Why does every black movie have to be about BEING BLACK?

Why does every black movie have to be about BEING BLACK?
>It's so hard in the ghetto
>Remember slavery/Jim Crow/RACISM IS ALIVE AND WELL
>Fuck whitey!

It's like shitty feminist films
>It's so hard being a woman (lol)
>We sistas gotta stick together!

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I suppose it wouldn't be considered a black movie if it wasn't about being black

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Hollywoke is gay as hell but it's hilarious how mad conservatives are that they'll never have power over American culture again.

That was the point of Black Panther. It was a big budget movie about black people that wasn't about poverty, slavery, or drugs.

Instead it was about fuck whitey we wizards now

not every movie can be as based as Training Day

it still was about all that shit as well, retard


a movie can star a black actor and not be about race, but a movie directed by a black director will always be about race

Because it's the only whitey will give them

Yes leftypol we know you're raiding still

They were shilling Bernie so hard too.

Black Panther was about a king taking rule or something.

because he wanted to liberate niggers from poverty, slavery and drugs, which was whitey's fault

Regardless of your bias, Black Panther was praised and marketed as a movie about black people which is not about slaves in the us, the civil rights movement, or living in poverty/crime/drugs.
Black Panther is not about those things and nobody went to see it for those things.

it was literally the source of conflict between hero and villain

training day was directed by a black man user

Blacks have no culture

Michelle Obama's thesis at Princeton was about "being black at Princeton". You're supposed to overlook how retarded they are in the interest of getting along. Diversity is our strength

There's a bunch of black actors and directors that talk about this during the 80s and 90s. They said the big studios said no one would want anything outside gang and slave movies.

Good GOD is this image real? Prime Halle is perfection

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she just gave birth so she was nursing her baby and husband

The source of conflict is not the plot of the movie.
Also the source of conflict was the right to rule

sometimes I forget it was only written by David Ayer

the conflict was how to rule wakanda

She cute

top ken

There are many movies you can make about africa without falling into muh evil whitey.

The plot of the movie was "What if whitey didn't colonize Africa?"


There are tons of black movies made aimed at black audiences that aren't about racism, they tend to be romances/romantic comedies/family dramas though it seems. They tend not to get wide release or tons of attention though.

have sex

why its never about jews owning slaves?

Why doesn't black movies focus on healing the racial divide in the US? Why not make movies showing black and white people working together?

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The ONLY thing you'll get is white women being blacked a la Netflix

Because nobody wants to see that shit.

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Is every Jordan Peele movie about race?

Because Hollywood is run by Jews, and Jews produce propaganda to make blacks and women mad at white men, and make white people feel guilty.

the nigger villain wanted the right to rule to make all their fellow kangz rule the world because of muh racism


Learn the difference between story and plot

This movie isn't explicitly about being black and was surprisingly decent

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Why do Planet of the Apes films focus on most of the cast being apes? It's a question that answers itself.

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BlacKkKlansman? kinda
boomer meme

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I loved the sequel: I Think I Love My Wife's Son

the movie was literally about the conflict between:
a would be kang from american ghetto who wanted to arm his fellow would be kangs with big fucking guns
and a junior kang from popculturemashup africa who was isolationist and hesitant to help his "black brothers" from america
this was the reason the would be kang was fucking mad as shit
fucking christ you can't follow a capeshit plot?

The Boomerwaffen is welcome here. Every Millennial SJW cut out of the will is a victory.

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Because that's what it's like to be a black person. Every moment of every day, they have to deal with being black. It's a shared cultural struggle. Of course, most white people are too low IQ to be able to understand the perspective of another culture.

Theres a bunch of black low budget movies not about this shit, they are absolutely horrible though, and produced usually by Tyler Perry, they have the same aesthetic as low budget christian films and are straight to redbox, streaming, and bet.

i keked

What are you talking about? Practically every Will Smith movie is just a generic action film that happens to have a black dude as the lead. Even that romcom he was in was just about helping some wall street dork score an heiress, him being black isn't even mentioned.

>Black actress
Seems legit to me

>they have to deal with being black. It's a shared cultural struggle
Is black culture just one big cope?

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Those aren't BLACK movies though

>nursing her baby and husband
god i wish the husband were me

Jews indulge their ethnic narcissism to keep them onside.

The Cosby Show was as black as you coud get, but was maximum comfy and devoid of wokeness.

Unsurprisingly, the proto-SJW's of the time hated its guts, and nu-cucklets cry tears of onions while deriding it as "problematic " and "outdated."

Because its all niggers think about

>Unsurprisingly, the proto-SJW's of the time hated its guts
That's completely fictitious. In fact, the Cosby show as the PC replacement of its time. They took off Amos 'n Andy because it was too problematic (it really wasn't). It's all explained here

>a movie directed by a black director will always be about race
like Hunger, right?

Every black person thinks they have magical powers or some shit.

i just want to see qt black girls