Talks billy into adopting pit bull then makes him get rid of it

>talks billy into adopting pit bull then makes him get rid of it
>makes billy get rid of his drum set
>makes billy stop flying helicopter
>has a baby that's as black as a pair of shoes
>throws billy out of the house when he asks for a dna paternity test
>makes billy put the house and bank accounts in her and her brother's name to show that he isn't racist
how did burr become so cucked?

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Burr was always kind of a cuck, if you listen to old Opie & Anthony he's always more pissy and sensitive than the other comics.

>that is the girl he went to middle of harlem to fuck at 4 AM
damn. and i thought i had low standards

I lost all respect for this ginger faggot when he told that pitbull story he's so rich he could rent an apartment for the dog.

That’s a girl? Yeesh! I thought it was his friend Andre Washington.

I thought it was hilarious when he and his wife were saying pit bulls have a negative stigma but then gets rid of it when it starts showing its aggressive tendencies.....fuckin retards.

is it the irish in him that makes him do this to himself?

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>>makes billy stop flying helicopter

That's probably reasonable. Helis are death traps.

Irish of are the niggers of whites.
Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs
Bill's wife is the niggers of wives

When I sobered up...I saw all the bullshit around me that I was too fucked up to notice. He’s basically sober now. I wonder if he sees any of the shit around him and goes.....”what the fuck?”

he probably never processed his abusive childhood with a good trauma therapist and ended up accordingly

He really asked for a paternity test?

the kid came out darker than the wife, who wouldn't ask for one

Proofs on any of these things other than the dog thing?

if your gf is any race but asian, she will cuck you
asians love you as you are

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>love you as you are

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You could save Bill by getting dna of him and the kid and testing them.

The divorce is going to revitalize him into a legendary comedic force

That was a different girl who got assmad that billy red nuts turned their drama into a comedy bit

Asians cheat too breh. Hope you didn't fall for the meme

asians will inevitably drop you for a 'better' white guy
t. knower

only on asian men with white men
once they've found a white man, it's an eternal bond

>bill gets divorced
>makes louis cks rise look like a joke
>gets payed millions each year
>has to give almost all of it to the negress in the form of alimony and child support
why is bill such a cuck

Delusional incel fantasy

>throws billy out of the house when he asks for a dna paternity test
>makes billy put the house and bank accounts in her and her brother's name to show that he isn't racist

Holy fuck, this is beyond cucked. How does a man get to this point even???

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>be irish
>survive famine with potatoes
>still breed with a niggress

Bill is literally a cuck, and he has disgraced his ancestors.

lol bro I’ve fucked a few asian girls on their boyfriends beds. They cheat more readily than any other type of female I’ve come across.

>This window will close in 3 seconds...

Lmao, I have a married Japanese woman who messages me because she craves white dick. Sluts gonna be sluts.

If a girl gets defensive about a paternity test, you kinda already know


>bugs are monogamous

404 in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

>>makes billy put the house and bank accounts in her and her brother's name to show that he isn't racist

I know the other ones are true but is this?

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T-the lovely nia

How fucking gullible are you jesus christ

I jumped out when he started with the "you're a white man so you're privileged and live life on easy mode so shut up." routine. My face when he said statistics don't mean shit (nigger crime and employment), that the only way to really know is to be black and live their life. Sure bill, it's all a lie.

do you think they killed bill and replaced him?

They tried the same thing with Bill Hicks but he was an unfinished prototype that went insane

They threatened him, same with Dave Chapelle, he used to have some tinfoil bits he cut out entirely for his new specials
I remember Dave had a bit about forcing men into drag to emasculate them, never goes near it now with the tranny culture being what it is

how long till bill takes the bogpill

His last special he literally shits on trans for 10 minutes straight tho

Depends, hows his Netflix show doing? They gave it to him so they could threaten to take it away unless he tows the party line

Milquetoast shit, he stays miles away from while they're trying to emasculate and humiliate men

You can tell he really beats himself up by doing things like locking down with a woman like this. It's sad but it's definitely where his humor comes from. Too bad he couldn't save himself.

Only if you’re a fucking moron about flying them. Like for example you decide for some reason to fly in a heavy fog.

He’ll no doubt kill himself in a few years. People will ask why.

You guys don't get it. Nobody "gets" to them. Nobody builds an android fucking clone puppet.

It's just easier to live the lie. That's all it takes. Just give in and repeat the words.

Why did he give in? Probably because having a family is extremely fucking stressful because the mother has been indoctrinated to not desire motherhood and the associate duties.

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Asians are the worst, well maybe after niggresses, you utter retard

Bill was given a Netflix show to give him a taste of real mainstream success specifically so they could threaten to take it away from him, Netflix makes 0 profit so why does it exist? Literally to churn out propaganda and control people

what is she so mad about?

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Better question is, what isn't she mad about?

Bill was never funny

That's a valid point. He serves the purpose of making white men look impotent, enraged and outdated. The fact that he slips in a redpill or two is by design. Just imagine if he made an act where he got real...

> the painting in the background
and people try tell me god isn't real

He's going to go full Yas Forums when the inevitable divorce comes

God imagine the absolute rice goblin these two are going to produce, he'll be the fucking incel messiah

>how did burr become so cucked?
She has a feminine penis, and the things you do to stay in the closet.

>Bill was never funny

I will never forget the massive blow up he had at Patrice over fucking nothing.

>Billy throws Patrice under the fucking bus on a shitty radio show.
>Patrice is annoyed but not to shaken, says what it is.
>Bill Burr starts screaming on the show about what an asshole Patrice is.
>Patrice has to explain shit 15 times before Bill gets it.
>Bill finally gets it and realizes he was wrong and just goes "oh, well"

Bills always been this way, and its why people love him and hate him at the same time, he makes it very hard to be around.

When shes pleased with billy she erases her eyebrows and draws on a upside down U above them to show shes happy.

>how did burr become so cucked?
I'm so tired of hearing about this reddit-tier comedian who makes Gilfred Gottfried sound less annoying by comparison.

Bill was probably enjoying something

nigger women are the angriest, ugliest, most bitter degenerates on the planet, probably from their jacked up primate hormone levels. you wanna know why black men are so eager to fuck white women? it’s because of these absolute monkey cunts

Micks are already pale niggers so it's no big loss

I never got into this guy. His asshole schtick always seemed like a big cope for how weak he is. Like a little dog that won't stop fucking barking.

>makes billy put the house and bank accounts in her and her brother's name to show that he isn't racist

Wat? Is he retarded?