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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm gonna have myself a real good time


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you just know james has killed hookers in the past

what did he mean by this?

james is too pure for that, i'm pretty sure he's still a virgin

>I wear a hat


comfy top gear thread

Attached: hmmmmm.jpg (800x528, 125.06K)

May is so high-test

>That'll buff out

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would have been 200 times better unscripted

>Pictures you can hear


>Its a young Clarkson episode

Clarkson Japan episodes are extreme comfy.

Those of you who browse /o/ are probably sick and tired of seeing this, but for a while now I've been going through every episode and giving them my honest rating, all the way through to the S3 finale of Grand Tour. This is so that there's finally a decent complete episode guide as opposed to some random Jalopshitter's opinion which included rating the Vietnam Special among the worst episodes. I still remember that night in December 2008 when my whole family were huddled around the TV and we all came off it believing it was one of the best things we'd ever seen. Fuck him and all he believes in.

Attached: TGautism.jpg (1189x871, 345.53K)

Post the whole thing, also whats the rating system? So i can tell you, you are wrong


He sounds so upper class in this

Not done yet, only up to about S10/S11 so that's half-way through, not including TGT as they're still recent enough in my memory to give a score off the cuff. No point posting a shitty template that's half-done.

Anyway, from awful to legendary, you get a brown rusty/shitty gear to red, then blue, green, and gold, with three full gold symbols as the best. Certain icons denote certain things happening in each episode i.e. cheap car challenges, build challenges, stars that were actually good rather than skippable etc.

Expect the finished thing around the end of the month/early April.

cool opinions bro

Fuck, that looked a lot longer in the preview box. Now I just look like a plebbiting retard.
Anyway, have this too. MotorTrend have probably given the best names thus far; BBC haven't named all of them and the TG website uses a cringy Friends-themed "One with..." title.

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Well then i expect you to make a thread when you are done and post the whole thing

Also were the fuck are you watching it all? Is it online?

Hammond takes the redpill on Mexicans

The true NEWS kino

TV literally hasnt been the same since it ended

5 fucking years its been

>That episode where Clarkson buys him a dacia sandero then immediately destroy it

Attached: 1399929179321.jpg (607x342, 20.63K)

Will do.
I'm watching the episodes through a torrent called "Ultimate Top Gear Pack v3.1", but it's very fucking outdated and I've been replacing shit for about 6 months, mainly the piss-poor versions of the first three seasons and season 8 (pic related), as well as a lot of pre-2002 stuff. Even bought all of Clarkson's DVDs to give them decent rips instead of the badly compressed trash that's available online or god forbid, VHS rips.

Attached: S08E02.jpg (1680x480, 428.19K)

There is a torrent on PirateBay that has the first 20 seasons + all the specials

Its bretty good

And a little bonus:
If you've torrented Top Gear in the past, you will know that the first 3 seasons have an annoying "BBC Prime" logo in the top left. What you don't know is that the episodes have been cut to shit and have lost more than 2 hours' worth of footage, as well as losing a shit-ton of copyrighted music and video.
Well, thanks to being super sleuthy, I've found a handful of 2002 - 2003 BBC2 airings of the first 3 seasons, and will be overdubbing a couple of the better rips so you can listen to how some of the episodes sounded originally before all the stock/generic track bullcrap.

Attached: S01.png (566x230, 127.64K)

Where will we be able to find these overdubs? thanks for doing that BTW!

autism kino, I want to rewatch but I know the quality is probably dogshit. theres a massive 365GB torrent on IPT but it includes dogshit like US top gear

Not sure if this'll get me banned from volafile or not, but here's the original airing of S01E04 as a "taster":
volafile: /r/16y5p626r

Just wish I could get my hands on the full 3 seasons instead of the "BBC Prime" bullshit. At least there's a really nice SBS rip of S1 that's in ridiculously good quality if you know where to look.
Pic rel's another comparison between the original rip and a shitty compression that went around the internet a while back.

Attached: S01E02 Comparison.jpg (2048x576, 427.76K)

>Top Gear pre May
Not even worth watching

seeThe Pirate Bay one is 150gigs and only Uk Top Gear

I understand wanting the best quality you can find but must of the internet rips arn't half bad

No offense but you do know most torrent clients allow you to pick and choose what you want from torrents, right? You don't have to get the whole thing if you don't want to.
A Lithuanian user had a ridiculously huge 500GB, mainly with 1080i rips of S14 onwards instead the compressed 720p ones, but the magnet link escapes me for the time being. Maybe he sees this and takes kind to you or w/e.

Alternately just listen to this guy

Still the most kino Top Gear moment ever

Attached: top gear michael schumi.jpg (1860x1238, 355.09K)

based, I watched it a while ago and some of the eps were watermarked with shit like it was downloaded from kazaa or something

Sorry user, but seeing this is Yas Forums and all, you should know there's a big difference between good compression and bad compression. Most of the compressed eps are examples of the latter.

Did those watermarks say anything to the effect of "Another fine release from the O'Mighty Jabba"?
If so I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.

Top Gear was at its best when it was based in the UK and they did fun cheap car challenges and what not. The most it moved outside the UK and the bigger the scale got the worse the show became


It's retarded but you have to seed all the files of a download on IPT for it to count as a non hit and run

zoomer here, what was the significance of him being the stig?

Sucks that Ferrari didn't let him drive the Suzuki. At least I can finally rest knowing it wasn't something the TG crew put him up to.

Thats Michael Fucking Schumacher, the greatest F1 driver of all time

Imagine if a mysterious character you'd never seen before revealed himself as basically the God of racing. Schumacher in '09 was still viewed as untouchable, and arguably he would have been were it not for a mid-tier car and bad luck during his comeback, especially that final year. Still got Canada 2011 where he led most of the second half of the race and that one podium in 2012.

