Hey Clinton, get back to work!

>Hey Clinton, get back to work!
>Make me!
Gosh imagine if the Simpsons was still able to rip on the democrats

Attached: 199481.jpg (640x480, 54.2K)

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they couldn't do this joke with drumpf as he still hasn't STARTED work yet

Watch out, it's the Democratic candidates!

Attached: simpsonsSquad1-640x480.jpg (640x480, 75.82K)

>Hey Sneed, get back to work!
>Feed me!


how did trump ever recover from this?

imagine if sneed was able to rip on chuck

You sad fuckers are mentally ill. Go back to your faggot discord


Those are not the Democratic canidates. That was the dance line later in the skit.
Funny enough, as tame as it was, it did poke fun of the Dems a bit.

Clinton, like all centrists, are republicans

Bernie 2020.

remember that one joke they made about Obama? remember?.......


By winning again


Drumpf btfo!!

Attached: 1575568930805.jpg (854x424, 146.57K)

Chuck, like all cityslickers, fuck and suck

Sneed 2020



can you explain why that's funny? I don't get this meme

Because sneed

The SJW squad? Who cares it was from the same skit.

If you don't get it you are mentally deficient and no amount of explanation will help

even in animation they have dead eyes

It's a clever play on words and subtlty, you see the store says Sneed's Feed and Seed etc.

even in animation they have SNEED eyes

>It's a clever play on words and subtlty
no, I get it, "suck n fuck", haha hilarious, but is the joke its obnoxious and cringe like all simpsons humor?

nah those are more chuck-ish

they will when biden gets the democratic nomination

whoa there hold on simpsons humor isn't cringe and obnoxious

remember when awful forced memes were laughed out of town

haha bill clinton is so funny and lovable too bad about those women he forcefully raped like juanita broderick


Attached: pinky and the brain - hillary bill stooges.jpg (592x447, 53.78K)


Attached: 20200306_093146.jpg (2208x1242, 700.29K)

Not American but who is that still standing?

Attached: 1568434098594.png (1195x937, 1.02M)



based and biden-pilled

No one tells the axe man what to do

the corn pop hunter


Attached: pinky and the brain - hillary shake.jpg (589x446, 64.4K)

i prefer soprano myself

B-but Bernie's still in it right?

Yeah, Lisa called Michelle Obama “the most glamorous and beautiful woman in the world.”

no refunds

Give it a week, his Alz is progressing.


>3 of the 4 were born in the USA
>the other one legally immigrated here years ago
>Trump told them all to go back to their own countries
it seems like this Trump feller might be a little bit racist if he thinks only white people can be Americans.

I don't know anyone who actually likes Joe Biden. Seems like the people voting for him are hoping he'll pick a female/black VP and step down after beating Trump

I work with a lot of young ex mil and they all like Biden a lot. He’s the veteran’s choice

You’re lying or ignorant

I work with a lot of young racists and they all like Biden a lot. He's the racist's choice

I work with a lot of young berniebros and they all like Biden a lot. He's the bro's choice.

wtf?? i love joe biden now!!

Looks like I've got some Joementum now

What the fuck is that story?

I work with Bernie and he wants to be president

Dementia can be hilarious.