Why the fuck is Yas Forums included in this Pic, we aren't incel...
They wronged us, yall
Why the fuck is Yas Forums included in this Pic, we aren't incel
you made it now fuck off
Why would anyone take seriously something crapped out like this by a femoid
for me? 25% mall ninja 25% wolfaboo 25% weeb and 25% incel
The most savage things said about neckbeards are said here. Outsiders just have generic lol nerds humor and it’s retarded as ever.
this entire shit chart just made a list of memes made by Yas Forums.
None of those are either very wholesome or innocent, except the "Goodboy"
What a dumb fucking chart. Webcomic creators are retarded. Always.
i like the OP picture now wow its so accurate and witty
>neckbeard chart
>most of the characters lack a neckbeard
Somewhere between mall ninja and goodboy
How are Innocent vs Wholesome and Deranged vs Lost His Mind different axes from each other? imo especially the later.
t. Seething Neckbeards
Literally none of them have beards of any kind
Stubble is not a beard
where my based blackedposter hapa incels @????????
there needs to be a square for lovers of these fine lasses
women need to be beaten
>All women must die because my toes are too far apart!
This except unironically
have you shown your post history to your mother??? is she proud of you???????
>bronies are here
>weebs are here
>but no furries
Ask me how I know that author of this picture is at the very least a closeted furfag.
This but ironically
Iam both a brony and a furry and i fap to toddlercon stuff since ive been 13
Its very hard for me to find good porn nowadays
Wtf 4channel incel bros we got exposed
Who else /epicGamer/ here?
>but no furries
I'm pretty sure the wolfaboo is supposed to be a furry. Also aren't bronies like a subgroup of furries?
Kek Yas Forums one is really on the point.
100% goodboy here
This, the retard who made this makes the whole comic not even make sense. Like a whiteknight, for example, isn't a fat neckbeard. They're usually faggot soiboys.
Based, fuck women and everything they stand for.And fuck the simps that give them value too.
33% wolfaboo, 33% epic gamer, 33% incel (just the mein kampf part, not the all women must die part). Yes my dad is a history teacher, so what?
Can someone explain to me wolfaboo? Does he just like epic and fantasy?
I'm going to start using speakn't
the revelation of the soi creatures in our midst really should have changed some of these stereotypes
I'm literally all of those.
wait weebs are Yas Forums.
Incels write with their own name in reddit and twitter.
>retards who still think "weeaboo" means "anime fan"
Words have no meaning anymore, all hope is lost.
I'm a combination of Gamer and Incel
>Japanese text from google translate
Notice how in the original the bottom right part talks about the jaw, not the toes. I guess the original made too much sense and they needed to strawman it up further. Also the "epic gamer" thing isn't even real.
We are the most depraved people in the world though. And I am pretty sure I've lost my mind
The original was clearly made by someone who actually knew neckbeards, the remake was made by someone who saw the original on funnyjunk and wanted to tweak it into a strawman.
>no coomer
>no furries
out of touch as fuck. Most of it doesn't even make sense
listen man, holding onto the real definition is futile by now
face it, we are weebs now
>retards who reply to everyone
Just kys
Weeb, Brony and Goodboy all come from here, funnily enough incel was created by a woman in the late 90s.
my mother is a stupid whore who deserves to die
who cares what she thinks?
I haven't seen her in ten years
didn't ask
what the cuck incel altright tranny coomer said
you can use a script if youre a real chad to mass reply to everyone
Every incel says they hate their mother, almost as if theres a pattern