It's just the flu

>it's just the flu

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Nobody ever said it's "just the flu".

>>it's just the flu
Do you even read the title

>The ruling class' instruments of domination and docility are collapsing
Are they saying it's a bad thing?

Maybe stop making films for a global audience and not only would the quality increase immensely and we could have real movies stars again, but we wouldn't have to rely on filthy shitholes for anything.

lots of people said that early on

Trumps “duhhhhHhhh faaake news” cucks are.

The media was pushing it heavily

you shills said it wasn't even close to being as bad as the flu

it's just a flu that's statistically more fatal than the spanish flu bro

Your right it was "the flu is even worse"


True, as others said what they really stated was "the flu is way scarier guys, this is nothing"

"The flu kills more people" was the phrase, so "it's just the flu bro" is the phrase to mock you fools with.

This but unironically. Hollywood's retarded and out of touch.

>economy falls to shit as soon as people have impediments to mindless consumption

Really makes me think

okay, retard

Couldn't happen to a more deserving target.

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>101k confirmed cases
>3.8k deaths
Either they don't understand math or they're admtting they know the actual numbers of infected and won't tell. Which I mean, if the latter is true and the death rate is accurate to what he says, I'm cool with that.

Trump basically said that

They have to estimate the actual number of cases since a huge portion of people show no symptoms and never get tested or they have very mild symptoms that don't require seeing a doctor

trump literally said it's nbd

except he didn't stupid libtard

Literally the opposite. But it was clear that the moment Corona turns out to be a real threat, you people will turn on a dime and pretend that it was you who took it serious from the start.

Flu is worse

No he didn't, he said that it's not something to cause a general panic over because he doesn't want people to freak out and tank the economy out of fear.

That's strange since he shut down travel from China in early February. Inducing people to panic is not smart

Just as all the leftist media did.

World's economy is the real victim of the virus

So in other words... it’s just the flu, bro

Maybe Hollywood will actually make something good now instead of hashing out capeshit for the diseased chinks


>man who wants strict border control shuts down international travel

it literally is just the flu

The liberal mind shows its mental gymnastics once again.

What if it IS just the flu but governments around the world are using it as an excuse to short the global economy so they can line their pockets?

bruh some people get better while they go to work

Get woke go broke.

Trump dismantled the pandemic response team that Obama had set up (because it was something Obama set up). Now he's obligated to pretend nothing is wrong while trying to find some Big Pharma crooks to cobble together a response. While urging the Fed to slash turn all economic controls to maximum in an effort to save 401ks and his neck.

Vivid sounds pretty cool, and she’s 19 so it’s all good. So what if I’m in my late 30s. I can still swing it around.

People who say nothing has been done to slow Coronavirus spread pretend travel ban from China did not exist, continue to whine....Woah

if you actually watched the news, it's all they were saying for weeks

What you said is a complete lie and funding for pandemics actually increased. Please stop making shit up

Trump needs an answer to something that isn't "restrict air travel".
Not saying its a bad idea itself, but its his answer to everything.

He's sending a message. Foreigners spread disease. They need to stay home.

And nothing of value of was lost.
Based bat eating chinks fucking over the kikes all around the world.

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Lefties can't open their mouths or make a post without lying.

>its his answer to everything.
Fuck off we're full is a good answer.

>Trump repeatedly tries to defund the effort
>Congress keeps blocking him
>Eventually satisfies himself with firing competent, ex-military non-partisan leadership, throws big pharma cronies at it

Oh you're right, this looks great for Trump! MIGA!


I'm glad. Try harder.

>the man the orange grandma put in charge of dealing with the virus is a fundamentalist christian who doesn't believe in science
Mutts, get it together. The whole world is cringing at your shit.

Could you imagine? Being this obsessed with another country?

Yes, yes, you don't care. The orange retard himself was bitching about "the world not respecting us and laughing at us" hundreds of times. Spare me your mutt delusions.

This is the same country that lost to a bunch of rice farmers, then lost AGAIN to a bunch of goat herders. Are you really surprised?

How many white males between the ages of 20 and 40 have died from the coronavirus?

It feels good being a part of the only country that matters. Anything we say you satelite states need to do.

>that's statistically more fatal than the spanish flu bro
To old people

There's a lot of old people that I love.

Why does this headline make me so happy?

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Maybe movies are exceptionally shit and people can't be fucked to go see them, especially with raging viral infections turning pandemic due to Chink face-saving incompetence culture.

Because you want the rest of the world to be as miserable as you've allowed yourself to become?

>went out last night
>first uber carpool had an asian lady who was coughing
>ride home the driver was chinese and coughing
it was nice knowing you guys

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Good fuck the globohomo film industry

So, you're saying Trump is making good on his promises? That's nice. Not many politicians do that.

Trump has eventually made good a a couple of his threats. His promises continue to be pushed back to his theoretical 2nd term.

Same, but they were all directly or indirectly responsible for selling out America's future so they could make a quick buck back in the 90s, and then use 9/11 to turn us in to a corporate police state.

Sacrifices must be made so the young may prosper.

He's kept an unusual amount of his promises. Would've kept more if half the government didn't work at stopping him.