When did you accept that the Simpsons were indeed dead?

When did you accept that the Simpsons were indeed dead?

For me, season 16

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When did you accept that the Simpsons were insneed dead?

For me, season 11, episode 6

when I realized the artists were never going to draw lisa's bare bottom but instead give us 1000 frames of bart ass

episode 1 of season 8

November 8, 1999

fuck you, season 8 was the last good one

formerly not killed

i lived in denial for many years. i was on some level aware of the quality decline, but i did not drop the simp before i saw "lisa goes gaga". i should had dropped out at that rubbish "marge tends to manetees" ep

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When all the people who watched it were literal simps who wore guchi loapher knockoffs

I noticed a large drop in quality in the first new episode after the movie. I'm sure im wrong but I feel like thats close to being the dividing line between "diminished quality but still recognizable as comedy" and "absolute aberration + guest stars"

I stopped watching at season 7. 8 max.

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7 and 8 have a lot of shit episodes, after that i dont care

I gradually stopped watching it like15 years ago around the time of the movie, and since everyone was saying it went to shit, I didn't bother picking it up. But last month I started marathoning the newer seasons (31-27) and I think it is really good.

It had me laughing at similar gags as before. Characters are like I remember them, perhaps a bit more obvious, but still. There are modern things like cell phones and some jokes, but it doesn't feel forced.

Did it got bad and then better again? Am I hallucinating?

Just like the SpongeBob movie

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the movie
couldnt even get past the intro before their fist OMG CELEBRITY cameo

it also started the age of the soulless animation


>fuck you, season 8 was the last good one
Season 9 has some alright episodes. Especially Homer vs New York which was a hold over from season 8. Probably should stop after 9 tho. It becomes a chore to watch.

>watching The Simpsons up to season 16


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Season 12

I stopped watching Simpsons the moment Futurama premiered.

Season 12

skinner / armin tamzarian thing.

Like 15 years ago. Fucking hell ive wasted my life.

Reminder: The joke is that you'd assume Sneed named the store "Feed & Seed" to rhyme with his own name, but in actuality Chuck named it that and the rhyming name was just a coincidence. The "Fuck & Suck" explanation makes no sense - if Homer bought the store would it be named "Homer's Fomer & Somer"? It's just a myth perpetrated by people who wanna feel smart.

>skinner / armin tamzarian thing.
I remember watching it thinking something was off. It was still an "ok" episode but it didn't feel right what they did to skinner. The rest if the season outside of a few episodes was pretty meh. Season 9 was the beginning of the end.

Get killed freak

I hope you die

Rip out your guts


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The Tamzarian thing could have worked if it ended with the real Skinner realizing he didn’t want to take over fake Skinner’s life that he had already lived for decades. The ending is what really made it particularly stupid.

How is the judging.png pic related to ponies?

Beats me.

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Planting yer gummy bears?

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the specific moment I gave up was a bit that revolved around the phrase "gay for moleman".

>mfw the simpsons has been bad twice as long as it's been good

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s 13, like everyone normal person.

That being said s 2-10 are better than any cartoon comedy since.

When I was a kid watching it season 1 and on it was season 10. Watching it all again it’s the first who shot mr burns.


As soon as too much pop culture entered for ads sake

This. 4-6 were the zenith. 7 is almost as good but it's where the cracks started to show. 8 is hit-or-miss. 9 is pretty much the cutoff unless you enjoy pain.

all sneedfags must hang

Somewhere in season 10

the movie
same with spongebob's end to quality

I watched the Simpsons every Sunday night with my family from the beginning til like 2000. Shit, I'd watch reruns twice a day every night from 6-7 for most of that time. Turns out it started going to shit around the time I stopped watching. It's nuts that's it's still going 20 years later.

When Bart was on ADHD meds and said his balls no longer fit in his pants

Soon as that line happened I knew it was over

Based opinion.

The episode after the sneed episode.

There were still some good episodes in seasons 7-12 but I recall season 13 is when I stopped watching the episodes come out on a weekly basis. I think it was the episode where Bart befriends an old western TV star is when I called it quits.

Slice your throat open

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It was obviously a gradual thing, but the death of Maude Flanders was a watermark. Not that Maude herself ever done d anything, but this is when they really departed from the semi-grounded tone and got too wacky.

burn in pain

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Season 13

Wrong. The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

fucking die

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Season 2 -> Season 9 = Golden Age

Sneed and Barneyfag? On the same thread? A daring synthesis

Around season 13.

season 9

Hard disagree, the ending is a big lampshade hanging on the return to status quo thing the Simpsons, and sitcoms in general all relied on.

Wtf is that post even trying to say



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For me, its Sneed

Season 9 was my favourite season. Its much better than 8.

burn alive

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lisa simpson mating press

chuck alive

When I grew up


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