White boy tricks muslims so he can monoplised a galaxy wide narchotic


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was he white? his dad had "olive skin" and "black hair"

So do most whites

I’ve never seen a white man with black hair and olive skin is brown

Saying olive skin is another way of saying bronze skin, It mean a well tanned white person. I have never heard someone look a black person and say olive skin lol

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if your skin looks olive you probably have hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Nice bait you dense. Everyone know olive skin means white but not pale.

They were Greek
Maybe in America lol

>well tanned white person

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It's almost like Dune is overrated as fuck and Heinlein was the best sci-fi author out there.

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Duke leto had grey eyes. If you mean Achaean when you say Greek then sure.

Greeks are white, Yas Forums


>White boy tricks muslims

So the same as Islam then because there is no way Muhammad was Arab with that long Ginger beard of his

What's there even to read after Stranger in a Strange Land, Starship Troopers (which back third fucking sucks), and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?

In the book they mention the families greek ancestry

Is there a more overatted Trio than Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke?
>dude, let me write a novel just to push my retarded "pay it forward" ideology
>dude, what if niggers were the slavers, kinda makes your noggin joggin my fellow white folks huh; better stop being racist
>dude, women should be sluts too and they're as capable as men
The only thing worse than them is something like Banks. All of Sci-Fi "Literature" is shitty Genre Fiction that retards prop up because it makes them think they're better than the Plebs who enjoy Soft Sci-Fi/Sci-Fantasy. No, it doesn't make you smart. No, it doesn't make you cultured. It's pointless drivel. Read an actual book. Or read some textbooks, become a scientist and go make those thigns you dream about real (or try to, anyhow).

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I'm guessing the last one is Moon is a harsh mistress, but what are other two?

Ok he literally said the atreides are white so why people confused?

you're just mad because "redpilled" sci-fi would be absolutely retarded

This is your mind on neoliberalism.

PIF is Between Planets IIRC (although the term is older). The nigger slavers are Farnham's Freehold.
Ah yes, what would we ever do without Heinlein's stories of "dood, it's not incest cuz they got different genes n' sheeeeeeee" and 30 YOs marrying kids.
Yeah, it's because I'm an AmeriMutt NeoLiberal that I don't like a bunch of Jews and AmeriMutts who wrote about their perfect utopias of atheism and multiculturalism, where everything jsut magically works out because "all da smartz peoplez share muh believz" and fought for the rights of niggers...

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It exists and it's the same thing just with a different subtext. Assassin by Jesse F Bone reads like a twilight zone episode. Only difference is the space pacifists turn out to be wrong and get their shit fucked.

Greeks were less white in the past. There was a study done on the genetics of Mycenaean era Greeks and they were found to plot further from the European cluster than modern Greeks.

Oh no....

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Yes dumb fuck, those are also common on white people. Stop being an American Leftist retard.

Based schizoposter.

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>Yes dumb fuck, those are also common on white people

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You’ve never been to Europe or seen a white person in the Americas? Are you isolated in Asia?

Yas Forums knows this, you need to address the Turkslimes and other subhumans who have been spreading anti-white shit there every hour since 2016

>olive skin is brown

Olive skin is what Spaniards, Italians and Greeks have, and no that doesn't mean Spaniards, Italians and Greeks who have deep, deep tans. Spaniards, Italians and Greeks go pale without sunlight like Germans and other northern Europeans.

user, if you can't tan, you are a(n) Ameri(Mutt). Swedes come down to the South for vacations or in their twillight years and get bronze.

I’m English and my grandfather and aunt were both white people with black hair, blue eyes and pale olive skin. It’s a striking look but definitely not uncommon in Europe, it pisses me off to see leftist American toilet iqs putting this anti white shit everywhere. Don’t spew your shitty memes at me you repulsive roach.

I've seen some Yas Forumsmutts latching onto Hyperion, which is understandable considering the anti-globalist message.

Michael Crichton of the Jurassic Park and Andromeda Strain fame is also pretty notorious for his climate change denial and drumming about the dangers of unchecked scientific pursuits in fields of genetics and suchs. He also wrote a major critic of his into one of his books as a small-penis'd child molester, so that's typically petty and childish for the average trumpanzee as well.

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>Greeks are white, Yas Forums

Pro-White people know this. Don't fall for anti-White people trying to instigate White infighting.

Trivialization is not comprehension. Pretend it's ironic however you like, this is twitter roastie tier.

Only in physique. In behaviour they are as lazy and useless as niggers.

Also many Welsh, Irish, English, Germans, Danes. It’s just a yellow toned skin rather than pink. Olive skin is common in Europe, certainly doesn’t mean “POC.”

>Leto race confirmed

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Exactly this.

>some of the longest work hours in the world
>have been holding back Turkroaches and the hordes of niggers on their own for a week now
2016 called, it wants its hot takes back.

