This is acclaimed film director Jeffrey "J. J." Abrams' daughter Gracie. Say something nice

This is acclaimed film director Jeffrey "J. J." Abrams' daughter Gracie. Say something nice.

Attached: gracie2.jpg (1080x1080, 1.38M)

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all women are whores

Made for BBC

her bobs are literally hanging out on the right

______ ___

one of her boobies is higher than the other. isn't that a sign of cancer?

have sex

I hope


Abrams may be a talentless hack, but boy did he make an attractive daughter.

tummy :)

You mad jew boy?

Someday you will see a naked woman in person, I know it.

You're a stupid faggot.

Have faith

Nigga, I've seen thousands of women online, I know what to expect irl, dumbo.

I bet she looks good naked.

she looked good in that older photo that people spam but you can already see she's not actually very attractive.

She’s skinner than most burgers.

I don't think ya do, champ

nice pits

She def got rhino at some point but then again what LA jewish girl didn't?

Attached: gracie.png (1175x621, 1.18M)

I do, bud. I've wrangled tough beasts, women ain't nothing.

saying this kind of shit really doesn't make any sense
he can see any number of women naked online

by fucking who?


It's extremely common for women to have mismatched boobs. This is often more noticeable in person when they are in your mouth

Why would they be in your mouth? Are you some kind of baby haha

Perfect size imo

nice khazars

I want to cummy on her tummy

She's half gentile.

prison gay porn addict projection
you think about black cock more than any white woman

Why didn't he nepotise her into being the hero of NuWars?


Somebody put some lens flares on there

J J Abrams cucked a white American Catholic father with his pure daughter

she wants to be a singer

Attached: 84024520.jpg (1080x1350, 210.9K)

Imagine wanting to make lofi bedroom pop but having a dad who is literally one of the richest directors in the world. This girl is cursed to never achieve the indie authenticity she craves. I honestly feel kind of bad for her

her gigs are sold out

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gee I wonder how?? :D

>Feeling bad for rich people
Fuck right on off

Countdown begins on her being RICED.

she do porn yet?

Look, i can't say this for sure, but i have a strong feeling that she has some really sad tits.

jews and Asians always have had a good relationship

I wonder what'd be like to fuck her haha :)

>blindly holding resentment for anyone
I feel sorry for you.

how can you be the daughter of an a-list director and have shit cinematic iq

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this writing style lets me know shes human garbage

Daisy is a better singer than she is an actress.

i dont get it

Mutt's Law?? idk

whos that soiboi on the left

they dont look sad to me

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why do jewish girls gotta be this cute

Too pale

they almost always aren't

shes so naive and good hearted

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calling one ideology a plague like this while romantically sucking off the other demonstrates an ironic refusal to look at something neutrally and objectively with empathy
she is trying to look conscious and level headed but ends up being an npc

Is>a faggot

Attached: wrong, faggot~01.jpg (719x996, 130.57K)

wonder what her take on Palestine is, heh heh



what a dumb bitch