What's west of Westeros?

What's west of Westeros?

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>banned for replying to off topic thread
thats whats west of westeros
the jannies

flat earth confirmed

The endless ocean, and eventually whatever's beyond the shadowlands.

>Arya decides to do something she briefly mentions in season 5
Bravo D&D. Great foreshadowing.


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Spinoff Island, it lies across the Sea of We Wildly Overestimated This Show's Staying Power

The East Coast of Essos, obviously
I love how her main qualification for being in charge of a ship is making exactly two trips over a body of water named for how short it is

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do little girls really wander around villages selling their clams in westoros?

anything they want

How the fuck does she expect to make that trip when they haven't even discovered compasses or lateen rigging.

Why would you need lanteen sails specifically?

Because that’s what assassins do, they get in boats and sail out into open ocean for no reason at all.

Literally nothing

maybe they have astrolabes


Yi Ti





The Americas

I always get a chuckle when I think back to the final season of GoT. It's hard to believe it's real, I dont know how they could be so incompetent to fuck up literally every single aspect of the story. I know the show was shit from season 5, but fucking damn was that last season something truly awful.

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Prior to their integration in European sailing technology, all they had was square rigged masts. Ships like caravels and carracks, the first vessels of European construction that could make a trans-Atlantic trips, had lateen-rigged sails. Unlike a solely square-rigged ship, they could maneuver through the rough conditions and heavy winds that you find in an oceanic crossing.

Or when she's never been on a boat in her life and the only people experienced enough to make that trip are Ironborn

If only Arya knew someone who could see everything that ever existed.

It's just a small island with a very fat bearded man living on it in hedonistic luxury.
But the shocking twist, he has the best story of all, And comes back to be worshiped by Westeros.

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Its funny that we have 1000s of kids named khaleesi or similar kind of makes it all worth it.

westworld ?

Eventually Easteros

,>never been on a boat
*Never sailed a boat

What was their reasoning for lowering the episode count to 6/7 episodes? Budget?

I guess her best bet would be obviously to leave from the westernmost point in Westeros, Lonely Light, though in the deeper lore from Fire and Blood a stronk female explorer named Elissa Farman discovered three islands even further west of Lonely Light to the far south that had komodo dragons on them.

what was she saying when she was selling those?
clams 'n oysters something?

Logically she'd probably have experienced seamen for the crew and an actual captain but she'd be the one in charge of the expedition, like how archaeologists in real life worked

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>who is leif erikson


It wasn’t really a major step down. If anything it was the shitty season and a half before that set up the final episodes for failure.

Leif Erikson island hopped from Iceland to Greenland to America. This would have to be a straight shot with no expectation they would find a convenient island on the way.

This would be kind of cool, and it turns out to be a giant ark ship like phantasy star 3.

Literally her own ancestor Brandon the Shipwright did exactly what she's trying to, with an entire fleet of ships, and was never heard from again.

But a square rigged ship can cross the ocean just fine?

In Waterloo Ontario, there's a university called Laurier University (generally it's known as a party school). One of the student dorm buildings is on King Street, and when the new building was opened up in the 90s, a bunch of nerds put their heads together and decided to name it "Kings Landing" after the capitol city of a fictional nation in a series of successful fantasy novels, which, while successful within certain spheres, was a niche genre that not many people were into (especially in the 90s).

Some 20 years later, their whimsical inside joke has soured, after the mega-popular television series that based on the books they named their dorm after had one of the most disappointing endings in television history.


Elissa Farman did find some islands. And the ship was later seen in an Eastern port, decades later

Leif Erikson sailed from Greenland to the northern part of what is now the Canadian province of Newfoundland. If you think that's the same as a trans-atlantic voyage from continental Europe there's no hope for you.

No, she only went as far west as the three islands she discovered, and went back. Brandon the Shipwright took a whole fleet right across the Sunset Sea and never came back.

D&D wanted to go direct star wars but then they got kicked off that

Easteros, its a circle

That's basically the only female profession in the show.

sure, as long as you never run into even a single storm or heck, the proximity of a storm

watch the Alt Shift X video
george did not mention the westerosi ship that looked like farmans ship without a reasoned

Not a cog or a galley, which is what virtually every ship in Westeros is.

Don't the Ironborn stay within sign of the coast?
Crossing an ocean takes an entirely different sort of skillset and I don't see any fantasy polynesians around

you could brute-force it with sheer size but that'd require China-tier resources

Oh yeah some old guy claimed he saw her ship in port in Asshai, that's not conclusive proof of anything.

>we will never see a GoT sequel where Arya conquers Americos through systematic rape, ethnic cleansing and spreading of disease

well theres the wild card Euron who has a fucking Valyrian steel armour set so odd things are definitely possible

What a stupid fucking line holy shit. I hope there is nothing and she just died.

He probably found that raiding the far east though, like Yi-Ti and Asshai. You can make that voyage with a shore-hugging vessel, it's just a VERY long trip.

but Euron was a one of a kind madman and possibly blessed by their sea god

Whatever it is, it has no humans on it because humans in GoT started in Essos.
>but but Sothoryos
Those are not humans.

Clams oysters and cocks

>Jon and Sansa look at each other; they both failed geography exam

bruhistan people's republic

I'm now imagining what the goblin looks like with severe scurvy and it's horrifying

Maybe it's just the eastern shore of Essos. We have no idea where that is currently, the farthest East GRRM had described in Essos is the Grey Waste.

What the fucks the point of doing this in a finale to a show.

well, the planet they're on is supposed to be about as big as Earth, so that'd mean the ocean is fuckhuge
no god damn way they're crossing that alive with the supplies in their tiny ships

So how long until they gangrape Arya?

thanks for the nightmare fuel my dude

Unless there are smaller landmasses or islands in between for them to establish supply bases. We already know Elissa Farman discovered not-Komodo islands to the far west and south that had plentiful game and fruit.

if they can find those islands with a bunch of sailors that have never left the sight of the coast
polynesians had to base their entire damn culture around sailing just to be able to semi-reliably cross the pacific

My primary enjoyment came from the reaction of normies. Every episode they hated it more.