JOA (JUST on arrival)

>6 writers
>Daisy "Movie Poison" Ridley is the female lead
>in production since 2017
>numerous reshoots
>100mil budget
>release date moved up TWO fucking years, FOUR years after principal production has wrapped up
>and STILL no trailer

HOLY FUCK, name a bigger JUST (even before it's hit the theatres) in cinematic history. only contender that comes to mind is Gilliam's Quixote and that was literally a biblical flood washing his entire set away, while the producers fucked him in the ass

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Tom Holland will save it, he's cute

wtf is even the plot and why would he do this flick when he's doing uncharted

I guess this movie is really a Chaos Walking®™

>why would he do this flick when he's doing uncharted
i don't know anything about Uncharted, but this movie was originally shot in 2017, before any of that

The plot is:
>In the near future, Todd Hewitt has been brought up to believe that a pathogen has killed all women in a colony world and unleashed Noise, the special ability to hear people's and animals' minds. Later, he comes upon a patch of silence and soon discovers the source of the silence: a mysterious woman named Viola Eade – the first he has ever met. On the run, they learn more about the true history of the New World.

It's from another YA SCI FI trilogy they want to make gang busters like Hunger Games, so they keep fucking with it and fucking with it to make it further and further away form the popular book they bought the right to

that's a terrible wig

YA is cancer anyway.

Why cast Daisy Ridley if you wanted a blonde heroine? They thought this bitch would be a star after nu-wars but she can't even get one acting role after episode 9, she has to go to Rupaul drag race to stay in teh spotlight

I write YA for girls, just so if i get a movie I will be on a set with half a dozen young women who can pass for teens

>script by Charlie Kaufman
>goes back for 2 rewrites

JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP SENPAI, if they wanted this to be anywhere close to kino they would have gone with his script, now it’s just guaranteed to be a train wreck.

Accurate. I hope the reshoots it did were just cutting her out of loads of scenes.

i will watch this just for our queen daisy

Hey, is that Billy Elliot?

Imagine meeting a woman for the first time in your life and it's Daisy Ridley

put out the movie. I want more daisy kino.

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>last woman in the world

More like five rewrites

I thought it was deemed "unreleasable" and they were just going to cut their losses?
They haven't marketed it at all yet and the marketing would cost about the same as the budget. The YA hype train is long dead, I wouldn't be surprised if it either gets buried completely or unceremoniously dropped on amazon prime. Netflix wouldn't take it.

I was in a movie that was shot in 2011 but wasn’t released until 2014. These two have a lot of other projects going on but the level of stress it caused me, wondering if it would ever be released or thrown away, was keeping me awake at night for 3 years.

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No, he's not

>keeping me awake at night for 3 years
because you were hoping the movie would accelerate your career?

He's very cute.

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Most films are let down by shitty female characters, and I'm not trying to triggering the femcels who fart in outrage if you say "woman" in a slightly negative way, but they're too often written as Mary Sue cunts who have no redeeming qualities, and in the age of blackwashing and feminism not even beauty.

what kind of lard ass virgins dont like Daisy Ridley?

Why is it called Young Adult novels? Everyone knows it's for young teenage girls.

Someone who saw the screening leaked this shit, they changed the script so much It has nothing to do with the books anymore, Tom Holland character is a cuck and boring, dies trying to save daisy
This movie is a walking chaos

He's a manlet, he'll never make it

>Tom Holland character is a cuck and boring
You mean like Spiderman?

boys read them to jerk off to the romance scenes

lard ass virgins? Don't know any of those you sweaty hambeast, but I do know most people know shitty acting and 4/10 looks when they see them.

That sounds fucking awful.

Spider-Man was always a bleating cuck for overrated bitches, I hope you're not blaming Tom for that

By the looks of It, worse since he doesn't even get the girl

Sounds absolutely fucking random and gay.

You'll have the theater all to yourself

Well he gets a mutt who is taller than him and flatter than a surfboard in Spiderman,

>that a pathogen has killed all women in a colony world and unleashed Noise, the special ability to hear people's and animals' minds.

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You forgot
>Charlie Kaufman writing

He hasn't had a hit since Eternal Sunshine

>6 writers
How the fuck did they get any script at all?

I mean, you wouldn't know any better.

Boys read YA because they pretend it will give them something to talk about to the nerdy girls, but they forget to talk to the nerdy girls and play video games

How unwatchable must this shit be if it takes 4 years after wrapping production to get released lmao

Synecdoche, New York was one of the greatest films of the 2010s.

Empty theaters are great. You can have a danger wank.

Flopped hard on release and was polarising as hell

I liked it but that's what happened


Thief and the Cobbler, maybe? In production for like three decades and when it finally got released it was a butchered version with bad songs and the title characters were meant to be silent but are now voiced by celebrities and it was clearly trying to cash in on Aladdin. A workprint version is online that's really good, though.

This movie is going to be an unexpected huge box office hit. Seethe more.

Not even the studio believes this

>Be Daisy
>Dream of hollywood
>Get a part on a series playing a corpse
>By miracle you are chosen to play the lead in the new trilogy of the biggest franchise in history of cinema
>Production is a complete nightmare
>people is booing at you
>get a coke adiction
>try to make your way thru the next 2 sequels and be free
>production is a bigger nightmare
>everyone hates the movies
>try again in a new movie
>production nightmare all over again.

Hollywood has no chill.

why does she look like his mom?

Because she's like Double his age

>people is booing at you

shitty acting or shitty writing/source material?


And yeah she's pretty average, borderline ugly

uncharted has been in production hell that it was initially Wahlberg that would play Drake

looks like fun. a marvel-starwas crossover can't do wrong

You left out the best bit
>>Manchee is Todd's pet dog. A gift from Cillian for Todd's twelfth birthday, his thoughts are audible because of the Noise germ. He is Todd's closest friend, and follows Todd unconditionally after they escape Prentisstown
>his thoughts are audible because of the Noise germ

They do otherwise they would have sold to netflix

Looks more like one of those annoying teens you just want to slap in the face because they keep talking shit and think they're relevant.

>>people is booing at you
Are they user? Or are those just the bored with life faggots on Yas Forums.

its in style to talk like niggers now