It's these indians and the commie fucks. they want to paint columbus as a slave trader instead of an explorer

>it's these indians and the commie fucks. they want to paint columbus as a slave trader instead of an explorer

was he right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did Columbus trade slaves?

A) he was an Italian, B) he hit them and he was doing alot of coke back then

When isn't he?

they enslaved indians

When he burnt Tony's stable evidently


A: it was a joke
B: the medicine was fucking with my head

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The actual person is irrelevant, he's basically just a symbol at this point and tainting that is pointless


It was Tony's favourite horsey.

>reee columbus the devil
Columbus did literally nothing wrong. Indians were evil fucks torturing women and children for sport long before any whites showed up.


Columbus was some low-born dude who just love exploring and chasing that big pay off. He hit the big one, the Spaniard kingdom gives him lordship of the newly discovered colonies. However, as a low born with no education, he wasn’t really fit to rule. He has a shitty rule as lord there, and often fuck off to explore around, leaving the task to his brothers, who are also shitty rulers.

Can't he be an explorer and a slave trader? Why does it have to be just one or the other?

I thought he was just a pedophile

>The episode created a controversy when cast members of The Sopranos (specifically Dominic Chianese and Lorraine Bracco) were banned from marching in the Columbus Day Parade in New York City, despite having received an invitation to participate in the event from New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg

Detective Mike Hunt, Beaver Falls PD

It's amazing how subtle they make these characters appear so retarded and unknowledgeable about their own alleged history.

Of course he was fucking right, only retards and subhumans think otherwise.

Oh Madone
I have blue shields blue cross is that okay?

>sucking a boy scout's dick

Banned by who and why

>when Aztecs burn captives alive and commonly torture houndreds of them to death in religious rituals, while enslaving and exploiting dozens of conquered tribes: Wow such an interesting people what a great civilization, truly the peak American culture
>when the Spanish tell them to stop that shit, convert them to Christianity and make some of them work in mines: Wtf such barbarism this is truly the darkest period of human history, how could they ever do this?

>A gerbil ma'am


Watch out user you just made a limp wrist mad, will you apologize?

t. Moctezaluma


this is untrue. the queen and king of spain banned slavery of the indians. they made them serfs to the crown of spain and literally no different than any lowlife subject in spain. can't speak for other europeans but colon was incarcerated in spain when he brought slaves.

the funny thing is that working in mines has been basically slave labour in literally any other country and their working conditions were not much different from those of workers in pre and post world war europe.

>servitude is completely different from slavery

that's funny because during the goldrush working the mines was considered a great job because it paid so well and entire cities grew up around the miens because of it

>mfw Koyaanisqatsi

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user that's fucking racist white history how dare you bring that up. History isn't important ideals and fantasies are important.

ah yes because they were so free before when being ruled by another king. slavery and serfdom is different though. slavery implies that one group is above the other. the spanish serfs living in europe had the same obligations and benefits the serfs in the new world had.

The gold rush is an exception rather than the rule, working mines was a pretty shit job for most of human history.

Stop typing like a freak.

goldrush is an exception though. working in a coal/iron mine was basically hell

So what? It's their land they can kill anyone they want. I hope illegal immigrants kill you slowly and you will fondly remember Columbus doing the same thing.

You're going to need to up the quality of your bait for somebody to take it seriously.

>beat a 20 year old girl to death by bashing her face against a railing
gets a slap on the wrist by Tony
>might have started a fire to kill a horse to get insurance to pay medical bills
Tony kills him

there are a lot of misconceptions that people usually believe from the spanish conquest like that spaniards never washed compared to the aztecs. anyone would be unwashed if they spent two whole months on a ship. its also funny arguing with mexicans that say this stuff even though spain has tons of pre roman baths all over the country.

>white people were serfs a lot longer than blacks were slaves but n*ggers complain about how oppressed they were episode.

Problen with serfs legal status is that everyone understood their obligations and duties well enough but for most of the medieval period there was literally no judicial supervision of what little benefits they might have had
For most of the medieval period and later for the few countries in which the status lasted, there wasn't that much difference between a slave and a serf, serfs had some form of individual properties and a really vague interest in working harder than slaves since they had some kind of control over their own production and could keep part of it but that's pretty much all that separated them from slaves. Serfdom was really just a christian-compliant form of slavery to replace agricultural slave labour that prevailed in the roman empire once christianity spread through it.

This but unironically
Though bitching about slavery is really an American passtime

Columbus literally got stripped of his office of viceroy of the indies because he was so cruel to the natives.

I'm sick of people being afraid to differentiate between niggers and americans. Niggers are Africans first Americans second.

in the US maybe, but in the rest of the world if gold was found it belonged to the lord who owned that land and their serfs/slaves got the noose if they stole gold.

If only niggers were the only ones to bitch about slavery...
Also they are sadly born and raised in your country

Nah, it's just fiction. People don't actually portray US history as only being the result of slavery...
>The 1619 Project is an ongoing project developed by The New York Times Magazine in 2019 with the goal of re-examining the legacy of slavery in the United States
>[...] contemporary American life which the authors believe have "roots in slavery and its aftermath."

Columbus was actually Jewish unironically, not Italian. It's a fact but mostly unacknowledged.

yeah the NYT is retarded, what else is new?

A jew named Christopher?

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Ok retard

It's being used as educational material for children, teaching that the American Revolution (not even the civil war) was only about white people wanting to keep their black slaves.

t. nigger

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It gets dumber by the day


>Over time, I’ve grown to see more and more of the Jewishness in my name. Christopher – an Anglicization of the Greek name Christoforos – literally means “bearer of the messiah.” Many Jews believe in working toward a “messianic age,” or olam haba (the world to come), when the entire world will be at peace and dwell fully within the Divine presence. My responsibility as a Jew, as reflected and inspired by my name, is to practice tikkun olam (repairing the world); to work toward bearing a messianic age through acts of justice, mercy, and humility.


I've met Jews who confirmed with pride that Columbus was a crypto-Jew, and it's widely a fact in Israel. America is therefore a Jewish country they said.


See this dumbass

Yeah ok retard

Not an argument. Research it. Or just obey your public education.

He traded them his semen for a moment of their time.

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Jews try to claim everyone at one time or another, it is part of the exercise of crypsis.
Crypsis is not just about hiding Jewishness, but creating confusion over who is and isn't Jewish. Confusion and ambiguity are their greatest ally.

In Napoli, a lot of people are no so happy for Columbus, because he was from Genoa. The north of Italy always have the money and the power. They punish the south since hundreds of years. Evena today they put upa their nose at us like we're peasants. I hate the north.

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how can columbus have committed warcrimes if there was no war?

The show explains exactly why that is. Consider watching it again and this time pay attention.

best side character

seems like something from a flashman novel


>dey treat us lika wea da criminalas
Was Furio trying to be funny here?

>He was Jewish but he killed Indians for refusing to convert to Christianity
You niggers will believe anything


Irony that Yas Forums says savage Indians shot arrows at Spaniards for bringing them Christianity yet arrows are shot at me for informing Columbus was Jewish. The story of Christ's sacrifice for being a truth teller is timeless. It's hard for the ignorant to face the truth for they are blind.