ITT: Lethal Combinations

ITT: Lethal Combinations

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I dont know what this is but i got the feeling it's inappropriate

Smooth handle feels better until you seek more.


i don't think i've seen this episode of hairbrush review

For me, it’s the electric buzzing toothbrush

fucking excellent pick for the reviewer lad
best I've ever not seen because that would be highly inappropriate haha


kino. any movies like that?

pure kino


excuse me? you gotta be more sneaky about it

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A-are you a gurl?

>hop plane
>find assigned seat
>see this
>wat do

keep in mind she has the c word

is that this generation's sharpie in the pooper?

brehs imagine if you could buy recordings of sweet little cunny moans

I dont get it

any webcams bros?

you can't? if i you to start such bussiness who would stop you?

no, they had been doing it since the 80s
and given that fucking brush makers dont change the shape of it, im sure they know.

what, so the ties the brush to her phone, makes it vibrate then shoes the brush handle in her cooch?

what a great television and film thread

this one's actually related to video media, unlike 75% bullshit in the catalog

where does one go now that the triforce is out?

phonecams can easily be taken to the bathrooms for a sneaky show when parents are home

what does this mean?

to the street and kidnapp some real children? that's the clear message

Can it janny

have sex with little girls

The amount of cp on any live platform is ridiculous. Little girls do anything for likes. Don’t give them a phone until they’re 18.

Nah, irl isn't really my thing.

Glow harder cia nigger

Kids are really dumb, parents who give their kids smart phones and Internet access are even dumber.

if I ever have kids the little cunts are gonna grow up on a diet of whey, iron and sports, they'd be lucky if they get a dumbphone.

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>trying to do nofap in the golden age of cunny

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day 10 here, getting harder instead of easier every day

it literally says where right on the tri sites you dumbfuck
of course you would know that if you weren't larping as a CIA agent

Reminds me of something...

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who are the best phonekinofilm makers?

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they grow up so fast. never forget those ears

those sites don't even hold a candle, you truly never appreciate what you have until it's gone.

Jesus. Did she have a new insta? one i orbit is inactive.
Source pls :D

boomers thinking that kids exploring is a bad thing are pure cringe, just shows how little fun you had growing up. Most of the people I grew up with had sex before 14, and kids these days are much "worse". I hope you never have children. Imagine growing up without a phone in the current year,that's asking for your kids to get bullied and become awkward pent-up fucks.
None of this is an actual issue unless shit like CONSEQUENCES happens, and even that was mainly because of the retard boomer dad.

Damn she's so fine her body is warping spacetime and bending the door

her latest one is shark2kill but she hasn't been posting much lately and deleted a bunch of stuff
it's currently private but if you have an active account she'll accept requests

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how does she feel about her past?

another of the classics grown up

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fucking kek

I deleted my collection over 2 months ago, Yas Forums

Please don't make me relapse

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Thanks. I kinda stopped following her around early 2018. She's grown into a fine young woman. I remained the same.

It hurts looking at her looking all matured.

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She does that f3 thing and is pretty active, dunno if she has mentioned anything there, probably ignores those questions
She made a vid a couple of years back saying she cried when she found out it was mostly old american men jerking off to her. I guess she just wanted chads.

Apparently Yas Forums and actually discussing film and television since it's such a rare occurrence.

>I deleted my collection over 2 months ago, Yas Forums
shit nigga me too, it's been tough though almost 6 months for me, I even deleted my regular waifu actress folders


memes aside, good job. I've almost managed to kick it too. I think I've grown out of it. it was fun and wild in the beginning then it became a sickness. there's really nothing good that can come from it. it's just a mire that sucks you down deeper.

Fucker I grew up with computers all my life, was one of the first cunts at my school to carry a Nokia back when this shit was expensive, had a gingerbread droid, spent almost a decade on Yas Forums, lot of good any of that shit did me.

I'm raising Chads nigga, fuck me if I'm raising another faggot.

>kids need to explore.
you don't need to drink battery acid to learn it's bad for you, you dumb cunt.

for me it has been a lot easier to drop weed and alcohol than this
lgs are too cute

I can't tell if the people commenting on this publicly or liking it are gigachads who just don't give a fuck or all fake accounts

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Wait, is that...? I can't believe it!

Just keep it safe and encrypted, deleting is really dumb, someday you wil want to take a look again and will have to risk again to find it.

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>height 133

Girl Brush Cellphone Bedroom?
The fuck film is that?

Based pedos


>impending rape accusations

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damm, kind hit the wall there

they grow so fast

a classic

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Russians simultaneously produce the most cunny and seem like the type most likely to take a pedo into the snow covered winter woods and blow his head off.

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Women put pretty much anything phallic in their pussy. The hairbrush handle has been a staple since they've been rounded.

who is it?

who was she?

Is tiktok worth downloading for this

lgs are full of tricks

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I think she looks great, for a while she was doing some modeling and she even had a website but it went nowhere.


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I swear it's because they're never actually around their children or they let themselves get bullied out of existance by their kids
have you seen a single vid like these where there's parents around? The only ones they appear in the lgs just shout at them across two rooms and they leave again lmao


>mfw used to watch brushkino on clearnet for years without vpn

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Is this a joker want to watch this pencil dissapeare?

Truly a design made by Lucifer himself. It's like the damn dog filter from 5 years ago.

Just found her name
What is she known for ?
On an archive an user asks for videos?

>Most of the people I grew up with had sex before 14
90% chance they are all losers with constant drama happening in their lives.

They also have the most "professional" nude modelling/CP studios.