Atheists btfo edition

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christcucks don't belong on Yas Forums, tourist

I only saw forced Hulu trailers, that's the parks and rec guy right?

>christcucks don't belong on Yas Forums, tourist

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dilate kiddo
you don't fit in

Stop shilling this

I've been on this website since 2005 so how about you go fuck yourself back to the subreddit you came from

>outright revisionism
holy shit buddy
you don't fit in

If you want to be an underage atheist Bernie Sanders supporter there's so many subreddits for you to choose from you don't even get upvotes here you're wasting your karma!

shills out in full force today i see

you don't fit in and it's obvious you only have a surface level understanding of this website
fuck off shill

It's actually a good show but no let's have more Sneed threads instead

fuck both of you nu-redditors

You're an unrelenting faggot and you can fit in my dick in your mouth how about that

Present it

This is 4channel buddy. Take a good look at that address bar.

Are you in LA? If so we can meetup and I'll kiss you real hard and make love to you like you never knew was possible faggot I'll make you cum while you blow me

That's oddly romantic

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I stopped watching right after the guy got killed.
Is the "question" answered by episode 2?
Because if this is seriously just "rich guy wants to bring his daughter back to life" then this is utter trash

>rich guy wants to bring his daughter back to life
yeah i hope it doesn’t turn into that or a bunch of “muh russian spy thriller” filler. focus on the computer

It has promise. Offerman is great. Too bad they chose the most unappealing androgynous asian girl on the planet for the main character, but such are the times I guess.

The show creator has nice ideas usually, Annihilation was breddy gud, etc.

I want to hear your theories. There has to be a twist and secret.

I bet the code has revealed the universe is a simulation (13th Floor).[\spoiler]

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>Too bad they chose the most unappealing androgynous asian girl on the planet for the main character
Imagine after Vicander you pick that nip who plays neet chink.

but its still looks like Kino

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Yeah visually it's great.

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>hating on Alex's waifu

Granted, I was worried for the first episode that she'd be the lead, then relieved when it focused on Sergei (even though he was a terrible actor too), then dropped it when it went back to her.
She's beautiful and stuff, but I can't imagine her leading this show.

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It also has the girl with the too closely set eyes from Picard.

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GIVE ME YOUR THEORIES, lets see who will be right at the end.

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>set eyes from Picard
zoomer, she is from Scott Pilgrim

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Being depressed 24/7 must really be fun

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Zoomer, she is from Confessions of a Teenage Drama queen

I don't watch shit movies, mate.

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So is there actually no answers in episode 2?
My "theory" is that he's trying to simulate his dead daughter, but that is not something that can sustain even a season. It should be a "first 20 minutes" reveal.
I feel like the show wants to treat its audience as smart but not too smart.

she's from The Newsroom

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No you haven't.

The daughter thing is waaay too easy and obvious.

So episode 2 is just more dumb mystery and raising questions?
The "universe is a simulation" idea makes sense for the "AHHH IM GOING INSAAAANE" so I'll see if episode 2 hints at that

No answers. There probably won't be any until ep. 7 or 8.

I also considered that it might be this:

Based on whatever tiny info we got in ep. 2. Read the plot synopsis to the end.

Too many cooks!

Interesting and seems to fit, although the Offerman guy really made it seem like it won't go into any of that surveillance state, dystopia shit.


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I've never heard of this show but yes thats Nick Offerman in OPs image.

You're not the real Mr. Eko..
Are you?

lol yes I am. Check the trip.

Also this doesn't seem that "well-done" to me.
The early stuff showing off San Francisco and the main campus seemed like a 8pm friday NBC show, mostly from the lighting. But it was the pilot so i'll give it a pass. The devs set isn't very original but at least it looks nice.

What did the machine actually do? Project an image of the past using a quantum computer? Thats it? Why did they introduce the Russian spy and kill him in the same episode? It's a very interesting show, Garland always delivers and the music is so good it made me uncomfortable.

>the music is so good it made me uncomfortable.

Top kek, but well said.

>What did the machine actually do? Project an image of the past using a quantum computer?

It's a simulation of the past as it was at a certain moment. A true representation to the last atom not just a likeness. Based on all the variables in the universe. So even with the super stronk quantum PC they can only get a fuzzy pic.

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Lemme guess, its full blown pozzed.

I agree there is a dumb christian message in this show, the second episode answers your questions about the machine and within the show "scientifically" proves christianity is true.
Then at the end they kill a guy in such a way that it is not believable much like christianity is not believable.
I also don't believe that a guy who is in his 70s and smokes regularly can fight to the death hand to hand after being stabbed and win against a younger healthier uninjured man.

Someone being crucified doesn't automatically prove godhood. No questions were answered.

Somewhat, but not overtly in your face like most shows. It's watchable.

ah well i am just gonna do something else then.

Fond memory of his daughter sitting on a bed

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Then it's not watchable

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How much can pagan athiests take in one day?

Go back to Yas Forums

Offerman is the biggest reddit pseud on the planet. I can't even watch this cunt on screen knowing how cringe he is IRL.

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Trust me it is. I hate pozzed shit.

I think that's the only place christcucks hang out on here thou