That part of the kino where one of the only two good guys left must sacrifice themselves to defeat the monster

>that part of the kino where one of the only two good guys left must sacrifice themselves to defeat the monster

Other urls found in this thread:

>the guy who voted for the iraq war and the senile old man who helped write a draft of the patriot act
>good guys

>senile old man who helped write a draft of the patriot act

>Berniebros, Jane...I do this for you. And yes...even for you, Drumpf.
Would be kino

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All jokes aside, Biden looks sad. Like dude clearly lost his marbles. Trump is still sharp even if you think he's a dumbass. I kind of feel bad for Biden. His VP will almost certainly take over.

Based , he has my vote if true

Based and true




hmm, i think will vote for Donald J Trump for President of the United States in November.

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The citation i read was this one but it got kill, not even archive will pull up any saved pages

Anyone who votes for dems unironically deserves a special place in hell. Until Texas flips, you better prepare to get frustrated again, you poor lobotomized bastards

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Cringe video desu

What are the chances Trump is going to lose?

i remember this video from 2008 lol. i used to watch so many dbz videos.

> old establishment pedo vs literal traitor jew
> good guys

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Those are both Joe Biden

Theres no such thing as chance.

>Joe Biden as president

Yea okay kid. Lmfao.

it's possible, but right now democrats are trying their hardest to pick the shittiest candidates possible.

If Bernie gets the nom, he might be able to make Trump look dumb enough leading up to the election to secure a victory. If Biden gets the nom, Trump will win.

that's a funny way to spell "globalist kikes"

Breddy gud but it's hard to tell because whites have a silent majority thing going. That's why polls are bullshit. Trump voters lie so they don't get shamed by simps.

Should had gone with tulsi

He only made this run because he was sad that his non fuckup son, the one he was grooming to take his place, died of brain cancer

Bernie is even more dumb than Dementia Joe.

Why do they look sooo old?

Well he's not wrong

>traitor jew
He’s only a traitor to Israel.

Lmao this is a good thing though fuck white people I hope you all get eaten by the Mexican hordes you racist motherfuckers deserve it

>Lmao this is a good thing though fuck white people I hope you all get eaten by the Mexican hordes you racist motherfuckers deserve it

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Why are americans like this?

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At least he is able to coherently articulate his thoughts and ideas. Joe Biden will not be able to deal with Trump's jokes and jabs.

You actually have it backwards. Trump is a slam dunk if Bernie gets the nomination. They've already fearmongered their non mannaby base about Bernie. Wall street would never let Bernie win. Niggers are still getting their gibs either way. They dont give a shit about whites getting gibs too. Lmao

w-w-we have to vote for neo liberals because rightwing populists say they are going to drain the swamp and deport mexicans but then go around and do something else. Miga!

Who plays Corn pop in the film?

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>wh*te boi mad that he’s getting replaced
Survival of the fittest remember

would this make a college educated taco like me easier to move to the US?

Are you mad about the tax rate not being progressive enough or how much money people have?

You're probably right in the sense that Biden will get the nom, but I think Trump and his team would actually have to put some effort towards running against Bernie, as opposed to Biden who is basically a cardboard cutout.

He's a commie and he's old. That's disqualifying.

Bernie Bros: population 17,000
Normal adults who don't like Bernie: 100,000,000

Bernie Bros need to stop the fantasy that boomers will vote for him. they fucking wont. white boomers, black boomers, mexican boomers, no one over age 35 supports him. Bernie would absolutely,100%, be trounced by Trump.

With Biden, you will legitimately see white moderates and centrist-republicans supporting him.

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> entire west collapse as white peoples become a minority
> Chinese bugman take over and can now freely enslave the brown hordes
can't wait for this to happen

He has never done that and he has never even tried. He has ONE non-specific stump speech and gets mad when you ask him how his policies actually work.

it's not "the rich" who'll get taxed more. it's anyone who makes more than those below the tax threshold
>Why are americans like this?
because americans like keeping their money rather than giving 60% of it to the state

Of course it would

Oh shit I know that look. That granddaughter is taking care of him. She's the one behind him, making sure that he doesn't go insane. Probably influencing him as well.

