There are Nazis hidden everywhere in the US goverment and media and they control US policy and public opinion

>there are Nazis hidden everywhere in the US goverment and media and they control US policy and public opinion
this is satire right?
also the most ridiculous plot twist I've ever seen, how did this get funded?

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When reality doesn't match their view of the world they create another reality on screen that does.

It's just a tactic Alinsky playbook. Project. Project. Project.

this tbhf

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the jew cries in pain as it stabs you

lmao, typical white people

Nazis are the only group that DON'T control the government

Thanks for reminding me to cancel my prime subscription

this. lmao

>set in the 70s
>implying communists weren't a substantially bigger threat back then

Lol they even project the knockout game!? Haha

>watching amazon shite
Look at this dude

Reminder this actually happened

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This series was ridiculously inane. Like it was badly written fanfic levels of bad

>nigger in the center
Nope not watching.

basically what happened is that jews got their asses fucked in ww2, then the constant stream of holocaust and ww2 movies/tv shows/games etc reinforced the idea of weak jews. imagine growing up constantly being reminded that your people were literally rounded up and killed off like cattle, only to be saved by other, more heroic people. on top of that the only 'revenge' you were able to get was years later when your brave, real life, 'nazi hunters' tracked down and murdered old men in their retirement homes. hardly the vision of heroism.

now after years of suffering porn, we will be subjected to endless cope as jewish writers/directors try their hardest to rewrite history and make themselves the secret badasses of ww2. between this, jojo rabbit, and that new resistance movie with eisnberg in it, we're only just experiencing the beginning of this phase.

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The idiots will just say or hear the word McCarthy and turn their brains off to that though. Its crazy how they've been programmed. Cant see nuance and a lot of times cant even see obvious things.

Just replace nazi with jew and the cast with Mac Tonight

White supremacists have so much power over the US government that Whites are the only group the government legally discriminates against, and politicians go out of their way to avoid ever mentioning doing anything that would incidentally benefit White people, and beg for forgiveness if they are ever accused of liking White people or even having talked to someone who likes White people.
All part of the White supremacist plan.

Lol what is this from?

That's exactly what happens in captain America 2, yet Yas Forums praises that as above the rest of the mcu. Double standards much?

Bruh they literally have niggers as assassins in this one like WE WUZ NAZI HUNTERS N SHEEIT because it's Jewish power fantasy to have black slaves kill whitey all for Jew headpats.

I didn't realize that Nazis were willing to spend trillions of dollars and thousands of lives for Israel.

Clown world

No way, Man! This is the world we're living in now, MAN!

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American fakenigstory.

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uh, yeah, they're the heroic minority squad bravely eliminating all straight cis nazi republican males

Meanwhile American Jews also were avoiding going to the overseas war and stayed home being cowards in the States but winning the cultural war by making Hollywood, television and comic books so Jews really did manufacture their heros.

Why did they kidnap the Jap in the end to have a dinner with Hitler?


I know it's fake but I wish this actually happened

it's certainly a bold strategy

Look, I hate Trump and other nazis, but this looks terribad

Oh I thought it was from another blog that wikipedia mentions as a source as proof. Is this even worth watching ironically if you torrent it for some laughs or is it beyond the point of being so bad its good?

Whenever a leftist accuses you of something, he himself is guilty of it ten times over. Every time.

it's a good documentary about Holocaust and AmeriKKKa

I've seen the first episode yesterday and no intention of going any further, it's literally jewish self-loathing/torturing porn, they even kill a jewish survivor living in the USA by replacing the water from her shower with gas.

>nigger in the center

She is also the only competent detective of the show (she is in the FBI), all the male detectives are either incompetent or uncaring of their role.

I’m just happy that Hollywood is FINALLY going to address the long ignored issue of the Holocaust!…

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when dem white devils gon be civilized n shiet?

So it's Jewish projection the tv program

That scene went way too long. Like they wanted to hit us over the head and show a seventy years old ugly woman's nude body for like five minutes. Like did someone like Trey Parker or Seth McFarlane direct this secretly? It felt like frat boy humor but played seriously for some reason?

Who is behind this? The Riddler?

Jews get black people to hunt down secret Nazis living in the US the show.

>>Jordan Peele
People are surprised this is garbage

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Hmm yeah, all those secret Nazis steering US foreign policy.

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Did anyone feel like Hunters was a parody show made in another show's universe? Like Hunters feels like it would be one hundred percent real in either the Watchmen or The Boys, anyone else feel that?

Made to try to obfuscate operation paperclip, where nazi scientists, engineers, and leaders were hunted down and recruited by the west to build an analogue of the third Reich

So this is basically The Little Drummer Girl for people who got their brains kicked out?

What about the other one that claims that white Christians run the shadow government and are actively subverting society. When did paranoia become a hallmark of one of the American political parties?

It's so ridiculous that even the Auschwitz memorial condemned them for making up bullshit.

That's kind of impressive actually.

>this is satire right?

It's an election year

When i first heard about this show i thought it would be something like a biopic but it's not. It's basically a comic book (which everyone in this show mention all the time). So for me it was easier to suspend my disbelief in shit that happened on the screen. Apart from that one scene when a black fbi lady (who is secretly a lesbian) tells her girlfriend that she thinks that Hansel and Gretel was actually about german kids killing a jewish old lady so that they could steal her gold. Everything else i didn't mind since it was clearly not historically accurate. And that twist at the end on it's own is pretty good it's just that him feeling guilt and actually wanting to kill nazis was bullshit, they should have gave him a better motivation for the hunt.

all real videos of knockout game are blacks knocking out whites and other blacks

>fiction doesn’t strictly conform to reality

>they even kill a jewish survivor living in the USA by replacing the water from her shower with gas.
You fucking idiot she was a nazi.

>Reminder this actually happened
It literally did not, historians even went a little buthurt over this scene because there are plenty of horrors to chose from an actual history and tv people ended up inventing new shit.

Underrated and overbased

I can honestly see. Memes aside, the Holocaust is disturbing enough on its own (people brought into fields to be shot down, buried alive when the bullet wasn't fatal, starved out in concentration camps, chosen for medical experiments, etc.) that you don't need to make things up.

This makes it go from disturbing to all-around cheesy.

The show literally has "villain of the week" nazis, each of which had a completely wacky and zany way to toy with jews.

Episode 1, meet the chess nazi! He'd play games of chess with live jews, ooooh!
Episode 2, meet the music nazi! He'd put a bullet in jews that couldn't sing to the tune while they were made to sing the german national anthem.

This feels like someone wanted to parody the holocaust.

>Nazis running America secretly
>meanwhile in reality 3 top Democrat candidates were jews (one now) and the Republican incumbent is a vocal zionist

So is this obfuscation propaganda?

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the chess scene is hilariously disrespectful. hollywood stinks and im glad the coronavirus is going to tank the box office.

Reminder Hitler was right.

>im glad the coronavirus is going to tank the box office

Yeah, they should have used the real stories like the Holocoaster, Wank machines and the surprise electrified swimming pool.