Holy shit, this is kino as fuck!

Holy shit, this is kino as fuck!

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Guys what if snowpiecer went up and down instead of side to side?

DAE think capitalism is bad? :(

the chad Netflix
>makes supreme profit off of model based in a capitalist society
>sells the resentment of the poor back to them

>Hierarchy bad!

Hierarchy is inevitable.

dumb spics without jobs want higher taxes for the middle class: the movie

From the thumbnail I thought it was La Grande Bouffe. You shitnigger!

>muh lobsters


seems to be more about redistribution of wealth than taxes

>reads like a netflix advertisement
>is a netflix advertisement

how many trailers with this soundtrack only this year?

>Hierarchy is inevitable.
So is disease, death, violence, insanity?

predict the twist

>class society bad xD

yeah ok, whatever

The food starts traveling the opposite direction

There's nothing wrong with voluntary hierarchy.

Just a reminder that this movie supports anti-capìtalism, has a transexual main character and negroes and it's made by basque terrorist.
You are welcome, don't tell me I didn't warn you.

What's the deal with Netflix making disproportionate investment in Spanish media? I'm not complaining because most of what I've seen has been kino but curious if they're being made to.

>What if we modelled the story on the real life wealth distribution of high-rise buildings and the social microcosm it creates
>Specifically that identified by J. G. Ballard

Shouldn't you be collecting karma on reddit then?

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Drawing attention to the negative consequences of hierarchies isn’t the same as claiming hierarchies are bad.

It was released in 2019, you don't need to predict anything

How do you redistribute private income without taxation.

Those at the top are the good guys. The lower people are the ones fucking each other over and affectively killing themselves.

>The Platform
So what is the anti-communism equivalent of the title?

So... Parasite?

the original spanish title is literally "the hole"

Based Bernie

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Yes. Products of humanity. Blame it on the misfortune of your birth, coward.

>hirearchy is inevitable so we should do nothing about it

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thanks but no thanks

>What's the deal with Netflix
They're making more money out of the US, so they invest in non-English productions. They're coming to Africa these days with a South African spy tv show, and another one in Nigeria in production.

The thing is : you can't do anything about it.
When anarchists will be able to organize something more complex than a barbecue, you will have a point. For now, you just post selfies.
Your opinion is pr because you are useless as a person, but convinced yourself you're entitled to something. You aren't.

>When anarchists will be able to organize something more complex than a barbecue, you will have a point

civil war is pretty complicated and they're great at those

>anarchists set up a leader to organize the bbq

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So fucking glad this economic illiterate nutcase lost. Fuck him and the bootlickers that support him.

Legitimately thank you for the warning, I dont have much time and I'd rather not waste it on propaganda

>Anarchists are great at civil war

The Russian civil war and the Spanish civil war disagree with you

That's why they lost everytime?
And fight with weapons produced by hierarchical systems?
Not very convincing.

>when anarchists appoint a leader to organise something

are you for real? throughout history, tons of things have been achieved that have made society less hirearchal. Thats why slavery has ended, thats why we have a democracy, thats why we have public college and public healthcare, thats why there are taxes and the police protects everyone. In what world are you living in?

Those aren't products of humanity, retard. They're bad solutions to the entity's current problems, but good solutions to other problems. That's why they're not selected out of the pool. That guy in the gas mask stocking up on 2 months worth of provisions to weather the corona virus in his shelter looks like a total retard, until the day that he's right. And apparently he's right enough for that trait to get passed down the generations.

Same goes for pretty much every other trait. You're sane when all your knobs are just perfectly tuned for your environment. But tune any of them too far up or too far down, and you start turning crazy.

>society is less hierarchal than before
What world are YOU living in?!

Anarchists get wrecked in every civil war by hierarchical forces. Like the Russian Civil War—the Reds kicked the shit out of the Blacks, and Spain where Anarchists killed each other more than the Nationalists

>hey that gook movie about poor people did well, what if we do the same

didnt you read everything i wrote after that? are you retarded or something? Or are you still living in some poor african country?

In reality.
Everything you listed was done by hierarchical groups. Or are completely non sequitur. It’s not the protestors who created laws or reforms, it’s the ones in power or the ones they put in power.

so? what does that have to do with anything i said? either way, those in power did it cause they were forced to, by the force created by protestors. Dont you know how regimes fall and rise?

I don’t think you understand what the word hierarchy means

i think you might be mentally handicapped

>and it's made by basque terrorist.
Based basque terrorist making manolos like you seethe

can't seem to find the torrent

No, you got rekt and now you whine and start another round of mental gymnastics.
The protests never changed anything to the hierarchical aspect of human societies. The most they achieved was pushing their hierarchy to give them something so they are more content.
At no point they established the thing in question, they didn’t implemented welfare or anything. The State did. And all these movements had leaders.
Anarchy isn’t a system, it’s the chaos between 2 hierarchical systems. It’s only destroying, never building.

Movie looks fun. What a strange concept. Why do they gotta make everything political though? Is this the result of the marxist propaganda that the universities have been teaching for the last 50 years?

lol'd cus true

trickle down reganomics

at no point did i get rekt or start mental gymnastics. Seriously, are you a child? You cant just group "protesters" and say that they all are and act the same. Wanna talk about welfare? the government didnt enact welfare because it wanted to, it did it out of social pressure, because if it didnt, it would look bad, and people would stop suporting it. I never said anything about anarchy, stop bringing it up, what the fuck is wrong with you?

not a real thing


>supreme profit

I dont think theres a group of people more retarded than the average leftist troglodyte, they live in a complete fantasy reality.

Stop moving goalposts or rephrasing what i said to look smart. You’re an idiot and you are the prime example of why hierarchy is needed. In a good system, decent and clever people should rule, and you should follow, only allowed to open your mouth when you have something useful to say. That’s how you get shit done.

more reason to not give tax breaks to the rich

Abolish central banking
Abolish the income tax

t. Lobster

no metropolis
heh the jews ripped off another story huh.

i think you might have replied to the wrong person, i never moved any goalpost. Yeah, decent and clever people should rule. So? There are always degrees of rule.

I am superior to any leftist alive, just by virtue of my everyday life. Hierarchy is inevitable.

Looks pretty good

Replace them with what?

>no leak


Free banking and free markets

>Embracing utopias

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>The protestors caused the revolutions

Bahahaha, no. We can look at two famous revolutions to see this. The French Revolution was the bourgeoise against the aristocracy, the merchants of the city against the rural land owners and monarchs. The bourgeois are in favour of democracy due to their need to compete against the land owning aristocracy (though things can be changed peacefully through constitutional monarchy’s like Britain where there was a peaceful transfer of power.) the protestors and peaseants are simply bait used for such motives. Let’s take a look at another Revolution, the Russian revolution, or as I call it, the academic revolution. Virtually all communist revolutions are led by a party of wealthier and better educated people (Lenin, Trotsky, Castro) they had the idea from Marx that they can finally create their classless, stateless society, they did not succeed. The truth is we are in a rapidly changing world, I believe we are entering an economy based on information, an economy without the need for CEO’s, a different class in power, but there will always be hierarchy.