Friday night

>friday night
Why are you here?

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It's morning for me.

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Having friends and a girlfriend is overrated. I pushed everyone away so I can watch kino in all my free time

friday already? haven't been outside in a week

Coronavirus is in my town.

I thought me moving to another town would do something positive to my life, but it turns out I am just as ugly in this city as I was in the previous one. Friends are o-o-overrated right guys?
So instead of being out there, I am stuck inside and watching some fantasy Kino while exercising and doing origami. On that note, anyone have any low fantasy kino set in medieval times to recommend?

Because I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bumboy, baddieboy, backside artist, bugger. I'm bent. I am that arsebandit. I lift those shirts. I'm a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I am fucked. I suck and I am sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fucking time of his life. And I am not a pervert.

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I have no friends or girlfriend.

I have a cough and the flu. I’m hoping it’s not the corona.

Nothing better to do

No lgf.

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Because I'm an autistic loser with little else to do.

My gf broke up with me last weekend so I don't have anything to do now.
I'm just gonna watch some kinos

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waiting for you

Just reading some threads i saved before work


hang in there fren

I don't have anything else do to. Just waiting for the time to pass

>15 million dead

Because I have friends, good ones, and the opportunity to go out with them; and an invite to go out tonight. But I'm overweight and feel so worthless because I have no idea how to try and get with girls without coming off as a rapist, and have zero self confidence to just eat the rejections I get like they're the burgers I scoffed to get this big; so I'm sitting in, shitposting because while I am losing weight, I'm not at the point where I think I'm anything but a disgusting fat slob.
So I wait inside, lonely, and miserable.

At least you have a clear plan of what you need to do ,you have friends, and you just need to lose weight.
You're not a fuck-up like the rest of us , who have no friends and don't know how to interact with humans.
I literally never go out of the house , it's university , mosque , house only, i am a social retard in a country where 99.9% of people are normal , i have no idea how to fix my life.

Drank from 6PM to 10pm wednesday. Drank from 7am thursday to 2am friday with cocaine. Thinking about drinking again today since I dont have any plans

It's early afternoon and phoneposting while waiting to go to a party.


Because the community college fucking closed the campus because "muh coronavirus" so I had nothing to do today/yesterday.
Can't even go to the grocery store because it will be chaos

Galavant. It's on Netflix.
Definitely not what you asked for, but it's the perfect "play it in the background while doing origami" show.

>i have no idea how to fix my life.
Just kidding, mosque's seem like a comfy community. What country?

I have no idea how to anything but be friendly. I've made out with a few girls, but it was always when we were both drunk, and a spur of the moment thing. I have no clue how to make that sort of connection sober, I ask them out on dates and I like them and they just brick wall me. Shit makes me angry like nothing else ever does. I completely understand why some people chimp out over it and go full incel.

Fucking normie chad get the digits , it's not fair bros , why do they always win.

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No bro you don't understand , you're 5 steps ahead of the real losers.
I'm originally from Mauritania but now i'm study-slaving in Qatar.

I wish Brenton was still a free man. He would fix you real fast.

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Based east coast chads btfoing sexless europoors

I don't even know how to make friends anymore

it's 2pm bane you dick

Because Yas Forums is easy to post on. Technically I don't belong here in the slightest, although I can understand the sentiment, I just don't agree with it.

I never know its Friday until these threads pop up. Thanks for reminding me that I am a lonely loser.

By not being apprehensive mostly. I got told I look like I want to kill someone today and it reminded me that I fall into this trap very often. Don't be a defensive cunt, not everyone is out to get you.

You could be doing much worse things but you're here so that means you're not a loser.

>i got told i look like I want to kill someone today
>don't be a defensive cunt
You sound like an angry faggot go kill yourself.

It's saturday

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Oh I know of Galavant, some songs are still stuck in my head, and probably will be for the rest of my life. Good choice.
Anyway, comfy thread boys, please continue :)

>15 million dead
jej, sure man

Sometimes, sure. The point is the mold isn't very difficult to break. You don't have any status quo to abide by.

I could have gone out but it would have been with a group of people who are stuck on whoever they are currently fucking

Kind of sucks when you really like 2 people in that circle but the rest of the circle is pure trash

Lose weight fatty

>15 million dead
Seems on the low side. pretty sure that a billion dead is more realistic at this point.

That's the plan in motion yeah. Already down a stone, four more left.

>only 15 million
Lame, and its going to be mostly old people rather than people from trash countries

Thanks user

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Start working out instead of romanticizing this whole ordeal in your head. Less thinking more doing basically.
> because I have no idea how to try and get with girls without coming off as a rapist
That mindset really cucks you dead in your tracks, don't acknowledge it. It's not that difficult to get a woman to talk to you, the rest is basically down to luck and how attractive you are to them. But simple conversation should be doable for you if I can manage it.
>, I'm not at the point where I think I'm anything but a disgusting fat slob
If you have friends that means you're not wholly unlikeable. A lot of people without friends are actually likeable too, but having a social group means you have to put in effort too.

only old and stick are dying from it though

Trying to not catch that corona

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I have nothing to be, and no one to know.

