DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city...

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls, loud neighbors, and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

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Disgustingly accurate. Fuck I hate these people.

Are you ok OP?

ok redneck

My inclination is to call this imaginary guy you're pretending to be based, I don't know why though

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Thank General Lee I get to live in the south where there’s nothing to do, outside is humid like soup, and the super fatty food will kill you


DUDE i just LOVE the jiggle and wriggle of the big asses, they’re so AROMATIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite brap posts. you should totally come on down to my gas dungeon, it’s got EXPOSED ASSHOLE walls, loud farts, and everything, we can crack open a nice anus or three and get crazy watching some posts on Yas Forums and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the brapchan- listen here, right, it’s a PEN where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go SNIFFFFFF. BUT!!!! it’s also an yotsuba board like when we were kids, so we can post awesome memes, without dumb summerfags bothering us. speaking of which DeNarious and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting sissified tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our braphogs. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SNNNNIIIIFFFFF this dirty braphole and pop open another one!!!

All of this is based except renting in Jew York

Kill yourselves

Imagine being angry at a successful heterosexual couple who enjoy life.

>enjoy life


go back to your truck wrenching, piss beer sipping, mudholing, Florida Georgia State Line metrosexual country listening, or whatever it is people do in your podunk meth bag of a yokel town

Is this the American version of those Deano memes?

I'm not from the South or the Midwest. I'm also not from a big concrete shithole. Confused yet?

Involuntary celibate fingers typed this cringe of a post

>they're so AROMATIC
peak brapposting has arrived

Last game I played in an arcade was MvC2
I miss arcades

fuckin' reel em in son

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Confused as to why you'd even make such a butthurt thread if you're not an assblasted yokel.

what the fuck?? holy shit is this real? Like, celibate as in they don't have sex, and involuntary as in...holy shit bro you're making this up, right? this isn't like a real thing that actually exists in our current reality at this moment. no way. just the thought is so depressing that it makes me want to kill myself dude. Like I'm not joking dude I don't joke about suicide, but the thought of not being able to have sex... I mean what could even prevent someone from having sex? Like...*did their dick fall off or something*? haha I don't mean to be gross dude I just really can't wrap my head around this. Like. No sex. Not ever. Haha. I mean. Damn... That's a crazy concept. You've got a wild imagination bro. That's why you're my homie. Just imagine that though... Imagine that...

City slickers have never recovered from this copypasta.

I hang exclusively with such phenotypes, on purpose no less. Knowing the prospect that at least one person will be mad makes it worth it.

Hahaha based

Hello based department

all I see is emo tears

Nobody under 40 remembers arcades

>what the fuck?? holy shit is this real? Like, celibate as in they don't have sex, and involuntary as in...holy shit bro you're making this up, right? this isn't like a real thing that actually exists in our current reality at this moment. no way. just the thought is so depressing that it makes me want to kill myself dude. Like I'm not joking dude I don't joke about suicide, but the thought of not being able to have sex... I mean what could even prevent someone from having sex? Like...*did their dick fall off or something*? haha I don't mean to be gross dude I just really can't wrap my head around this. Like. No sex. Not ever. Haha. I mean. Damn... That's a crazy concept. You've got a wild imagination bro. That's why you're my homie. Just imagine that though... Imagine that...

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DUDE I just love the doom and gloom of my mother's house it's so LIFELESS makes me feel like I'm in one of my favourite kinos like Blade Runner 2049 or Drive, You should defo Skype me juat don't tell your parents, you'll see my plain white walls with no Photos, pictures or paintings or any memorabilia to show the person who lived here lived a worthwhile life full of memories...anyway we can drink sum monsters energy Zero to make our hearts beat fast to remind us were actually alive as we sit here and watch some classic WebMs that i musta watched like 1000 times the past few years and mayb- AHH MY CHEST AHHH AHH FUCK MY HEART NOOO NO AHHH IM HAVIN A HEART ATTA- AHHHH I WISH I HAD SPENT MORE TIME ON COMPUTER SHITPOSTIN AHHH AHHGGG GAHHA NOOO DON'T PHONE AN AMBULANCE THEY'LL KNOW ABOUT THE- JUST LET ME DIE AND LAY BACK LIKE RYAN GOSLING IN BLADE RUNNER IT WILL BE KINO AHHA AGGHA PLAY. ALEXA PLAY REAL HUMAN BEAIN

All of this but without a hint of irony

>Why yes, I do have a large collection of hot sauces at home. How could you tell?

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This is why I hate normies. You're all fucking weird

Kek, this is twice as accurate

The post that eternally btfo 4channel
What happened incel bros? Did we get too cocky?

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>be born in 92
>grew up in arcades until they died
Shut your fat fucking mouth bitch

Non-normies are the real normies. Imagine being able to identify something as weird. I don't even know which day of the saturn bowl we're meant to hover blazeblue.

This is actually me

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That easy to trigger you faggots? They have a subreddit for tourists like you

I'm not OP, I'm from the rural west where a lot of people are in good shape, spend a lot of time outaide and enjoy wide open spaces and beautiful nature.

But yeah the neareat city only has 5 sushi places instead of 232 so I guess my lofe sucks

Laughed IRL

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Is there actually anything to do in rural areas besides shot beer bottles and go to church?

Hike, camp, enjoy the outdoors.

Its probably because you're a bugman.

Wait you don't live East of the Rockies do you...? Holy fuck I can't imagine being so cucked

I know that people like this are cringe, but as a slav who has never been to US, I still would like to visit famous cities like NY, LA, Miami

I'm so lonely that this no longer sounds terrible to me, and I'd probably just be happy to have any company for once even if they are dull shallow hipsters.

>buy a bunch of hot sauces on the internet
>10 years later still haven't used them all up because four instead of three drops can ruin a pot of chili

You meme but it's a few hustle and bustle anons that make this place almost bearable. Anons have lost their ability to banter.

I just want to sit outside and enjoy the outdoors

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genuinely depressed that this isnt my life


nothing wrong with living in a city but it really is filled with the most degenerate, vapid, dumb as shit young adults. i like my city because it has all the music i love playing basically every night but i hate interacting with anybody here.

City life is great if you're actually from there and not a suburbs tourist.

I live in a city and I fucking hate it.

/ck/ is leaking

Move to the country. I moved from philly to the country in Virginia for a few years. Driving home from work at night seeing nothing but deer for miles. Pretty comfy but can get boring. I'd like to go back some day.

What people, the ones more successful and happy than you?

What’s housing prices like out in the country? I don’t intend on falling for the Rent meme.

what do you miss the most from the city?


>that's why you're my homie