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Wall of Weird Edition

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You'll never be her submissive sex slave

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post cutes pls


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Started rewatching a month ago
>Struck by how comfy is is.
>Remembered how much Lex and his dad steal the show.
>Boner for Chloe upped to 300% now that I know she's cattle branding women in her nights off

What a great show.
Kind of went to shit when it focused too much on le justice league and not comfy small town.

She looks like she fucks brainwashed sex slaves with her cult master husband.

*pretends to be blind for an entire season*

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>be Lex
>chad millionaire driving sports cars off bridges, running shit factories, living in your ancestral castle imported from Scotland brick by brick to Kansas
>begin suspecting your only friend, a high schooler, is an alien with super powers, maybe also some kind of Native American god
>meddle in your high school friend's personal life
>seduce his girlfriend and trick her into thinking she's pregnant so she'll marry you

What the fuck was Lex's problem?

Lionel Luther was kino af.

Too based.

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yellow fever

Chloe > Lana > Lois

It's called being based & redpilled, you wouldn't get it.

Smallville was insane.

I always wanted him to play Desty Nova in Alita

Unironically why wouldn't hollywood make a supes film with clark and lex from smallville?
The wholesome smallville vibes would cut through the garbage synder grimdark shit and make people like superman again

To me Smallville became kino in S4, with appearance of Lois. Lana was annoying cunt whore.
One of the best episodes are those with Clark and Lois bickering and fucking with each other.

>every Luthor scene begins with someone pouring a drink

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If it doesn't look like a blockbuster they won't do it.

Clark's mom > all


>one of the few friendship stories that play out across entire seasons of TV

is it worth watching after the season 6 premiere though? It seemed to wrap up every single plot thread at that point. wasn't super climactic but the episodes were getting bad at that point so it seemedl ike a fine exit.


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Didn't Tom hate being Superman from the very beginning? Even by the end of Season 10 he was looking a little rough, and he was always getting fat between seasons.

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Lois was like a breath of fresh air amidst all the mopey Clark-slut Lana drama drivel.

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He went on Michael's podcast and explained how WB jerked him around a lot, overworking him and shit.
He's also been uncomfortable doing fan shit but is slowly opening up to it.

>Look son, What we did wasn't wrong
>you're not of this world, and I am not truly your father
>just put it back in your mouth for a little while, you'll learn to like it.

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Yeah I was surprised how nice her character was. Anyone notice that after 2010 anytime they add a new character it feels like the show is trying to add a character and they are just a series of 'points' the character needs to have instead of, you know, a person? But back in the day shows like buffy adn smallville introduced new characters and they felt real.

Goddammit Clark, Lex just wanted you to tell him your secret! Even when he knew, he hoped you would trust him enough to reveal it.

>tfw this always made me feel pathetic even though I wasn't even a luthor

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Was there a more kino scene?

Lionel's look of utter regret as what could have been flashed before his eyes gets me every time

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Based Riker
Not as insane as Lois & Clark

she kinda looks like the girl from elm st 2 desu

She was really cute in Superman 3.

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Chuck gets to fuck this!?

Rewatching this makes me REALLY depressed.
>Watched this during HS and brief stint in college

>When I watch it again it makes me miss the 00s so much when everything was simpler and before internet Twitter and social media pol shit
>Also before I fucked up my life

Also w/e her name is, I need an obsessive yandere Alisha gf (the psycho blonde who gets cured and Clark falls in love with)

Fuck this cruel world I just want time to rewind 15 years ago when I lived in Iowa with the farms too
I miss comfy shows like this so much, without any sort of agenda or forced farces

This is so fucked up

> She never got to lead Emma Watson on a leash.


Holy shit this. When I hear the end credits song it just kicks me in the stomach with feels

Was this the first time the show got real?


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>when I was your age me and my buddies used to do this sorta thing all the time. we used to just go down to the lake and rub em together
>don't you want to be friends with your old man?

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I love Tom Welling's Clark but there was one problem. He was so obsessed with Lana that it actually made him an immoral person to be an accomplice to her crimes. Anytime Lana got powers she showed her true colors.
>Becomes a vampire and kills a girl and almost kills you
>Lightning splits your powers with her and she tries to kill Lex
>Starts dating a mutant who can create a shadow clone; tell her that she's being manipulated by a guy who is dating her and Chloe at the same time but she just calls you jealous even though it's only season 2 and you've saved her life at least 30 times.
This doesn't even account for the time you dump her and she dates your ex best friend just to get revenge on you.

Don't be silly, user, she's pure as the driven snow.

>It's canon that clark kent goes skinny dipping

Attached: Smallville Cat Fight.webm (532x300, 2.94M)

>What the fuck was Lex's problem?

That fag Clark kept gaslighting him until he went insane.

Reminder that this is the gayest scene ever commited to film

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To this day, that look still gets me. Chloe is the girl who will never be the first choice but who is probably the most loyal of all and a freak in the bed
>that Red K episode in season 2 where her and Clark are making out in the back of the car while Pete is driving
I think it was the Nicodemus episode. Fuck, she was so hot in that one

That is literally my favorite scene in the entire show. I go on youtube and look it up like once a month.

Reminder that the time she disappeared in the final season coincides with her joining the cult.

When she filmed the final episode she'd already swallowed Kieth Raniere's cum

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>you always thought she had wild eyes and would probably be a maniac in the sack.
>turns out she was a literal maniac
The innocence of youth

>that ep with Lois and Clark getting caught in the bathroom by Martha
Literally one of the best scenes in a TV show. That look Lois gives Martha as Martha is shocked is goat-tier

>it's a red kryptonite episode

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It’s wild how red kryptonite turning Clark into a Chad was portrayed as a bad thing.

>Lana is a witch posessed by her grandma
>the ancient Chinese hid kryptonite all over their palaces just in case
>every single scene Dean Winchester was in he's a huge whiny faggot
>his relationship with Lana is the definition of statutory rape and everyone treats Clark like an asshole for not being cool with it

Was there a single redeeming feature of Season 4?

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Suck a dick, you retard. It was one of the top 5 scenes in the show. It was sweet as fuck and perfectly showed how lonely Clark actually is


What happened with S8?

Reminder that Pete got to second base with Chloe AND Lana

My fucking black person. Finally someone who likes it as well. Feels like today playing during the scene was tearjerking