This made people cry and shit themselves in 1999

>this made people cry and shit themselves in 1999

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they did the same for the Exorcist in 1973, people were more innocent in the past and we're rapidly becoming desensitized to everything

He's taking a piss

Please provide a timestamped photograph of shit in pants, together with a statement under oath of a person that:
1.) The shit belongs to said person
2.) Said person shat him/herself during or shortly after watching the film
3.) The defecation act is the direct result of said film and not in any way attributable to a preexisting medical condition.

Point 3.) needs to be independently verified by a practicing medical doctor.

I will refresh this thread every second. I closed all tabs.

You have my exclusive attention.

I am waiting.

so did fucking your mom yet she still got laid many times, your point is?

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It was found footage at a time when found footage had been dormant for nearly 20 years. People had an easier time suspending disbelief and they actually thought it was real footage, that it had really a happened. And the build up to the final shot of BWP was a master class in suspense and tension.

The man in the window is absolutely right.

this. Horror rarely ages well for some reason or another as time progresses. A lot of the 'classic' horrors that terrified people in their times would be considered comedies if they were released today.

The first 1/4th of the movie is pretty comfy.


OP absolutely BTFO

>>This was considered too violent for 1992.

Whats your point?

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They didn't have cameras back in 1999 dumbo.

>>.) The shit belongs to said person
>>.) Said person shat him/herself during or shortly after watching the film

>It's 1999, baby
>go to watch the newest horror-film everyone is talking about
>but first:
>go to the restroom
>pay someone else to shit in your pants
>then go to your seat in the cinema
>sit in the other person's shit for 1.5 h
>want until the end
>stand up immediately after the final scene and proudly proclaim to the entire audience present
>"I was so scared I shit my pants!"
>applause ensues

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the drawing of the blair witch was scarier than this whole movie

People believing this shit was some snuff footage was hilarious too.

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Spotted the lawyer

the best scene is when the girl and the other guy are so mentally exhausted that they just hug each other

Have you seen it recently? It was still pretty good

breddy gud

Idiot females will always think fake stuff is real. It's their whole way of dealing with the world.

It was an original idea and people weren't desensitized like they are today. Besides, it wasn't the actual scene that scared people but more so the utter dread of awaiting the reveal of the villain.

We'd still be speaking English if he was.

>people still think this film is about a witch and not about three dumbass college students who got lost in the woods and completely lost their minds
gen-x's were a mistake

This part and the part they were attacked in the tent were the only scary parts. The rest of the movie was just people complaining on camera and was annoying.

Wasnt just females you little weirdo, I was about your age when the movie came out. A majority of people around here, around here being actually very close to where the movie takes place in Burkittsville MD, believed the footage to be real for a while after it came out. It was a different time, not everyone had internet and you couldn't just go to the movie creators twitter and ask them shit.

Pretty scary imo

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I fucking love Blair Witch project, The story and documentary feel to it before the woods is great. That 90s town was comfy as hell too.

What the fuck did i just watch?

it made me seasick by the end of the flick in 1999

The pre and post release hype was unseen till that point and the people were going bananas in the theaters.
I have never seen anything like it in my life.

Yeah it's fucking great, I think people expect it to be a generic horror film and make them jump but it's just a great little moody indie film about how scary woodland America is.

>The monster made him crazy and he stands in da corner :O
The amount of s*y can never be forgiven

Wrong film.

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Yea it was that atmosphere that made me feel uneasy. Being stuck in a huge dark forest with an ancient evil witch is terrifying.

I remember this shit. They did an entire scooby doo marathon on Halloween that year

Remember in the remake/sequel or whatever it was when they show the witch and she is a tree

I'm still crying and shitting myself though

no source

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That wasn't the VWVItch though. Director said the witch was never shown

>>this made people cry and shit themselves in 1999

No it didn't. It was over-hyped through a big marketing campaign. People went to see it in droves, then left pissed off.

Still scary today fag
No reading about it on Wikipedia does not count as watching it

The Rape Man project

You weren't even alive when it was released you stupid nigger. Shut the fuck up

>Americlaps applaud someone just for doing their dooty

The Exorcist was better, this just made me nauseous.

my dad saw The Exorcist when it came out and they had people fainting, medics with oxygen masks too

what the fuck does that even mean, blair witch project is based in maryland which has been colonised since more or less the late 1600's and burkitsville itself has been a town since the late 1800's.

The internet proved there's nothing paranormal that truly exists so horror movies like that aren't scary anymore because people know nothing like that could happen to them, they used to believe in ghosts and demons so movies like that felt plausible, not anymore. You may call me a fedorafag but it's the truth.

maybe just in film due to technical limitations. Take "The Turn of the Screw" or The Rite of Spring" or Fuseli's "Nightmare"


Which one? the 2016 one? I actually liked it quite a lot
Especially when that girl snapped in half

a lot of normies absolutely believe in all that shit

>The rest of the movie was just people complaining on camera and was annoying.
They did this on purpose to make their deaths more palatable, slasher movies do the same.

Yeah. I liked it too, didn't deserve the hate it got

You know a huge number of people still believe in all that shit. Even more now, possibly, because they have tons of websites out there to reinforce their beliefs.

it’s creepy and I like it

this. it felt like satan would crawl out of the fucking tv if you played mk for too long.

God DAMN I love this board!

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that's kinda hot

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>Be me, age 13
>Class goes out camping to get to know eachother better (where I live we switch schools and get new classmates in grade seven)
>Doing a lot of fun things during the day, eat by a campfire in the evening
>When it gets dark we go into a cabin to watch a movie
>We get to choose which one we watch, Blair Witch Project is picked
>Nobody really knew what it was except that it was scary
>I go around and tell everyone before it starts that "oh I've heard about it, apparantly it's a documentary made from real footage that was found after a few people who went into the woods to film disappeared, some really creepy things happened"
>They believe me and proceed to shit themselves as we watch it
Good times

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