Should we be making more of an effort to try and make this site more appealing to PoCs...

Should we be making more of an effort to try and make this site more appealing to PoCs, particularly the black community?

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Why do these people have any form of influence? They are certifiable insane and always turn out to be legit molesters/abusers/whatever

Why would a dev or producer listen to them?

I thought neogaf was run by trannies, not niggers
Or is that just the videogames part?

I don't understand how people can see this shit, think it's completely normal, and keep posting on their retarded forum.

because they enable authority

Devs are themselves insane molesters

I assume its a game. How long can you post until you accidentally wrong think and get banned

>because they enable authority
with what? mean internet comments? for every snowflake offended there are a 100 saying fuck that faggot

making europe a white only nation is the only hope

No people there actually believe their bullshit.

>this isn't racist
>this is in fact racist

the squeaky wheel gets the grease

why do americans always want to force their culture and morals on other cultures?

no OP you should be a virtue signaling autist who makes bait threads like this one

No. Niggers belong in prison, not on Yas Forums.

Europe, that's like a country in Germany right?

They legit think they are enlightened. Modern California is like a massive cult.

I don't know about resetera, but I regularly post on somethingawful
I just stay away from anything political (because you get banned if you dare to not be a communist) but it still has good videogame discussion

You have two seconds to explain why Hitler did literally anything wrong.

because they're part of the current cultural power, it goes beyond just resetera freaks

Because they can use them as a scapegoat to deflect legit criticism. Ghostbusters (2016) writ large.

>diet racism.
WTF does this even mean.

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We're cooloonialists.

He lost.

>this nigga pays $10.00 USD + mangosteen fees to discuss videogames

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A friend paid for the account actually, but even if he hadn't, 10 bucks for more than a decade of posting seems fine
>mangosteen fees
I don't know what that means

He didnt lose his words and actions are louder than ever before reaching more and more people

(Robert Storms voice)
THE ONLY GOOD n-n-nigger IS A DEAD NIGGER amirite Yas Forumsbros

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do actual niggers care about this at all or is it just wipipo doing this to get good boy points?

It's not a Yas Forums thread but then a janitor isn't a proper mod either. That's why they're called janitors.

>I don't know what that means
It's what Lowtax eats to give him the energy to hunt down his runaway wife and daughter.

>do actual niggers care
Someone post the webm of DMX being confounded by a computer
Clearly you're far more invested in SA than me

only tumblr-tier black "goddesses" care about this crap

SA is beyond dead and communism is the least of their problems when the mods fucking knew

>I don't know what that means
post about mangosteen anyway, you'll be part of the inner circle immediately
always the same with mods though, only the weirdest most autistic assholes want to do it

yeh good luck with that siegfried

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>racism isn't a thing in Europe
Don't know about that, but when leftist swines tried to set up shop here ready to preach about anti-racism and diversity, their offices burned down. Weird.
I guess that happens when your workforce are mainly stoner cocksuckers.

>Looks at number of current neo-nazis vs. actual German army around Molotov–Ribbentrop pact.
Nice trade.

I don't give a shit, it could have 10 posters left for all I care, as long as I can discuss my vidya there
Why is everyone so incredibly interested in how well SA is doing?
Who could possibly care enough to be part of the inner circle?

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Devs go there because it is a massive safe space. You don't go to Yas Forums to shill when entire community will shit on you and your production team, unless you have something really strong on your hands like DMC5.

no, but they will 100% hop onto ANY criticism of whites regardless of the validity of the complaint.

just sprinkle it with weebdust and Yas Forums will love it

Resetera mods are notorious for banning people randomly without a reason, just to keep community on edge.
They also have half a year check period for new members, if I remember it correctly.

no there are no niggers on that site
its just incels with too much time pretending to be niggers and then complaining about everything to try and get leftists banned

>Europe is a nation
Time to kill yourself germanoid bootlicker.

Isn't that what they did to Altered Carbon S2? How'd that work out?

This entire shit stems from Germany, you are just not aware of that, and Americans make a spectacle out of everything.

It'll more likely be shut down than reduced to 10 people.

He was a diversity loving socialist.

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>Glad you guys got heard. Looking forward to an asian summit if that ever happens. I remember reading the most racist post on Era I ever saw when a guy did a "flied lice", "rike rike" type asian speak parody and was only banned for like 3 days. Hopefully that type of thing goes away in the future.
unironically where is the chink summit, what are they scared of corona?

So dead = not dead yet but close to dead for an arbitrary definition of close

>namedrop SA
>duuuh why are people talking about SA?

>say it's perfectly possible to post there and not give a shit
>duuuuuh but it's shit and here's why

it needs to be repeated that burgers have lost their collective marbles, at least in the major cities

They did that to half of first season of Altered Carbon. I have never seen a series to die so fast.

Goons never change do they?

>Resetera mods are notorious for banning people randomly without a reason, just to keep community on edge.
Based Stalin emulators/just regular abusers desu/people who read that punishment is more effective if random

>why yes, I pay communist faggots who work for the CIA to pick my words carefully around

Many, many videogame developers at major studios are ReserEra members. When you see a videogame going full SJW, you can partially blame Era for enabling it.

Lol leftists are so fucking embarrassing imagine being THIS sensitive.
It makes sense though, leftist thought cannot persist in an uncensored space so they have to clamp down on any wrongthink as soon as possible.

>white commies are bootlicking muh People of Color™ again

Lol, how did that work out for you last time, cumrades?

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moot gave mad thad's posts directly to the FBI

Litertaky no one who advocates 1488 looks like that faggot
We have a full program built to turn you from a neckbeard to this. Working out makes you far right!

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The most unintentionally funny thing I've read of late was that mods there were actually getting 'burned out' from banning people and had to take a break and/or quit.

And then it turns out the nazis actually are the only ones who are okay with his edgy humor and society has a panic over how modern nazis are some super intelligent conversion operatives with immense IT skills, corrupting the youth.
No, nigger, you’re just shitting on random people and calling them nazis, driving them away for any minor slight. After years of that bullshit why would they fear the nazi label? If nazis are the only people who are friendly and accept people you’ve made them the sane safe harbor.

The very people who make comics like these are the engine of online recruitment.

No such thing as a neo-nazi. The ideal hasn’t changed

Really nothing based about being a kike
You’re not from here are you?

hitler was a socialist

Literaly no one who advocates 1488 period, you irrelevant faggot.

They’re existential cucks. Their politics will simply mimic their fetishes