He's the most famous formula 1 driver there is, he won the world championship 7 times, 4 of them consecutively.

>Canada 2011

Attached: vetlel 2011 canada.jpg (2000x2000, 773.05K)

5 of them consecutively

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thanks dudes, i've never seen F1 in my life, so I don't understand the significance, I told you i'm a zoomer... is the "seamen" show worth a dl?

Seamen was bretty good, James May in Japan is peak kino though

I just checked and 88GB of it is the 20 seasons with the specials in 720p and 61GB is the same thing but 480p. Might actually have to torrent it

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Top Gear Season 28 was unironically good, not on Clarkson, Hammond and May levels of goodness but definitely recommend to watch them if you care for Top Gear in any way.

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Yeah its actually a really good download, better than watching that shit on Dave with most of the fucking episode cut out

>James May in Japan is peak kino though
thanks, I forgot about that...

Fuck I miss this on sundays

I just miss the banter

the American one got better after season 1, if you can stand the hosts cringey "humor" and terrible chemistry

Is it good? I literally havn't watched an episode since Clarkson left

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>tfw Hamilton will overtake him in most wins this season and some other records

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We can only hope someone can finally stop him because he's killed F1

>tfw browsing Yas Forums on dialup, all day there's nothing but shitty soap omnibuses which you have on just to distract you while pages load
>Then suddenly

Attached: 1399929179321.gif (500x278, 970.52K)

The first season after the original trio left was pure cancer.

Then they got Chris Harris and Matt Leblanc in, which made it watchable but still pretty rough.

Now with the new trio of Chris Harris, Paddy McGuinness and Freddy Flintoff it's become really good, they have a banter chemistry between them, also Harris is a very competent motoring journalist and gives you that nice little inside on cars.

My greatest achievement in life is that i got to see the Top Gear trio the finale time they did a live show before they got cancled

They were doing Top Gear live on the road in 2015 and the final show they did was in Liverpool 2 weeks before Clarkson got kicked off the show, i got to see them at that very show

It has definitely gotten better, i agree

lol da black man beats da white man

Why did rosberg have to leave?
Bottas is beta that does as James says and only Mercedes can win

>watching a paki manlet and 2 northerners


Hamilton will owe most of his world championship titles to the fact that he's a pretty good driver in easily the most dominant car in the hybrid era. He's not untouchable, put any of the new kids like Charles LeCute or AMX Verstappen in a mercedes seat and he'd come #2.

>5 in a row
And that was nowhere near the top of his power level. Just remember, if his leg injury in '99 didn't happen, there's a >95% chance he would have ran away with the championship that year too. The Ferrari that year was amazingly good, unfortunately the second half of the year it was stuck with Irvine and a couple pay-drivers, chiefly Mika Salo.

And were it not for silly mistakes, he could have taken '97 and '98 too. Fucking imagine if a driver won EIGHT championships in a row. Well now we have Hamilton so you don't need to imagine it anymore, but imagine that accolade in a pre-pussy cage era.

It's serviceable, but ONLY because they're chewing/biting more of the classic style and getting better at their imitation of something that should be laid to rest by now. You can't tell me the Speedtail v. Jet race wasn't just the Veyron race brought up to date with none of the meaning behind it - it was the fastest car in the world driven by someone who was driving fast for the first time in over a year, wearing a helmet that FinalGear donated to the show.

It's still a pair of football lads using the actual car guy as cannon fodder, especially in your picture where it just looks like Harris is being humiliated by the pair of them. The other three were all car journos long before the show, the sole member of this trio who is rose to fame as an e-celeb and the other two are just happy to have the gig.

Goddamn I forgot how comfy this show was.

Was he always the Stig though? I thought many people portrayed the stig.

>in a few years will we never see Clarkson, May and Hammond on screen together ever again

This makes me so sad

Rosberg had nothing else to prove. He won the championship a year after he was jewed out of it and took his ball. Granted he should have tried his hand at another form of racing like GT or hell, even NASCAR, but he proved his point.


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The most kino challenge they ever did incoming

He was never the Stig, that was the joke



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there were several stigs throughout history, he was just the stig for that reveal.


Hamilton got beaten by fucking Rosberg to a Championship, that alone tells you the quality difference between Hamilton and Schumacher who was never beaten by a teammate.

Mate, the show was hemorrhaging viewing figures for over 3 years before the BBC finally learned how to game people's attention by bringing in 2 big, current names with a devoted viewerbase behind them. Clarkson, Hammond and May regularly got 6.5 - 7 million a week, even near the end. Here you can see how they were struggling to pull a third of that less than 12 months ago.

I haven't checked in a while, but I won't be surprised in the slightest if the latest episode with KSI got 6+ mil views on account of his subscribers tuning in for a week. Moving to BBC 1 will also give them a couple extra million.

Attached: tgviews.png (1705x810, 99.02K)

Rosberg won, Hamilton has been beating him at racing his entire life. He proved he was just as good as Hammy, got the world championship he dreamed of.

Why continue?

Where in my post was i talking about viewing figures? And who the fuck cares mate?

The show is a lot better now than it was in the terrible Chris Evans era.

Top Gear was an instituion because of the personalities not the brand, i dont think the BBC understood this

Perry McCarthy was the Black Stig
Ben Collins was the "main" Stig from 2003 - 2010, but several people claim there were others such as Darren Turner.
Phil Keen is all but confirmed to be the current Stig, serving in his 10th year.

Schumi was The Stig for just that episode unfortunately.

tfw top gear/grand tour has been shit for almost a decade