Is this true? What the fuck was his problem?

Is this true? What the fuck was his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

he was too based, very sad

no, he got it backwards
everyone is somebody, but sombodies don't actually matter

>"And now I'm BEGGING you to shut the fuck up!"

he probably got raped as a child desu

>What the fuck was his problem?
European Buddhism after the prematurely announced 'death of god'.

He was essentially a moron by his own standards. If we should all walk hand in hand to killing ourselves then he's no better.

It's a question. That's what he represents and we will never answer it.

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After a certain age a man that can sink a dozen Steel Reserve™ tall boys in a night can be a bad thing

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Meme all you want but the fucker wasn't wrong. If you're wifeless at 29+ you're a weird piece of shit.

he never said he was better and he admitted that he lacked the constitution for suicide

>tfw it's true
>tfw the male equivalent of a fat single mother with three half-black kids with different fathers

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Which is exactly what I said in my post my you mental midget. I never said he thought he was better.

It kind of is. Please be a good contributor to society by not commuting crime and stay the fuck away from kids. I don't mind you existing.

Just make it a life that's not shameful. Please?

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Should've danced with Maggie instead

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well i guess i misread your post then

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>Just make it a life that's not shameful. Please?

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Hes confusing ancient metaphysics. There is the Corporeal Self(physical body) and the Self that which is the Soul. Statements like this just lead to confusion because its important to first outline the first principals which you are basing your argument off and start from there.

God tier
>2012 Rust

Good tier
>2012 Marty
>2002 Rust

Ok tier
>1995 Marty
>1995 Rust

Retard tier
>2002 Marty

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Oh no I don't give a shit if you're carrying alcohol outdoors. Just don't touch anyone. All I ask.

Fair enough.

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Cultural programming? A big wide set of hips and an ass is biological to be attracted to you white fuck.

I love this show but it's depressing as fuck. Rust character hits too close to home. I felt the same way watching House.


Why am I not surprised

What are some times you acted like Rust Cohle?

>fucking my redhead gf missionary style
>she's screaming, don't know if in pleasure or pain, or both
>feel myself getting close
>she's writhing beneath me
>I go even more aggressive
>I start cumming
>headbutt her with all my force

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>He was essentially a moron by his own standards.
he was weak by his own standards and he admits this. unsure if this makes him a moron, beyond lacking the intelligence to compel oneself to suicide strongly enough to overcome one's animal aversions to such ideas.

What are you implying

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>not building an empire and getting married and having kids at 40 with a women 20 years younger than you

>he was weak by his own standards and he admits this

Which is exactly what I said.


You're a genetic waste.


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literally the same thing. everybody's nobody because it doesn't matter

I think it's important to have more incel representation in media

A mans biological clock doesn't stop ticking at 30 like a dead egg holding roastie you fucking cuck.
being a man and wasting your youth raising a kid is retarded.

He wasn't saying it was "weird," he was saying that a man needs that in his life to stay grounded.

I never spoke or made reference to a man's biological clock brainlet. You can live to be 200 and still be a genetic waste.

32+? No wife or kids? You're weird. Period.

>being a man and wasting your youth raising a kid is retarded

Said the dying out race of the white male.

all the same person
why ya seething son?

I don't think you even know what the definition of "weird" is.

How is being 30 wasting your youth? Do you know what youth is?

>getting urges to walk to my local store and buy a 6 pack of beer to down at 2pm now

If we were biologically programmed meat puppets as reddit cole claims, how would we ever know about that? why would nature 'programm' us to have higher level knowledge about this programming if its not only evolutionary useless but actually runs counter to our desire to live and procreate? Was russ 13 years old?

It ends upon reaching 25 if you take as much care of your body as the average Yas Forums user.

Top honk

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Weird is you incarnate. You don't appear or even come off as charismatic. The reason you don't notice it is because you can't smell your own stink.

It ends at 25 when you enter 25. Wait until you're 30 fetus. You're just a child.

By the way I know you looked up the word incarnate just to be sure.

that's exactly what he was saying. our intellectual capacity evolved to the point that we became effectively separated from the paradigm that every other animal exists under. as you said, it runs counter to everything


But then we are no longer biologically programmed and not subject to the whiney world view he espouses. Instead we have broken free from a mere aggregate of 'sensory experience' and are truly selves

>...S'all I been thinkin 'bout

our fundamental biological programming is still there. his view is that we are biological machines that became conscious of our being biological machines; our brain evolved while the rest of our body didn't. consciousness is the problem he sees

Weird is just not normal.
If 80 out of 100 people choose option A, then choosing option B is "weird"

No, we're not. We're smart enough to notice that programmig exists but not smart enough or too scared to do anything about it.

>mfw 29 and divorced

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Yes, go ahead and tell your non-weird friends about how you just BTFO someone on the Television & Film board on Yas Forums, just make sure they don't come on here during cunny hours, or google Yas Forums at all for that matter, actually better hide the fact you're weird enough to come on here at all, you really don't want to be weird, right?

Imagine cheating on this....

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As all nihilists, he can’t cope with life so he creates all these edgy memes to say it doesn’t matter.

because "survival of the fittest" doesn't mean you evolve in to the perfectly engineered super creature. it just means you evolve until you are fit enough to survive and procreate consistently. the end result of human evolution is something that's fit enough to dominate this little dirt ball we live on and no more. you can be the apex predator of your environment and still be an evolutionary dead end, it's not mutually exclusive.

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fucking hell that broad was hot

By the meme society standards. I break the rule and I don't give a fuck.