Why does TV always portray bossman as angry greedy and dehumanizing employees? I was neet for 5 years because I was scared of getting a job, but I just got one two months ago doing shipping. The owner would even come out back to help me. Today they made a cash sale and he gave everyone 100$. Then he called me into his office and promoted me to work in the office doing sales myself! My salary almost doubled and the work is much slower paced! I can use the bathroom as much as I want, just make sure to clean up after yourself. One day the roads were bad and being a former neet I'm bad at driving, so the owner picked me up from my house and dropped me back home after!
Why don't wageslaves just quit amazon and work for a small 20million a year gross business with 12 employees? I make well above the average income for my job title(s) in my area, and it's salary so we can go home early if we finish all our work for the day.
We need more TV shows depeicting generous small-medium business owners who love their employees.
Mostly dummies don't want to move to anywhere that doesn't have wholefoods
Cooper Powell
imagin working for a jew who intentionally trys to hurt you at your workplace, just becuase you need tot ake a shit
Ian Turner
The key is to get to know the real Bossman. The Owners love employees because they make them their money. It's Middle managers who hate you because you aren't making them money and they aren't successful themselves. If company is too big, too hard for employee to talk to real bossman.
Daniel Jackson
>neet I'm a neet right now. Employment is near impossible for an entry level in my small town. I'm starting vocational training soon so hopefully that get's me a job, bros. Feelsmad. I'm happy work is good for you, OP.
How the hell do you find these random ass jobs? Two of my friends just seemed to randomly stumble upon them and now they make a shit ton more than me
Brandon Butler
This, middle-management are leeches who have no way of demonstrating their value to the owners other than "make number go up," so they increasingly squeeze more and more on the actual labor. They don't really produce anything for the company, just crack whips.
Chase Fisher
I forgot he buys us all lunch/breakfast every other week! usually mcdonalds, starbucks or burger king.
I love working for the irish. He's like some sort of inverted jew.
Leo Davis
>work at a small company >find out after about 3 days that everyone hates eachother >constant arguments over unimportant shit
James Gutierrez
Nepotism. Like 70% of Job openings are never made public and even when they are many small companies are outdated as fuck tech wise and might not even use services like indeed.
Grayson Ortiz
>suicidal incel neets who wish they'd die in their sleep >wagie thread >"haha, my neet life is so much better than yours wagie cuck" checks out.
Landon Kelly
youre mad hahahaha
Jaxon Rivera
Basicaly stay away from large corporates. Don't look for them in articles, go straight into the comany and ask if they have something, dress well, skip HR if possible and go straight for the boss. One advice though: take a class in negotiations. I do this never failed me. I make $5500 welding stainless steel, right now I sit in my job because I have nothing better to do and play Salt & Sanctuary on my Vita because I am already done for the day.
Ryder Perez
OP here, my job is great, I don't mind the labor at all, but I DO mind the time, this is my life which i can't live again. It also starts to turn you into an NPC because for like 10 hours a day all you think about is petty work stuff and you have no time for any introspection. How much of my life already is confined to thinking about something as bin locations and part numbers.
Jack Green
fuck this shit. shitting is my only solace to wageslaving. and they're even taking it away from me?
I can smell the jew in this post all the way here.
Hunter Price
>engineer fresh out of school >working on project that is one of the big bossman's bugbears >getting really close to a solution am I doing it right dad?
Christopher Morris
lol just sit backwards
Landon Barnes
The funny thing is it's true, all of it. I only left out some nepotism that landed me the job in the first place (no i'm not the owners son but i feel like a caricature of it lol)
Jonathan Baker
How do neets cope with basically being fat, white, virgin versions of welfare niggers?
Henry Williams
>just walk up to the manager, look him straight into the eyes and give him a fair handshake. worked for me
Bentley Sanchez
But that's how you catch the gay
Joshua Thompson
We don't live under capitalism, we live under central banking and government intervention.
We could have saved ourselves with Ron Paul but we decided to destroy our economy instead.
>I love working for the irish. He's like some sort of inverted jew.
Hes paying since hes buying you guys hangover food. You are covering his ass for being an alcoholic
Nathaniel Davis
>there two months >boss is buying you lunch, throwing 100$ bills at you, and promoting you while you are still on probation
Is this what working is like for white people? I know asians who press shirts 10 hours a day for 20 years at a small company and have never got a raise or even a free lunch.
Xavier Gutierrez
>nepotism that explains a lot
Easton Watson
Yeah, worked for me cocksucker, while you are crying about m̶i̶l̶i̶o̶n̶a̶i̶r̶e̶s̶ and bilionaires. That is why I said small companies you wanker.
Grayson Nguyen
Why give a raise to someone who presses shirts? Anyone straight off the street can do it.
Isaiah Flores
It takes less than 5 minutes to take a shit. This is for people who sit there for 30 minutes staring at a phone, jewing their employer.