If this is the corona everyone's talking about I wouldn't mind catching her.

Sure, on the first run they do, but remember there is literally no immunity to it. Even young and healthy will get reinfected with a new strain as soon as they think they are healthy enough. As the immune system is weakened with every passing cycle, at some point even the strongest are bound to fall prey to it.

and what the fuck makes you think it's gonna stick around? how do you know it's going to kill healthy at one point? it's all conjecture

>and what the fuck makes you think it's gonna stick around
Why would it go away?
>how do you know it's going to kill healthy at one point
Because being sick weakens your immune system dummy. If you get reinfected immediately by a new strain of a dangerous virus that you just "conquered" you might be weakened enough to succumb to this new mutation.

I don't want you getting infected with MY corona

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I have no friends and no life.

>Why would it go away?
even the fucking black death went away, though that was a billion times worse and the conditions for infection was perfect
>Because being sick weakens your immune system dummy
lmao I know, you're talking about DYING. when does it get to that point, and how on earth do *you* know? where are you getting this insider information that not even doctors know?

American in Britbongistan here. Is it even worth going to a pub by myself?

The true friends are the non-friends we made along the way.

joke's on you faggot
Now my antisocial nature can be called "social distancing" and I can say I'm doing my part to fight the virus and help humanity
so suck on this bitch

I know, I am working out, and talking to women is easy as hell. It's just getting them to want me back is the hard part. I am a fat guy, but I am funny, and smart and likable, and easy to talk to and a million other positive things. The fat part is genuinely my anchor. It doesn't matter about my positive attributes because women don't like fat men, and the ones that do are not ones that (generally) I'd want to be with. I don't want to fuck fat women, nor do I want to be with fat women, selfish and hypocritical yes, but I don't expect women to want me back until I've gotten less fat and more shredded. It will only take me like 6-7 months to get rid of this fat; but since I've started putting the work in, I keep getting hit with these waves of melancholic 'give up' vibes. Riding that wave tonight, I'll go out and party on sunday and try it on then. But right now I'm feeling pretty low.

Yes, just remember that if anyone calls you a faggot or hits you over the head with a bottle it's bantz. Americans are kind of poor at bantz.

Played some Hunt, watched Red October, now I'm just checking shit before bed.

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I'm an Amerifag too and I went to a pub by myself in Bloomsbury and these two university professors asked me to sit with them and we discussed American politics for a few hours over some pints
Cool dudes, I wonder how they are doing now actually

>black death
Lucky us that it didn't have a 30 day incubation period
>you're talking about DYING. when does it get to that point
Eventually, in this never-ending cycle of reinfection we will all get there.

>tfw 35 year old khv NEET
>no friends, no social skills
>live with parents
where else can i be?

Good luck anons.


► Detected: 101,848 ► Died: 3,462

Macron says epidemic unstoppable in France

French lawmaker tests positive

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

Indonesia police seizes 60,000 masks

Man tasered after fight over toilet paper

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

WHO: Detailed information provided in only 38% of cases

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

19:56: 1 new case in Yolo County, California, United States. Acquired through community transmission.
19:55: 7 new cases in Washington state, United States.
19:47: 1 new case in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
19:43: 1 new case in the Czech Republic.
19:35: 4 new cases in Brazil.
19:15: 29 new cases in Switzerland.
18:46: 3 new cases in Contra Costa County, California, United States. Two are former passengers of the Grand Princess cruise ship.


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I choo-choo-choose to be here.

>Eventually, in this never-ending cycle of reinfection we will all get there.
again, just pure conjecture. where is the proof of your 1 billion figure that you were "pretty sure" about? this is an obvious case of dunning-kruger effect, truth is even the most skilled doctors are unsure at this point but YOU, some random guy on Yas Forums has the answers


I’ve had some good banter with the Brits. Fun people.
I’ve met a lot of different Europeans here and had similar discussions. Met a couple Hungarian gentlemen at a pub the other week and shot the shit for an hour. It helps that I’m doing a PhD in a popular subject so I have shit to talk about.

>tfw no corona chan here yet
I am almost positive government niggers are hiding the truth. In the event of an outbreak at least my morbid curiosity will be quenched. Maybe corona's not so tough when you're a young buck?

the black death wasn't an engineered bio-weapon
this is like if weaponized small pox got out dude

You don't need to be a genius to know what a highly contagious disease with no immunity build up and an incubation period of up to 30 days will do to a highly globalized society that we're living in right now. Your most skilled doctors are doing what they are told, which is saying whatever helps contain the panic of general population.