What are some good kinos about freedom?
What are some good kinos about freedom?
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are conservahicks really this stupid?
>dood, I'm just like Leonidas!
Do Americans really...?
This is a terrorist action. Somebody report this madman to the FBI.
Umm....sweetie...is this...the BASED DEPARTMENT?
Bet your ass I'm going to get banned for posting in this thread because the cocksucker janny thinks it's off topic.
Shawshank Redemption unironically
Performative gun humpers are just as annoying as wannabe gun grabbers. For guys like that, they're just a status symbol. I'll bet this guy has a collection of firearms with stupid decals just like the one he's showing off there that he's never actually taken to a range or learned to properly use.
If you're serious about your firearms and concerned about wannabe gun grabbers coming for them, you don't go showing them off on social media.
based af. We are disrespected and lied to and treated like slaves enough as it is. It will be 100x worse if we are ever fully disarmed.
The 2nd amendment and hundreds of millions of guns in the USA is the ONLY bargaining chip the people have left.
I agree but in this case he's making a point, not just a random selfie with a gun.
So which backwater illiterate shithole does this guy represent?
Actually, the defenders of Goliad during the Texan Revolutionary War. When Texas declared independence from Mexico, a response was swiftly issued by Santa Anna and the Mexican government. At the Battle of Goliad, the Texian defenders were ordered to relinquish their artillery and weapons. They responded with "come and take it", and were massacred. "Remember Goliad" became a rallying cry, which morphed to "Remember the Alamo, remember Goliad" after the Siege of the Alamo ended in a similar massacre.
This has been your history tidbit for the day.
So I ran the numbers and it looks like this was a bonafide cringe moment
>t. butthurt lib
Come and take it faggot, I'll gladly give you a few bullets in the head for free. I'll also spit on your dead body and piss on your grave you worthless filthy piece of shit.
>no optic
>not even iron sights
>durr they're no different if you think about it!
Fuck off faggot. Shall not be infringed
What will 2nd Amendment enthusiasts do once bulletproof power-armour means the police can literally just take your guns by force?
Agreed, but dumb fuckers like Ken Buck pulling stunts like this is not helping the cause.
>are conservahicks really this stupid?
why don't you try to take their guns and find out?
freakin epic snapback familia
the absolute state of Americucks
Lmao look at the worthless fly over faggot. seethe more
Less than 24 hours before this, he had cried about Schumer saying mean words too. Republicans are supreme hypocrites.
>Americans aren't beta and defenseless, this is bad some how, I wish I had balls
lol I'll bet all of your's are registered
>he had cried about Schumer saying mean words too.
you mean when Schumer told his supporters to kill two specific Supreme Court justices that would get normalfags thrown in jail?
Cry some more, fag
US Politics are, have always been, and will always be, a total circus
Why do people hate guns so much? Bad things happen sometimes. That's the price of freedom.
great comeback, shit for brains, how about taking the schumer's shriveled jewish cock out of your mouth?
>Schumer told his supporters to kill two specific Supreme Court justices
Holy shit when did this happen?
Imagine thinking you have freedom and you don't even own any guns or ARs lmao
two days ago during the abortion case
They've lived their whole life without every having to worry about needing lethal force on hand.
>sex with a cuncun
am I supposed to think this makes France bad?
Later we murdered the whole lot of them at San Jacinto and sent them running for the border with their tails between their legs here hawww
>great comeback, shit for brains
I'm sure you watched that all closely yourself so you must know what you're talking about, but I don't remember that being said
Yes. The sad reality is that this sort of shit is the perfect way to appeal to pathetic flyover losers. Of course, none of them would ever use their guns in this sort of situation. Servility is part of their character.
kek ok tough guy
We went pretty far south into Mexico after that if I remember correctly
Please try and find out then :^)
google it, spoontard, there's going to be a censure vote on him soon
>y-you wouldn't really murder your countrymen over this
lmao try it faggot
Oh wow, which unit did you guys serve in during the Texas Revolution?
>Of course, none of them would ever use their guns in this sort of situation.
why don't you go to middle america and find out, you pussy
That wasn’t Goliad retard
looks like some snowflakes got triggered
Oh I see you're actually just pretending he said something
Libshits are going to wish they had an AR-15 once Coronavirus is fully unleashed.
>can't answer the question
Typical trumptard response. they are so insecure that they will never present their own evidence. The logic and reason brigade strikes again!
Why Yes, I Personally Served In The Texas Revolution, How Can You Tell?
>millions of guns in the USA is the ONLY bargaining chip the people have left
You know it and I know it, they'll never use that bargaining chip. If they were gonna do it, it would've happened by now
Based and Tough guy pilled
It was a huge national news story, you faggot, but here it is in your spoon for you, stupid:
Shit bait
So literally nothing then?
>>millions of guns in the USA is the ONLY bargaining chip the people have left
>You know it and I know it, they'll never use that bargaining chip. If they were gonna do it, it would've happened by now
Thats what the Romans taught as well back then. Mos Maiorum was respected and followed until times changed and it wasn't. The 2nd amendment will be infringed sooner or later as american culture slowly erodes away.
How is that not a threat, stupid, you think threatening Supreme Court Justices is legal?