puts a magical ring on him that turns him into her slave.

It's going to be fucking kino when Hector inevitably snaps

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we see that she can be straight forward, I think she's honest about him being a pet, and she deeply cares for her human like any childless 30-ish woman cares for her woofer

Isaac fucks around for the whole season killing people because they dont want actually demonic entities in their town
Trevor and Sypha help some Frenchman and a pedo kill satanists
And Hector is treated like a menopause ridden bitche's dog

>Alucard has a bisexual threesome with jap twins
who do you think brought up the idea? Sure, they could've had discussions about killing him without it being awkward, but who was the one to suggest "And in order to kill him, we should seduce him into a threesome. You in?"

>gets to be a sex slave for a vamper empress and live in an earthly paradise

I would literally KILL to be in his position.

Why do you stupid fucking fags come to tv to talk about cartoons? How fucking retarded are you all?

DMC fags have possibility to have their franchise even more butchered than us. Why?
Trannies are already trying to claim that Dante is gay because he didn't hook up with either Trish or Lady for all those years.
Vergil's fall to Moondust basically begs for rape story to happen.
Both brothers are going to get IT as such.

Correct. Fujos not welcome.

>I hate discussion about a television show! let's get back to real discussion. sneed.


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>My twitter thread died FOR THIS?!!?!

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>woman fucking man

I'd say 60% other 40% is Hector through sheer autism and studying finds a way to reverse the ring and enslave vamp mommy instead.