Scenes that women simply do not understand

Scenes that women simply do not understand.

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I don't understand this scene either.

>caring about what woman don't undestand
who cares

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I'm not even a Christian and I thought Alfred was easily the most based character on the show.

>You look like a good Joe

This entire movie.

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only a few more months until more The Last Kingdom kino bros

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you know the rules

>ywn fight in a shield wall with your friends and king
gunpowder was a mistake

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>Your actions were not worthy of an atheling. They were worthy of a King.

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Alfred hard carried this series. Does Uhtred really even give a shit about Bebbanburg anymore? The absolute kino was when he and Alfred talk before he died.

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for me? It's skade

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Is this show good? I've been wanting to watch good some historical kino.

>shield walls
Why not the horrors of both?

First season is pretty rough imo but it get's better and better. By season 3 it's absolute distilled kino.

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best historical show I've watched

do anglo-saxons really?


post more

I feel the absolute opposite. S1 is the kino, S3 has the quality drop with that wonky plot.

I have A LOT of skades

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post them all

Because it's true.

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it would reach the image limit

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who would win, a large group of shieldbois or a man on a horse with a stick

Whomst've blood is this?

>Are ya winnin', Uht?

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stickboi if the shieldbros don't stand tight

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S3 would have gone alot more smoothly had they kept things closer to the books, imo.

Also Skafefags are arselings. Aethelflaed is best girl.

>horsey boys
>can't even beat some swamp faggots with pointy sticks

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>Aethelflaed is best girl.

no fucking way. did you see her ass when she went into the water? fucking flat as a board.

heavy infantry always beats everything when they have terrain advantage though

Aethelflaed is for marriage. Skade is for recreational intercourse.

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Aethelflaed is far and away the best in the books but she's only "good" in the show.


Still can't figure out if he's cute or ugly. I don't understand

And so do i

I still feel they missed out by not including Beocca's miracle in S2.

>Aethelflaed is for marriage. Skade is for recreational intercourse.
Go to sleep, Uhtred.

Can't wait for more episodes of "Uthred kills yet another priest so he's considered an enemy of Wessex once again just so he can save Wessex's ass once more from being assraped by the Danes"

The best KINO.

>Can't wait for more episodes of "Uthred kills yet another priest so he's considered an enemy of Wessex once again just so he can save Wessex's ass once more from being assraped by the Danes"
Destiny is all

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butthurt about a tree getting chopped down probably

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The actor that plays his wife is thick as fuck too

I really hope they come back into being lovers.

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Reminder Danes are animals and should be killed on sight

The show really misses out on Old Uthtred's interjections about how fucking stupid he was when he was young.

>mfw ywn marry purified skade

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They really should've made the weasel's death more satisfying.

Why does Uhtred sound like a valley girl when he talks in S3
>ending every word like a question? with that downward curve and ending in uptick?

>Thread is about scenes only men would understand
>Devolves into waifu fags rambling
I hate this board

Women actually don't understand waifus though. Mine detests the idea.

Brida is BEST girl.
>loyal af
>can fight
>smart planner
>isn't afraid of shit

>wanting to fuck a man in a woman's (barely) skin

lol ur gay

Imagine being the first lad firing a machine gun in battle, just seeing the fools lining up for you in rows.

>lol why would you want a loyal female who can also kinda be a bro and fight like one too
>you should totes want a helpless bitch who can't do shit and get beheaded mid battle like Uhtred's wife in S1 or Beocca's girl

Skadefags are kidding themselves. Need I remind you Brida also outsmarted Skade while she was locked up?

>Caring about what woman is the best
Seems like you're projecting

Who will cream her puss?

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me haha

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He wasn't based but he wasn't unbased in a the hackneyed way almost all historically Christians get straw manned. Just a man with real strengths and weaknesses.

the entire ford vs ferrari movie

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Are you being serious?

His struggle with accepting Uhtred and his debt to him was great. True inner conflict.