>wake up
>you are now Nacho
What do?
>wake up
>you are now Nacho
What do?
Fuck my two gfs. Have a nice meal with my dad later and then bully Saul
fuck my two gfs
do some of that 98% pure coco all day long
Introduce autistic gf to LEGO brand building blocks
Throw out that cracked out asian hooker, fucking took a pair of scissors to my remote controller.
Pour some cheese over my head cause I'm a nacho! LMAO
is that ben shapiro
Cover myself in chilli and melted cheese
Better call Saul and ask him what the definition of insanity is
Change my surname to cheese
Is this the villian from farcry 3?
start over in malaysia with my two sweet gfs, obviously
Use my loco skills to broke into Saul and Kim's house. Sniff panties, cum all over her heels
go back to Mexico
Why does he have an autistic gf?
Ask Brie to be my gf.
Try to find Jason before he is stabbed in the heart by my psycho topless sister
Drive straight to the dea and start ratting, pray for witness protection
shes a meth/coke head
>not business
Fuck sake
epic and upvoted!
feel demaaculated by the mere presence of Lalo
have sex
one is autistic tho
Non joke answer?
Try and figure out a way to kill Gus. Maybe just go to Pollo Loco and kill him then get out of dodge.
I don't see the problem
Who the fuck is Gus, retart?
Gus to en conocerte :D
Yo Gus to Tom bien
Cook Turkey Dinosaurs with my autistic asian gf
Dip out
Hello Hank
cry tears of joy at finally not being a fat fuck
call rocco siffredi and ask him if there's any work
The better question is why dont you have one?
Get a mohawk
Go to a tropical island
It was worth it.
It's Nacho business
fuck you
contemplate the definition of insanity
Say the n-word
Coagulate immediately.
eat myself
realize it's nacho life
Eat nachos
>implying you wouldn't fight for orphans
Throat fuck my asian crackhead gf
never gonna make it
Kill my dad so scumbags stop using him against me.
>not momma
>not boyfriend
400 IQ move
>not concern
Watch Breaking Bad season 1
Become concerned.
Move to California
Fuck my 2 gfs
Walk into stores and steal shit under $900
Walk out like a boss with my free shit
seriously though Lalo just mogs everyone in every scene, how does he do it
one of the perks of being the only real Mexican in the show
Mexicans are the real Chads.