Now that Yas Forums has lost interest, can we agree that The Big Bang Theory was actually classic comedy kino...

Now that Yas Forums has lost interest, can we agree that The Big Bang Theory was actually classic comedy kino, Kaley Cuoco has a fine ass and Melissa Rauch has excellent tits?

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Agreed on the last two points but not the first.

First season was okay.

No one actually watched and liked this show, it was always background noise for boomers

so when does someone start to post pictures of the thots?

It was kind of interesting at the start, especially when they had that nerd girl whos personality was much more suited to leonards but wasnt as hot as penny.

Then they went full normy and everyone got girlfriends, even the literal autismo who had no concept of social boundaries.

At least the friends cast was class enough to fight for the same salary for the main cast.

TBBT went full jew and was every man for themself.

The first two or three seasons were good.

>Then they went full normy and everyone got girlfriends
Yeah the show dropped hard at that point.

True, it was actually a comedy about nerds with in-jokes for them for a while. Sheldon was nowhere near as autistic in that first season. Then around season 3 it just turned into Friends-Lite



>The Big Bang Theory was actually classic comedy kino
really, nigga?

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the show was already mediocre/ok/comfykino but the last couple of seasons are straight up bad

>Although they are not expected to get it, four-time Emmy-nominee Bialik and Rauch's five colleagues each took a $100,000 per episode pay cut (they'll be making $900,000 an episode) in a show of support. Sources say that Rauch and Bialik are likely to score more than $425,000 per episode, up from the $175,000 they negotiated three years ago.

lmao they still arent even close to being on the same level


I actually used to watch this show unironically for the first 3 - 4 seasons, i think season 4 was when the autist jewess came into it. took a sharp decline from theron out.

>Melissa Rauch
Is it just me or does she completely mog the shit out of penny

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I suppose they though the money they'd freed up by taking cuts would go to the two actors. Instead the greedy producers just kept it.

>At least the friends cast was class enough to fight for the same salary for the main cast.
A hot dinner by episode?

First couple or at least the first four of seasons were OK, some good jokes, some bad ones. Then the show gradually became about a bunch of gals and their immature nerdy boyfriends, and they don't actually do anything remotely geeky at all anymore, they were naming pop culture things and various science related things that you could read about on Buzzfeed. Agreed that Leslie Winkle was a much more interesting character but they had to wipe her out to not cloud Penny's character.

I want to fuck her so bad.

they all got 900k per episode in the end.. all the 7 stars of the show because of that self-salary cut

>(prior it was 5 of the got 1m + the other 2 only 400k)

2007 was Kaley Cuoco's peak. It was only downhill from there.

The first 2-3 seasons were good, but it got stale real fast. Then they just turned it into a lame relationship-centric comedy with occasionally sci-fi/capeshit namedrops sprinkled in

so you're telling me her jewish genes irl mog that wasp girl's beauty?

It's blackface for nerds. The only people who like it are turbo normies.

literally always the case


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the only kino was the unaired pilot which had more depth and character development within a single episode than the entire fucking show

Penny was really hot but then she cut her hair short. Many such cases.

did YOU know that Yas Forums has an influence in general public opinion?

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>now that Yas Forums has lost interest
When did they ever have interest in TBBT?

This, the first few seasons were unironically funny in a quirky way.

The blonde bitch was a bit to mean, but other than that way better.

>Sheldon being horny for big butts
A way better horny looser than this jew they ended up.

>*knock knock* penny
>makes enough money to never work again

I'm sick of clown world and I want out

>Reddit Bang Theory

>Yas Forums don't know TBBT was a straight ripoff from belorussian kino


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The pilot was just Two and a Hal men with smart characters, it was very bad and I'm glad they changed it.

>Red Letter Media's Mike Stoklasa and his earlier attempts at Internet fame and moviemaking.

Its the nickleback of tv shows, mass hate for no real reason, but its not as bad as portrayed. If I had to be locked in a cabin for two months and the only source of entertainment allowed was all the seasons of this shows, and some pot I wouldn't hate my life.

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Their Penny is terrible.

Funnily enough last year I was on an island in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland for 2 months, and the only thing I watched every day was BBT and that Goldbergs show.

How did you feel at the end? Like yourcan never watch another episode of BBT, or it wasnt as bad as Yas Forums makes it? Goldbergs is good, the older sister is hot as fuck, and apparently not some whore irl.

>If you call them, they will come
Dance for my amusement.