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Yes. Bernie wants to open the floodgates -- which used to be a "Koch brothers idea", according to him.

>he thinks the middle-class won't be affected
>the people who have very, VERY little room of additional burden to levy

Oh, boy.

Bernie is a fucking retard tho


Open borders will definitely help with that

>guys... I don't feel so good

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>Were that threshold to be reduced to 1% (essentially eliminating it), then, by TIME’s calculation of Associated Press voting data, Warren would have come out of Super Tuesday with 181 delegates, or nearly triple her actual result. Biden would still be in the lead, but only with 501 — a figure that better aligns, mathematically speaking, with the fact that he has only received 35% of all votes. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg would have benefitted, too, with his 55 delegates growing to 188. Numbers like those might have convinced Warren (or Bloomberg) to stay in the race, reshaping the contours of the primary moving forward.
Makes you think


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where is this from?

>incel shooter goes insane
>get shot
>go to hospital for a week
>get a $200,000 bill that I have to pay
>go bankrupt paying medical bills
>so much for saving a couple thousand bucks a year

>Trump is obviously a zionist
>Biden also unconditionally supports Israel
>Yas Forums is getting played again
>On 22 January 2017, in response to Trump's inauguration, the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced his intention to lift all restrictions on construction in the West Bank.[103] In September 2017 it was announced that the US would open their first permanent military base in Israel.[104]
>On 6 December 2017, President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.[105] The US Embassy was opened in Jerusalem (while keeping the offices in Tel-Aviv) on May 14, 2018, the 70th anniversary of the Independence of Israel.[106]
>On 25 March 2019, President Trump signed the United States recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel, in a joint press conference in Washington with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, making the US the first country other than Israel to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.[107]
>Biden "unconditional support of ISrael" is Yas Forums democratic dream just like how Trump was because he makes duh snowflakes upset
Seriously what is up with right wingers and ISrael?
Oh yeah Americans bomb the middle east for the third temple so jesus can come back, they are retarded.

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The fate of America rests in the hands of three incredibly old men, each equally on the verge of death.

And two of them and mild cases of dimentia.

>yo-you're just jealous bro!
>pays $500 a month for healthcare, if his mother's third cousin had cancer won't even get cancer cover
Will never understand murricans
>b-but you get 40% of your wage stolen!
More like 30%, and it's still better than having to pay a fucking premium for basic health shit.

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Don’t care. Would rather 4 more years of Trump than Credit Card Joe.

I sure hope Trump's daughter runs for president next to continue the butthurt.

Bernie will save the Jews and Israel from drumpf
He has dual citizenship so he knows what's up!

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You did good, kid.

Oh, and the delegates...
Keep em. They're yours.

I never could get the damn things to work for me.

I'll see you around, kiddo.

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>If Bernie gets the nom, he might be able to make Trump look dumb enough leading up to the election to secure a victory.

Middle America hates Bernie and views him as a pinko tho.

The news is on television and it's better than 90% of scripted fiction.

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Actually blacks are being replaced.

You are aware that tea taxes is what turned colonial brits into Americans, right?


1st student gets a loan, gets a degree, gets his loan canceled.
2nd student get a loan, works hard for decades to pay it off.
3rd student's parents work hard, save money in order to avoid loans altogether.

How on earth can you think that fucking the last two students and rewarding the first one is fair?

You're either too young or been too spoonfed all your life to realize that America isn't ran by one president but by a conglomerate interest of mega corps and other rich industrial fags.

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another one of the most kino times in history, sit back and enjoy the show

>rivals are both heroes in their own way, and each have strong yet opposing points

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80% id say.

His persidency is a dumpster fire.
No wall, more jewish privileges, more funding to israhell, more warmongering, more """legal""" migrants.

What will kill more people, corona or the bernie bro suicides?

