You can't send me back there, I'M TOO HOT!

You don't understand! I'm in my prime! I have an invisible man obsessing over me! Pleaaaase don't let him see my hot naked body!

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did they really go this route with the movie?

>why am I so hot, why did God create me with such hotness that even magic men won't let me be

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Not explicitly, but why else would they write the story like this, and why else would some reviewers call this a #MeToo movie?

>male gaze


is there such a thing as "ugly hot"? I know she's not good looking, but for some reason I do find her attractive.

>I don't need your compliments, incel. I got an invisible chad stalking me. have sex

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She looked hot when she stayed up with Don nearly all night drunk.

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Will someone please make a fucking DAMN ELIZEBETH MOSS copy pasta already.

I almost exclusively fuck ugly girls and they look much better than her in that scene. Which sets the stand very low.

It's literally explained in the film that the only reason he wants her is that she doesn't want him and he's obsessed with control. Its got nothing to do with her being attractive you cumbrain incel

user are you really this fucking stupid? fuck you asshole

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It's so boring absurd that you give a man the power of invisibility and he uses it to stalk his ugly ex-girlfriend, there are a thousand more interesting movies you could make with that premise.

Bitch was always ugly

>men are not into women for their attractiveness
white night detected

Shes just too nordic looking. Her great ancestor, Helga, was probably the most prized sow in Norway in the year 1032. But today, her square jaw, strong jutting out chin, and perfect nose are not so good features. She is, however, the perfect choice when hollywood jew handlers need a symbol of whiteness to be tortured and degraded.

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it's always easy to spot the teenagers. they're the ones who are well into the sociopathic dip that teenagers experience between the ages of fourteen and twenty-six.

some of them never come out of it.

t. based boomer who married ugly cause inner beauty is more important

Yeah those are my favourite kind of porn girls to coom to. Thers something extremely arousing about an ugly hot bitch acting all slutty despite looking like a trashy trailer park whore.

Deep down you know that most women will probably get off on this the idea of being raped by an invisible man

Always reminded me of her...

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You guys ever read something so retarded that you start feeling retarded yourself? I think that's happening to me with this thread.

glad freddy mercury is dead so he didn't have to see his work turned into such a shitty pro-roast propaganda piece.

yeah, I get what you're saying. I like it when they are dumb too

>I'm in my prime!

>Deep down you know that most women will probably get off on this the idea of being raped by an invisible man
At surface level, I know that most women already get off on this idea of being raped by a man, as long as he doesnt beat them up senseless or kill them.


They've never made a better movie than the 1933 original.

That sounds like a highschool thot projecting her desire for cold chads.

cast her

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that makes even less sense

no, the virgin uggo shitposters havent even seen the movie.
she explicitly states that adrian (invisbile suit guy) could have had anyone he wanted and that she was a completely average girl, which elizabeth moss looks wise is.

inexplicable moderate sex appeal while being ugly

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Imagine being the invisible man in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Elisabeth Moss character, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your fat body and horrific protruding chin. I would totally stalk you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is sneaking into 16 yearold girl's dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be that invisible man and not only have to sneak into her bathroom while Elizabeth Moss character flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the fat rolls barely concealing her stretchmarks and saggy skin, and just sneak behind her, step after step, hour after hour, while she perfects that sobbing goblino face. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking square jaw but her haughty attitude as everyone on around her tells her she's THE SINGLE MOST OPPRESSED WOMAN and DAMN, THIS GIRL HAS A LITERALLY BILLIONAIRE OBSESSED OVER HER because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her fat fucking michelin ass release disgusting diarrhea and blood in the restroom you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of schoolgirls and supermodels and later dead-eyed naive country girls for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the gated community of upper middle class WASP. You've never even smell anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled forehead as she look at your direction, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to stand there and revel in her "rubenesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked for so hard eating pizza in the previous months. And then the misandrists come and you swear you could kill every single person in this room before you become visible, but you stand there and endure, because you're a fucking invisible man. You're not going to lose your invisibility because of this. Just bear it. Hide your body and bear it.

to be fair being raped by an invisible girl was one of my earliest coom fantasies.

You just know know her name is Helga or Olga or some shit.

>a 17 year old girl is NOT in her prime... I'M in my prime

It's the blue eyes. They automatically add 2 look points to anyone.

Just saw the movie. Moss scenes and boring drama at the begining sucked but later movie kicks in and turns into pure 'inviible man' show starting from restaurant scene. Rain scene, with flickering suit was amazing and loved every bit of it.

Now the question is, was it really Adrian all the time? Or maybe he was innoceent indeed and that was his brother?

Few last thoughts:
1. Would suit like this be hypothetically possible?
2. Too bad this isn't Dark Universe becaquse it would suit the tone so much.
3. What happened to 'handprint' shower scene and 'someone is sitting on this chair' one from trailer? Were they cut?

She looks like the fucking kurgan

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for me, it's 15

>"Men are only attracted to the ABUSE they can inflict on their VICTIMS, aka women!"
Yeah, we get it, post-modern feminist garbage.

so how will they tie in dracula or the wolfman with this?

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meh hollowman was great though?

>isn't part of DU

did they already say that? such a missed opportunity seeing how the old films had amazing crossover's with frankenstein

>that neck slice


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Irma, actually.

If you ACTUALLY watch the movie he’s obsessed with her because she’s pregnant

They won't. Invisible Man was never really used in original crossovers. Frank, Dracula and werewolf often came together but Invisible Man or mummy were own stories.

The movie ends teasing invisible woman in a sequel and Elisabeth Banks announced making one so...

what is wrong with you people
you act like the lack of crossovers is a bad thing

So the bitch got away with killing an innocent (abuse my ass, bullshit) guy because his brother used his costume?

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monsters started crossovers in 1940s and if so, they deserve it more than godamned capeshit does. imagine mouthbreathers believing that capefags were 'original' because of this. its about keeping universal monsters legacy as everyone can shit out standalone horrors

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We get it, incel.
You're a closet homosexual and hate women.

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Nope, still ugly

Are any of those old crossover movies good though? What would a good idea be for a modern crossover movie that doesn't follow a capeshit formula? It seems hard for two monsters to share the spotlight.

You find her attractive because of exposure, not because of any sort of aesthetic reason

monsters can not be heros. the mummy must be dangerous bitch, dracula must be bloodthirtsty and wolfman must be wild. They can not be positive characters at all.

I agree wholefartedly. I'm just wondering how they would work in a movie together.