>It had nerds in it, so it MUST be a ripoff of our shitty eastern european media
Nigger, fuck off. That looks to have been a straight ripoff of Revenge Of The Nerds.
Why our euros like this? Why are they all such garbage humans?

>Laugh track
>Bazinga faggot
>Comedy kino
Not a fucking chance

Thats still doesnt make me hate the damn show, sorry im not a sheep, and inly think what everyone else thinks. Is it the best show ever? No, but it is not bad if there is nothing else to watch, and rather watch BBT over other shows.

>if there is nothing else to watch
Are you fucking 50 years old


You know, brooklyn 99 has the same style of puns at time, but the lack of a laughing track and knowing when to stop is what keeps things from becoming ridiculous. And the laugh track makes me annoyed that they're forcing me to laugh. Like Sometimes a joke hits less good because I'm not in a super laughy mood and it makes me feel even worse because they expect me to laugh. Rant over

You are a sheep, a reddit sheep

I wasn't even aware it was suppose to be comedy. Whenever I've had the unfortunate of catching a second or two of it on tv I never even cracked the samllest of grins.

No im 31, I just saying if BBT was all I had to watch it would not be the worst thing. I can think of many other things to be forced to watch. I stand by this show is just hated because its the cool thing to do, not that its as bad as its portrayed. Id give it a 5/10.

haha how am I a sheep when I can make my own mind up? Pretty sure reddit hates this show, thus making you the reddit fag of the day.

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>I stand by this show is just hated because its the cool thing to do
Fucking everyone who isn't on Yas Forums loves it though
And literally 0 of the jokes are funny

>I can make my own mind up?

by determining how "reddit" shit is? fuck off

Brooklyn 99 is legit funny

a dollar?

>We all think the same and enforce groupthink rabidly
>Everyone who doesn't do this is the NPC sheeple
The absolute state of Yas Forumstards

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I need more of her for research

I can't remember if it's rose tinted glasses or not, but I remember the first episode or so being actually very interesting.

>That scene at the sperm bank where Leonard casually solves the lady's crossword puzzle for her

If there wasn't such an obnoxious laugh track, and if the lady hadn't overreacted, the scene would actually be pretty Good Will Hunting tier. It would be a semi-comedy drama about two broke, super genius undergrads, struggling to find their way in the cold, unforgiving world of New York and academia, where they learn that despite their incredible intellectual gifts, the world often does not give a shit about their intelligence and will often shit all over them and people will take advantage of them for it; from muggers, neighbors, and love interests, to fellow scholars and professors.

If the show was presented more as a drama, and it was about Leonard trying to wrangle Sheldon, the way George tries to wrangle Lenny in Of Mice And Men, then the show would have been super fucking kino.

Later in the season, one of the main points of conflict could be Leonard struggling between bettering HIS life, or sacrificing his happiness in order to keep Sheldon from going astray.

Who said I was laughing, nigger?
Haha, you're literally a reddit fag, because your getting all bent out of shape because im not following your hive thought and think this show is utter shit. Redditors hate individual thinking.

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First few seasons are pretty comfy. The show kinda nosedives off a cliff once that nerd girlfriend of Sheldon arrives. It still has its moments when the guys are doing nerdy stuff by themselves, otherwise its boring relationshit for normies.

the big bang theory was actually freakishly soulless and unfunny. It had the hue of something created in a lab by psychologists mean to appeal to the lowest common denominator

>Who said I was laughing, nigger?
Why watch a comedy then, double nigger?

Retard, it's the other way around.

no one knows what that means you sound like an undereducated unemployed urban youth

her voice in real life mogs her voice on the show
is it just me?

I recently rewatched the 1st season with my normie parents and noticed this as well. Not to mention they often were the butt of a joke or heck even violence as in I think the first episode or pilot where her Ex BF literally beats them up.


Oh, so eastern european kino actually was ripped off by Revenge Of The Nerds?
Again, why are Euros such garbage drones. Particularly Eastern Euros. Massive chips on their shoulders and they're just dying to tell you how THEIR guy did it first, whatever it actually was. Must be true, they learned it in their commie history classes.

Listen here you triple nignog, because my stating that if its all I had to watch I wouldn't hate it. If I had to be locked up in my apartment becasue of the Corona Virus to make it relevant and all I had was this show it would be a lot better then some other shows out there.

>Oh, so eastern european kino actually was ripped off by Revenge Of The Nerds?
Jesus Christ, you're dumb.

Watching a turned-off TV is better than TBBT
The show actively destroys any contentment you might have