Noah Diaz
jokes on them I shit cross legged
Chase Wright
Based and workplace compensation pilled
Jeremiah Baker
welfare niggers are single black women and their children as well as their non imprisoned relatives they aren't fat, white, virgin NEETS do you have brain damage?
Wyatt Hughes
Yeah bro I totally believe you
Matthew Hughes
Bosses/owners who actually know their employees are usually good. The problems arise when your ultimate boss is a collection of shareholders who are fixated on squeezing out every last miniscule fraction of a penny of profit. Those are the type of people who drive people to come up with toilets that are uncomfortable to sit on.
Noah Lewis
Asian people conform like drones while whites are self aware enough trying to take initiative
Austin Bell
they underesimite gamers so hard, my computer chair has been half broken for 13 months, and base tils forward. HAsant been a problem
Christopher Harris
This is pretty accurate. I worked for a while for a shipping company. The turnover rate for employees was pretty high. Usually because when an order came from up top, the management was too spineless to say no, even if it was a shit deal.
Zachary Hall
Based. I work for a really small company and have already received 2 raises over the 6 months I've worked for them. Every meal is comped, all training is paid, nothing is out of pocket outside of work boots but I still get a $200/yr allowance, already got a company truck, and i genuinely like my employer, very easy to get on with and haven't had a single complaint.
Evan Richardson
Who the fuck sits to shit?
Thomas Robinson
dude just shake her hand lmao like it's so fucking easy to get a job haha
>ooohh ooohhhAAA AAAUU my ass hurt... I guess I need go back work
Christopher Collins
>Boss mad at packing peanuts >says you can't dispose of them so the environment is fucked and we are all gonna die >agree and jokingly mention ted kaczynski >he asks if I saw the new netflix special too >say i didn't and don't have netflix >ask why I called him ted kaczynski and not the unibomber >claim i'm not sure >boss gives me worried look
>BREAKING NEWS: the new toilets that were designed to be uncomfortable have been called back in less than a week due to 300 lb fatasses across the country shattering them upon sitting
Easton Howard
she got in trouble for this
Lincoln Ramirez
literally begging to get pinned down and fucked by some 20 year old loser. This was an opportunity to make a connection. I would contact her again and ask her on a date.
Daniel Baker
My current job is pretty nice. I'm a tech who works on the machines, maintaining them and making sure everythings running smooth. Management more or less leaves me alone as long as the equipment keeps running and we pass the inspections. It's pretty nice that if I ever get a bug up my ass about something, I can walk up to any member of management and speak my mind, and they more or less listen because they have no idea who the fuck I am due to the warehouse being so fucking huge.
At my previous job, the one time I tried talking to a manager, he stared down his nose at me in confusion and disgust, like how dare a fucking pleb like me have the balls to open my mouth about anything. Yea, nah, fuck you. You put your fucking pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us slaves.
Remember to pay your taxes so I keep getting my tardbux
Dylan Williams
That's basically my job except instead of IT its industrial machinery. Life's good.
David Stewart
Your refuge has been found out. We're coming for that blind spot where you sneak some quiet minutes in now and then and you think we didn't know about next.
Parker King
Thanks for the lel
Christian Robinson
Hey stupid since you're so stupid I assume your numbers are off but doesn't matter because not many industries can survive in that environment when they have to compete with corporations. I've worked for a few small companies and they're generally much greedier and expect more from their employees because their profit margin is much, much, MUCH smaller. They also tend to run on nepotism and you absolutely will not advance unless you suck ass on the side.
Isaiah Nelson
>How do neets cope with basically being fat, white, virgin versions of welfare niggers? I do charity work every day. I get the fulfillment from work, a sense of identity and a place in the world and help some folks at the same time. I am the untouchable neet
Caleb Brown
I would much rather my money go to you than to the vast majority of government funded white genocide initiatives. I was a neet myself People mad at welfare people are literally just envious, while also needing a job to form their slave identity. You get the same looks of resentment when they see you in pajamas on a weekday they worked. But on the weekend? They don't care, because in their simple minds that's everyones days off, when it's all the same to the neet.
Owen Gonzalez
I also hate those jobs where a portion of the staff has been there for years, and everyone treats you like shit because they expect you to just be another person on the revolving door. I was a night stocker at the place for like 2-3 months, and they still hadn't officially put me on the schedule, they'd just randomly call me in to see if I could work the next day. I was only there for 8 months before something better came along, but it was the most depressing, hostile fucking place i'd ever worked.
Every "small business" is actually some subsidiary branch. Actual mom and pop shops always fails and can't generate enough capital. Look for "small" business in industry, like millwright stuff and other such spinoffs of massive corporations.
Jason Howard
You really can't put a price on being indispensable at your job.
Jaxson Carter
I've had like 10 jobs ranging from absolute wagie to comfy white collar jobs and I've never once had a boss I disliked or job where I couldn't fuck off for 20 minutes easily. I used to always shit at work until I got a salary job