Jordan Peele's Lovecraft Country

>Lovecraft Country follows "Atticus Black as he joins up with his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America in search of his missing father. This begins a struggle to survive and overcome both the racist terrors of white America and the terrifying monsters that could be ripped from a Lovecraft paperback.

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Nice touch to cast lovecraft’s cat as an homage

Oh my god.

That's all this guy is going to do, isn't he? Every project will be about white racism somehow.

This guy is racist.

If he isn't in it, I won't watch.

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Can’t wait for it to suck like his other movies. Get Out had a cool trailer but was one of the biggest let downs of that year. So stupid lol.

Stop appropriating white culture mkay sweaty?

But will it contain a scene where someone yells "SAVE ME NIGGERMAN!"?

I would watch it if it did

More evil white people? He's just trying to be the horror version of Spike Lee at this point

My nigga looking like Alan Scott Green Lannern

He's raised my a single WHITE mother. Why is he like this

because nobody would give him work if he didn't screech about racism.

Is it going to be better than his other project Black Snow?
>Black Snow follows Augustus Ennwerd, a successful black architect, and his art historian girlfriend Cleopatra Kwanzaa as they travel to Vermont for a Christmas getaway. At first the trip seems to be going fine, but when a strange snowstorm arrives bringing with it black snowflakes, the local white residents suddenly turn into bloodthirsty monsters. Augustus and Cleopatra must fight their way out of town with the help of an ex-special forces rabbi while uncovering the mystery of the black snow. The film will combine gore, comedy, and Peele's clever use of symbolism to reveal the hidden racism of today, which can even be found in how we respond to adverse weather.

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Dude I just cant wait to watch the new Jordan Peele project

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His mom

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I'm going to say it, lads

>Y-yes Jordan were very sorry, we li-
>Pl-please Jordan-kun take another project, let us prove we're sorry for our ancestors mist-
>No Jordan-sama please make the black George Washington movie!

I'm fucking actually seething. I can't fucking believe this fucking nigger is actually doing this. Oh my fucking blood pressure. Oh my fucking god!!!


This is an affront to Lovecraft's work. This is a bastardization. This is fucking disgusting.

I hope this nigger dies. I will pray everyday for it. Brothers, unleash niggerman. The time has come.

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This shouldn't make me laugh so much

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the novel has very little to do with actual Lovecraft though

I hate all niggers. Don't you fucking sugar coat it. I don't want any of Lovecraft's work or name associate with this race baiting mother fucker.

(((Bad Robot Productions)))

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Why are all his projects race baiting

How many have you killed so far, user? You're not just LARPing on the internet, right? You've taken steps to affect their eradication, right?


The most offensive part is just how juvenile and simplistic his race baiting is. This fat headed monkey has the subtlety of a brick over the head.
Oh well, he's just another hebrew pet that'll be gone and forgotten soon.

Because that's his entire personality. All the race-focused skits on Key and Peele were his ideas. Key doesn't care about that shit. He's in a fucking children's comedy about Firemen with John Cena.

Is this guys only “thematic” idea just racism

>Atticus Black
You can't make this shit up.

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>filming began in July of 2018
So, is it going to be heavily CGI and it's still in post-production? Where is it?

I can't tell if it's real or a parody. I'm just so bored with black people.

Coming out later this year

>On June 14, 2019, it was reported that Abbey Lee had replaced Elizabeth Debicki in the role of Christina Braithwaite

I was reading the autobiography of Harley Flanagan from the Cro-Mags and he was talking about one of his bass mentors in New York named Hayward Peele. The dude was a drug dealer, and a couple of his "friends" shot two of his neighbors, broke into his apartment, and tried to get him to open his vault full of drug money. He had already been robbed once and was in serious debt to dangerous criminals. If he lost any more money, he'd be killed anyway, so he refused to open it. They tortured him by cutting off his fingers and then shot him dead. I Googled him, and the only thing that came up for that name was articles about Jordan Peele's dad who had died when he was a baby. I eventually figured out that it actually was his dad. I doubt his white hippie mom told him exactly how he died, so I officially know more about his dad than him, heehee.

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My eyes went right to that

He's just whoring himself at this point.

