A reminder

A reminder

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needs a blacked porn parody ngl nibba

hopefully there is a pussy eating scene

Thank G-d, I was losing sleep wondering about this

they should make her a black straight man
now that would be woke

>Breeder being gay in a post apocalyptic setting

Nah dog.

So they're not going to cut out the legendary pussy eating contest scene? Thank god!

Fuck kikes

>gets molested by old men as a child
>becomes lesbian
many such cases

And I promise I won’t be watching it

>give birth to beautiful daughter
>you and your wife die, leaving Ellie to fend for herself
>She is taken care of by a random guy who lost his own daughter.
>He lets you kiss and fuck black girls and jewish girls in a post apocalyptic setting

This has to seriously stop.

No such thing as a lesbian in the post-apocalypse, if some white boy rapist doesn't convert her, a black cock will. Women have only one purpose in the post-apocalypse, cock sleeves, and the ones making them into one will be the biologically superior men since all weak men will be weeded out in the post-apocalypse. Women have no chance in such a setting.

Good, I just can't get immersed into a show unless I know the character likes peepees or hoohas

It's all so tiresome.

>Books depict masculine protagonist with white redhead girlfriend
>Show makes the protagonist transgender with mulatto ugly girlfriend
>Game depicts lesbians
>Show fucking VOWS to keep lesbians

I always worry very heavily about the race, gender, and sexual orientation of fictional characters in fictional works so this article really set me at ease, God bless.

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I dont watch tv or play games so I dont care

But she's only shown as a fucking faggot in that spin-off chapter DLC or whatever that was, and for that end in the sequel. She wasn't explicily a dyke in the original game.

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excellent kikeposting

The secret to fight back about these sorts of virtue signaling, if you actually care, is to attack from the other angle.
Instead of acting as an angry male shouting about virtue signaling, claim to be an female angry about them using lesbianism to pander to male fetishes in gaming, a primarily male interest. Attack it as misogyny.
If people say you're not female and catch you, just claim to be trans.

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1. Mutt's Law
Kill yourself.

Secondly, you are correct. But I wouldn't get so creative with your fantasies about "cock sleeves" and such. She would be paired with a male her age, and she will only have sex to bear children and strengthen the city. Having sex for pleasure, as a cock sleeve, is degenerate and a waste of energy.

>biologically superior men since all weak men will be weeded out in the post-apocalypse. Women have no chance in such a setting.

Weak men would be the only survivors. You have a skewed vision of how the real world works. Industrious men are what you would consider "weak" in a hand to hand combat scenario.

That's a lot of mental gymnastics.

Just don't buy the game, and tell all of your friends to stop playing video games.

It's that simple.

Wait, so it's an adaptation of the walking simulator?
Why didn't they make an original story within that universe?

This implies that gays/lesbians wouldn't outright be murdered in a post apocalyptic world. If humanity ever had to revert back to its natural or tribal roots, whew lad...

I just don't care enough to be subversive, like I really don't give a shit about any of this anymore

>Weak men would be the only survivors. You have a skewed vision of how the real world works.
The average male peasant 100-200 years back when your daily routine involved heavy physical work were by no means weak you stupid uneducated low IQ faggot, post-apocalypse is primitive society 2.0, the physical potential of all men has no other choice but to fill up in such a setting regardless of industriousness, and the physical superiority of men scales disproportionately compared to women when forced to do the same physical tasks. You are the dumbest stupidfaggot ever.

Woah, we've been visited by real life actual expert on hypotetical apocalypses. Better listen up, he knows exactly how it all will play out.

Another reminder, this show will flop hard.

>Y-yea stop playing video games and watch pozzed movies and shows

holy based

Because the left doesn't create it only destroys.

>I raided your home now I'll fuck you
>You can't, I'm lesbian
>Gets killed and corpse raped
such a day in... Africa?

and here I hoped the whole corona crisis would lead to people worrying about more important things than the sexual orientation of characters in a video game adaptation

That's not the only thing you won't be doing, non sex-haver

>because people were being concerned they would change a gay character into a straight one

lmao yes

Don't worry, this propaganda will die very soon when Trump is re-elected.

some fanatics might kill homos and dykes, yeah, but most likely she'd be kept alive as a rape slave/breeding stock and pimped out to other survivors in exchange for food, water and other necessities.

Yes, I believe modern Africa is a perfect example of a post apocalyptic world

Didn't she kiss a black girl already?

>Does retarded dance

>your genes are the cure
>instead of passing on your genes in post corona virus land act like degenerate fetish obsessed dyke
She's supposed to be the villain right?

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Like I give a fuck.
*opens nsfw folder full of eliie riding cock

Even if you're fucking lesbian get the fuck over it for at least a little bit BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONLY KNOWN FEMALE TO BE IMMUNE

In a complete dystopian setting, I would stock up on non-perishables and go hunt down as many faggots and dyke rodents hiding in their suburban bunkers. Then I would lay down the fucking law.

Better than your sarcasm actually

And why do you want to remind us? Because youre an incel?



Don't worry. At the end of season 2 she will pass her imunity with gay kisses.

STILL be gay like she is in the game which hasnt been released yet

Male homosexuals has better chance to live in a post-apocalyptic world than female homosexual because they are still male.

Absolutely nothing say that the genes can be passed to the next generation

I think I would be a rapist in post apocalyptic setting

I wonder if she grows mushrooms out of her vag since shes infected.
That would be a good storyline.

The leftist utopia is now one where you define yourself by your sexual perversions. They're just the yapping lap dogs of the rich elite.


nigs wouldn't survive the apocalypse, because they're too dumb

Yaaasss queen. Incels prolly mad

This, we aren't winning shit, this is all out of our control and honestly out of our lives for the most part, bitching about it really is a waste of time, we should of just left it alone. The only reason they even won was because they always looked like the victims, if we had just left alone Anita and her cronies would've just gotten bored of screeching about shit she doesn't even care about and the industry would've stopped pandering because there's actually no money in it. But no, we just had to pick this timeline.

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>base game was full on a father/daughter story about survival
>Ellie even makes fun of a faggot in the base game
>DLC brings in the gay shit
>sequel goes full gay shit
>now a movie, full of gay shit

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And where does that end? Nothing ever gets made because everyone is too scared to offend anyone?

>This, we aren't winning shit
Feminists lost the moment over-grown ass adult Feminists decided to wage a crusade against children and teenagers and their underage hobbies like gayming because in truth Feminists are mentally retarded children in adult bodies whose brains never matured and they are only comfortable arguing with children and teenagers,
and said GROWN ASS Feminists got argued into a corner by children and teenagers to the point they started begging Journalism to stoop to their own level and spend the last 10 years writing hit pieces against underage people and their underage hobbies.

What's the result?
Journalism has the lowest public trust in history now across all stats the more Feminist it acts,
while Feminism has never seen such lowered support and animus from general society in history.
There's fucking nothing to win when you are fighting with people who are losers from the start.
You know how easy it is to win against a feminist? Keep quiet and let the Feminist make a laughingstock of themselves with their retardation.

I understand your feelings

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