>the senile old man who helped write a draft of the patriot act

Americans give 38 billion dollars in aid to Israel (an apartheid state that broke nuclear non-proliferation treaty because they are aligned with NATO) so they can shoot cruise missiles at palestinian families, fulfill bible prophecy, build the third temple, so jesus can come back and we all get raptured (this is what americans really believe), instead of giving DUMPS voterbase affordable healthcare instead of paying into private healthcare insurane an like the fucking cattle goyim they are.


unemployment down to like 3%

Actually I’m not black I’m Jewish nice try though

Not even close kid

>mild dementia
You've never taken care of the senile have you?

>>the guy who voted for the iraq war and the senile old man who helped write a draft of the patriot act

and bernie sanders

Best thread on Yas Forums right now.

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Coronavirus torpedoed the Yang Gang.

>Biden wins
>Hillary becomes vice president
>After 3 months Biden has to resign because of his health

Yeah it makes you think TIME is retarded. That's the whole point of a delegate threshold.

Do people look at a candidates voting record at all or just go by what they say?

Does anyone know any kinos about strong leadership?

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Sorry, you might try googling it

Why don't you fight the real enemy?
Central banking

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>more warmongering

>lose 60% of your income to the state, effectively making you a government slave
>goods and services cost three times as much
>massive cost of living increases
>tell yourself you're getting "free healthcare"

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If the vote was today? Trump wins.

The possibility of corona happenings could fuck with trump though as it's a potential national problem that he's going to have to try and solve without just blaming obama, which could make him look weak.

But then again fear drives conservative voting so it'll probably play in his favour.

you're saying this like it's a bad thing

This is a straight up lie that for some reasons Americans are still taught. The protests were over the repeal of a tea tariff. The British East India company had a government enforced monopoly, and parliament lowered tariffs to shore up its business against smugglers.

Did the democratic party learn nothing?!

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If the economy doesn't totally collapse and coronavirus remains mostly under control he wins.

We need a free market in healthcare so the prices come down.

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Hillary is going to be his VP screencap this

>voting for a zionist whore married to a turbokike
Yas Forums used to mean something

Because bankers will get BTFO soon once all the boomers die and crypto becomes more accepted in the market

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>le porky
lmao please kill yourself

I mean he's right and it's better than getting everyone in a panic.


cant teach an old dog new tricks


lmao porky is literally leftypol censoring jews huh

Gaslighting i see


leftists dont understand inflation and prices

>dude it’s not capitalists it’s a secret global conspiracy of Jews lmao

Central banking didn't start in 1971, the gold standard didn't end in 1971, it ended in the US in 1933. The only thing that happened in 1971 is that because of Brenton woods, the pegging to gold wasn't a possibility anymore because of the sheer size of the global economy.

Conservatives are inherently evil

>The Tea Party was the culmination of a resistance movement throughout British America against the Tea Act, which had been passed by the British Parliament in 1773. Colonists objected to the Tea Act because they believed that it violated their rights as Englishmen to "no taxation without representation", that is, to be taxed only by their own elected representatives and not by a British parliament in which they were not represented

I'm asking you with two ASCII symbols what the fuck you're talking about, how am I gaslighting

Good I have found the /poltv/ general

This has nothing to do with Yas Forums, it's completely off-topic. We have two boards for this, /news/ and Yas Forums.

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No, no. Comrade Bernie says that billionaires are inherently evil.

probably from these guys

Aryan Joe is just the man

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>dude workers taking over the means of production will actually somehow magically benefit them lmao
>dude the working class doesn't receive virtually all of the end product of production anyway lmao
What are you going to do in a few decades when you realize you wasted your life on a lie?
post joe biden kino

It's not about Jews, it's about Reaganomics. The principle architects of the trickle-down policies that have destroyed our nation were Paul Volcker, Art Laffer, George Shultz, Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan. Jews had nothing to do with it.