I didn't know any of that about Crichton. How absolutely based.

why is it so boring though? I'm at the part where paul starts training with the fremen and it's is a slog

>begs for gibsmedats from EU
>gets them
>wastes everything
>asks for more gibsmedats
>still gets them
>doesn't ever pay back
>gets asked to enforce the EU policies that they agreed upon against the gibsmedats
They are stupid, lazy, greedy, filthy and unreliable parasites.

>I’m the intellectual, I want open borders, total break down of law and order, emasculation of men, barren women, traditional culture must be destroyed, the shittiest criminal 60iq from Somalia is equal to the brightest and best of America and must be elevated above us, abort infants even at birth and ignore the pain they feel, wallow in self indulgence and spend like you’re a millionaire then expect the government to get you out of debt and lower class mediocrity, tell everyone they’re special and smash those who try advance in merit, support child rapists and gang culture just because the perps have brown skin, tell everyone the brown skin common to 85% of the globe is special and magical
Yeah, it’s not Trump voters who are retarded you absolute fucking turnip

>being this mad

maybe you just don't like it

>get bombed to hell and back during WWII
>all infrastructure is destroyed
>never get compensated by the Germans
>Germany dumps all rapefugees there for years and years
>Turkey is right next door and threatening war every other week
Yeah, the government stole money and got the easy way out, as all governments do. But to grossly oversimplify that is dishonest.

>twink tricking muslims
his bussy will be ravaged by Saudis in seconds

>>I’m the intellectual, I want open borders, total break down of law and order, emasculation of men, barren women, traditional culture must be destroyed, the shittiest criminal 60iq from Somalia is equal to the brightest and best of America and must be elevated above us, abort infants even at birth and ignore the pain they feel, wallow in self indulgence and spend like you’re a millionaire then expect the government to get you out of debt and lower class mediocrity, tell everyone they’re special and smash those who try advance in merit, support child rapists and gang culture just because the perps have brown skin, tell everyone the brown skin common to 85% of the globe is special and magical

Nailed them.

I want open borders for US so that I can watch your shithole nation burn to the ground. All this SJW and alt-right nonsense are both part of the same sickness known as american "culture". I want it gone out of the world.

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>t. greasy moorish rapebabies

You fuckwit, Brits are Iberian.

What if we kill every kike, faggot, liberal, and shitskin and then murder half the world?


Oh, look at this, a Yas Forumstard lashing out in his impotent rage against spooks.

Tell me, did you ever really even try to be anything else than an unlikable genetic dead-end with zero value-adding qualities to the world? During my years, I've come pretty certain that 99% of the cases where someone expresses anger at the world, they really have nobody else but themselves to blame about the shittiness of their lives.

I know it's a bit of a clichee, but I'll say it anyways: grow up, retard.

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Bitch casually handed you a synthesis for nerve agents.

>did you ever really even try to be anything else than an unlikable genetic dead
4 kids.

Currently white “conservatives” have a birthrate of 2.7, white liberals 0.9, jews 0.8, hispanics 1.7, blacks 1.2, and “others” 1.3. The only demographic in any industrial nation which is breeding at or above replacement level are right wing whites in America. That is why they are so desperate to import more non-whites, without that importation by 2050 America would be 75% white again and the vast majority would be voting so "conservatively" that the GOP would not have been politically viable by the 80s. Similarly we see fecundity of shitskins tank when they are imported into Europe, after a single generation it is down to 1.6 which is little better than the native population as an aggregate. Certainly the cause seems to be hedonism and distraction of all types even abstract intellectual distractions we don't commonly consider hedonism. Remember that in the past most leisure activity was social and thus it would introduce young men and women with one another increasing the rate of contact between compatible mates. Remember than in the past society coerced them into breeding and caring for the offspring. Remember that in the past there was no option to engage in regular sexual activity(not counting sodomy ect) without the possibility of procreation. In the paleoenvironment selective pressure did not strongly apply to hedonism as it did not impinge upon fecundity; not only were ancillary distractions rare and expensive due to the material poverty but what distractions did exist where tied to familiar and community life which to an extent facilitated reproductive activity rather than interfere with it.

I'm sticking with the plan to slaugher billions simply by destroying their infrastructure and cutting them off from trade for 3 years with Ohio class submarines.



He’s greek

someone shitposts "kike" and you faggots sperg for the next 6 hours. Yas Forums is the wellspring from which you flow. When Yas Forums is gone you will have never been.

>hairy turk rape-babies

Well the only true master race are germans.

All this murrica's white race superiority is just attempt to include yourself into master race. I love that even Irish, Slavs, Greeks etc. are 'white' now. Dumbfucks.

olive skin is usually Italian or a lighter skin spanish. black hair can be either as well.