Family edition

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Jazz is so talented.

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>if nothing else just be pretty

wtf grandma is sick

Are you really watching this shit or just trolling?

Yeah, that was a disturbing clip. Explains a hell of a lot.

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You don't even discuss anything.

every week there is a comfy /jazz/ episode stream

Honestly the celestial child grandmother is probably one the most sane person on the show.

I guess all the craziness went into her appearance.

saved for future generations

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Why don't you chuds find something better to do with your lives??

watching and discussing i am jazz is still far more productive than cutting your own dick off.

That's you.

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Guys I think I want to get my nipples removed.
My chest will be like a blank slate. I'll be able to walk around toplesss and people will just think "that's a person" not about gender.

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and a perfectionist too, idk how he does it

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There is that.

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Is that a dude in ur pic?

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Is there a webm?

>incel containment thread

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hold the fuck on
what in god's name is dilation?

at what age did they start insisting he was a girl? It feels like if you do that at such a young age you don't give them a chance to actually make a decision.

Jazz is a perfectionist in the sense that she starts crying if things don't go her way instantly.

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God, I honeslty hate to imagine what dwells down there.
I'd expect it to look like the mouth of Shai-hulud.

he's probably a perfectionist like Ryan from the Office is in that one scene where he doesn't wanna do a task because he won't get it right so he pawns it off
i.e. just lazy

They "decided" he was a girl when he was like 2 or 3 years old.

jesus christ, the dude never had a chance.

Jazz has been sterile since age 13 because of the estrogen. It was up to her.

Let's hope it's not just a phase.

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I use to play with trollies and pretended to be a baker when I was a kid.

Kinda grateful nobody tried to get my knob chopped off.

Yeah man, because being a fucking baker is such a stereotypicall feminine job

Who plays at baker?

being raised as a girl from age 3 is not 'up to her'

its when you make your pee hole feel good

A baker works in the kitchen so


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Does Jaron not realize that only actual attractive females still look cute when they pull faces, because they are still attractive.

The literal tranny antics of Jaron and its over flamboyance just make it look like a boy whose pretending to be a girl.. Oh wait. But in this extreme case the boy chops its dick off.

I use to get called girly because I use to want to play "house" and pay cooking with the girls.

Its not a feminine but you can kinda get where I'm coming from, I did non-masculine things but luckily nobody thought that was an indicator that I didn't "identify" as male.

Is Jazz the only known case of putting a child that young on hormone blockers when it hasn't mentally or physically matured?

I reckon a law will be passed where this isn't allowed. I wonder if Jeanette would be sentenced.

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>actual attractive females still look cute when they pull faces, because they are still attractive
Naw man, you just deal with their shit because they're attractive. A screwed-up face is objectively ugly



Before looks better than after, I don't get why the fuck women do this.

>older sister used to dress me up as a girl and I'd galavant about the house as a proper faggot
>would play with her barbies when bored

I'm glad I'm not American. Although it'd be pretty chill to be a sexy tranny being buttfucked

I thought you mean like pretending to bake bread at 4 in the morning and then selling it
Who the fuck pretend-bakes souffle? Faggot

& Timothee
& Ezra
& Hunter
& Josie
& Finn
& Zendaya
& Noelle
& Greta
& Keanu

>I wonder if Jeanette would be sentenced.
The family's paperwork is airtight, so no.

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Based baker shota.


This tranny pose it always does is so embarrassing. He needs elecution lessons on how to be a "lady".

Same reason they paint their nails and wear bright lipstick

I use to watch cooking channels as a young kid chill senpai.

Also I use to pretend to bake bread aswell.

some kids play cops and robbers
some play cowboys and indians
...and some play baker.

But those can actually look good though. Not always of course, but with the right color it can look great. Blown out lips on the other hand always look like shit.

Depends if your pretend wife is your gay bro or pedo uncle

Nope. They never, ever do. Same way you feel about pumped up lips, I feel about lipstick and nail polish

Looks good to me. You guys are weird.

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Can someone give me the QRD on Jazz’s conversation with Michaela? It really sounded like part of their “falling out” was Jazz taking all the credit on the song they collaborated on. Short of that, a link to that segment?

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she was saying to have a high sexual market value and cash it in for a good life

>Why don't you chuds find something better to do with your lives??

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screech more incel

this is how a 5 year old boy thinks women behave

Whats worse was that I use to fantasize being a medieval baker who would have to go to war but would save the princess and take her to my little cottage where I'd bake her pies and desserts.

my pretend wife was either this neighbour girl or my babysitter.

Jazz claimed to have written almost the entire song then later in that ep, she tries to sing, is flat AS FUCK and breaks down in tears.

T. The Lighthouse

That expression he is making, you literally hear his thoughts
>look like a woman
>look like a woman
>look like an attractive woman goddammit
>is it working?

You don't arrest people after changing the law. Do you know how stupid that would be?

Anyone have the music links?

>tfw i will never be your babysitter

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Different tastes I guess. Although thinking about it I usually only like nail polish on feet, not on hands.
That just looks fucking horrific

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>medieval baker on the frontlines
The fuck are you doing

What Jeanette did is a crime against humanity.

Ha ha, “perfectionist,” my ass. Perfectionists don’t half-ass their vocabulary and just shrug it off.

>footfag trying to lecture anyone on beauty and fetish memes

I completely agree with you.

I was like 4 I didn't understand the concept of logistics, and the fundamental importance of bakers during the medieval era.


I'm sorry user

No baker boy for you.

Pretty kino fantasy desu

If you find zero attraction to feet you're weird. Not having them be the main deciding factor in a girl's appearance is normal, but if you see nothing in them you're probably a fag in denial. There's a reason why women apply nail polish to their feet

No footfag, don't try to project your weirdness
>There's a reason why women apply nail polish to their feet
Wow what an argument, considering you literally said
>I don't get why the fuck women do this
But good to know it depends solely on your judgement whether women do something because all men find it attractive or just out of stupidity

In the case of events occurring when said subject was a child, I disagree.