>special forces rabbi

>it's another faggots ignoring 50 lovecraftian movies moaning there are none episode

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What do you fucking think? I'm working on the psyche front. What are you doing, stalling my efforts?
Because that's all he is. That will be his legacy.
Of course this mystery box kikelord is going to desecrate Lovecraft's work by hiring a nigger proxy director. Fucking unreal...

Why do women rant on saying things they don't believe? Cut out the passive aggressive shit, you dumb bint.

You're anonymously ranting on Yas Forums to people who will forget about you in the blink of an eye. You've done nothing to help our people if you haven't reduced their numbers.

It's what his kike handlers want and it's giving him success. I'd do it too as a nog in his position.

that explains a whole lot

Bet his mom treated him like shit too
White mommas always treat their (black) sons like trash.

Get Out is a movie you people probably would've agreed with if you had actually watched it. I don't even remember any kind of racial element to Us, was there one?

If any of these pseudointellectuals ever actually reads HPL they might learn that the one group he consistently despised and feared and write about was poor whites. There's like one (1) story about New York immigrants, one about an educated upper class South American, and then all the other stories are about rural New England whites.

Seeing that H.P. Lovecraft was a well known racist and anti-Semite. I find it ironic that a black man is doing something with that racist asshole's work.

If you were a writer and found a niche that caused buckets of money to get thrown at you wouldn't you exploit it for all it's worth?

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>... and the terrifying monsters that could be ripped from a Lovecraft paperback.
I don't think they should talk about Italians in such a fashion



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>tfw black

Look heres the issue with Peele and the rest of these woke blacks

They arent actually black, they are usually mixed race raise by a white family or grew up around white people. They always have this serious identity crisis about not fitting in and when they get older they try so fucking hard to prove how black they are by doing shit like this.

I have never even cared or suffered racism, so what someone doesn't like me because I'm black, it isn't the end of the world.

>Incel seething mutt is so angsty about not being full white he projects all his hatred through his work
Race mixing leads to very damaged kids, just don't do it.

I think it has to do with feeling like you don't belong anywhere. Because they're neither white or black.

>Atticus Black
>Jesus, you guys come up with the funniest things
>google it
>it's true
He can't keep getting away with it, can he??

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>Monkeypaw Productions
Writes itself

Honestly, I like him as a comedian but have yet to see his films. The trailer for his latest had the same formula as the previous films trailer so I'm skeptical. Why can't a black guy just make a watchable movie without the hype?

I don't remember Us being overtly racial. There were some comparisons between the white and black families you could draw if you really wanted to, but frankly you could have flipped their races and it wouldn't have been that weird.

>H.P. Lovecraft was a well known racist and anti-Semite
Actually no, it all just came out through his private correspondence which he never intended for public viewing. Imagine if someone collected all your shitposts and made them public.

He and his wife divorced because he literally could not stop shitting on jews when they had company

Not true. It's because she wanted to work and his aunts wouldn't live her live with them if she did because they were old money weird about status.

So he was raised by the white side of his family and always felt like an outsider?

Normal horror, but racial themed!

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>All the white tears over something they'll never see and more or less dont really even have to try too hard to not see.

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The whites were the real monsters after all!

>Every project will be about white racism somehow.

This makes me think of Bart in the one episode where everyone keeps telling him to "say the line".

Peele did that one movie that kinda sorta was about race and class issues and it blew up with the woke Twitter audience and now his jew handlers in Hollywood just want to keep pulling that string and making him dance like a monkey, just doing the same thing over and over. They keep telling him to do more, do that racism thing again, say it again! People clearly love hearing it, so just keep saying it, keep writing it and never stop. Surely it will never got old or boring.

I can't imagine it's fun for a creator to do that, to just slam the same fucking metaphor and message every single time, over and over, just for some minor applause from social media and a few dollars. It feels like Peele just became that dude in Black Mirror who holds the piece of glass to his neck, ranting every night about how shitty the system is while living in luxury because people pay him to listen to him whine about the system. He can't stop because the Jews don't want him doing anything else.

Its more the fact that this dreck keeps getting greenlit over more interesting shit because "muh nigs" and "dey wyte ppl raycis".

Jordan is married to a Jewish woman. So is that other nigger he works with. It's fucking unreal.

Yes. I've noticed mixed race people are often the wokest because they're essentially white liberals in light skinned black bodies, so they spend their lives coping and compensating. Supporting trannies automatically disqualifies them from being legitimately black.