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it's fun. just sit back and enjoy it

Yas Forums has normally based opinions on politics. Also fuck off you janny wannabe

Can anyone explain the difference between Biden and Trump to me without using the word "mexican"

Yup lets transport the entirety of the poor mexican population and give them every benefit under the sun, plus some new ones. This is a great humanitarian plan that will only have good outcomes.

Reaganomics wasn't even tried, you people are completely fucking clueless.
It's central banking that has fucked over the working class yet you gullible cucks support the federal reserve.

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Wow good job quickly scanning a Wikipedia article. Now go google what the tea act did.

It's election season son, 2016 and 2012 were the same, get used to it

>arguing against FDA and normal regulations
Go live in Somalia, no laws to keep you down there.

Trump is based. Biden is senile.

The letter in parentheses next to their name.

>he thinks trickle down is a real thing
>he thinks a massively increased government is somehow a free market
gas yourself

Because the rich won’t be taxed. It’s always the workers of low and middle class who pay the bill, while big companies evade them, and have a safe source of cheap slave labor.
If you are for immigration in any form, you suck billionaires dicks as a lifestyle.

How fucking stupid are you that you read that post and then wrote that reply. Holy fucking shit.

Or is this a double blind troll "I'm going to pretend to be the dumbest most illiterate fucking moron possible and misinterpret an obvious post"?

We didn't have most of these interventions in the 50s/60s and the price of healthcare was extremely cheap. You're just a bootlicking moron.

btw I'm not against all regulations, but the FDA has become extremely corrupt and is part of the reason medicine is so expensive

What the tea act did and why the Tea Party happened doesn't refute my original assertion, sperg-kun.

You know guys, honestly I don't give a fuck who would win, but at least Trump make sjws seethe, and these faggots ruined every piece of media including movies and series.

left is literal cope and jewish taqiya
right, while retarded, is still correct

>ur dum
you have to be 18+ to post on this site

remember when old white men were supposed to be the bad guys according to the Wokesters.

Yas Forums just post whatever they want and let janny decide if it's off-topic or not.

Read again and see where you fucked up you autistic fucking asshole.

Nope, you're just stupid and don't know how to read.
We had free market healthcare in the 50s and 60s and it worked just fine and was affordable.

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>With Biden, you will legitimately see white moderates and centrist-republicans supporting him.
The only reason anyone is voting for Biden right now is that they don't follow the primary or know anything about him besides the "haha it's the obama guy" -meme. As soon as all eyes are actually on him people will realize what a senile retard he is and Trump is gonna absolutely pulverize him in the general. Biden's own campaign admitted they try to make him speak as little as possible.

It's wrestling my man. You cut promos, you draw people in, you do your work, you move along to the next town and repeat.

Brother, if Ric Flair could physically handle the campaign trail, he'd be on it right now, WOOOO! Let me tell you! You got all these guys going up and down the country. You get this Bernie guy. I think he's a nice guy, I don't know! But maaaan, let me tell you something. He says women think of getting gang raped when they have sex. But brother, when he's having sex with his wife, she's thinking "Baby, I gotta ride Space Mountain. Again!" WOOO!

Ric Flair can do what Bernie can't, which is be a 60 minute man. WOOO! I could have my way with any woman around, even that fat one with the blue hair and twitter pronouns, and make her cry. Bernie ain't nothing, jack! He has a sportscar? That's nice, I have 3. I got more cars than Bernie bros have bank accounts. And Bernie wants to feel a little froggy? He can't even deal with the brown women. Brother! WOOO! I COULD MAKE ANY WOMAN WANTING MORE. OOOH YEAH!


Trump is Mario Biden is Sonic

>it's hard to tell because whites have a silent majority thing going. That's why polls are bullshit. Trump voters lie so they don't get shamed by simps.
Didn't they call this the "shy Tory" effect during Brexit?
Do Americans really?

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Lmfao what the FUCK happened to the average Joe in the mid 2000s? Is that dip because of the recession?

where did I fuck up? lol
You're the brainlet that believes in the "neoliberalism" and muh trickle down meme

dumb commie

Trump is the red neoliberal zionist, Biden is the blue neoliberal zionist.