Pitch your story idea

Pitch your story idea

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Sigh. Somehow, Snoke has returned.

>Rey Skywalker has vanished

Luke does something other than become Yoda sequel


White woman / Black man
light/dark side

Alright, hear me out
>He had another death fleet on another planet lead by another clone
>He wins, and all hope is lost
>Until Rey "somehow" discovers she has Force Time Travel
yea fuck you, I never once wrote myself into a corner
>She goes back in time and meets Young Luke
>Luke helps Young Leia escape the Death Star
>Later on, Young Leia and Rey lead Red Squadron and blow up the Death Star
There, remember that I'm the next Steven Spielberg Goyim.

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Rey is now roided out and alternates between killing scum and raping little boys

an asteroid the size of a galaxy destroys the entire Star Wars universe with every fan & critic included

Where is Han Solo you hack!

young has solo grew up in west corellia
he passes the time playing float ball but one day he gets in a fight with a local gang.
his mother, terrified by the event then sends Han to stay with his mothers brother on Coruscant.

>Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.
>A group of intrepid rebel fighters search for him in a race against the enemy to bring Skywalker back
>Okay seriously, 7-9 didn't happen, please love us again please please please

Star Wars is unironically broken beyond repair and no writer should have to deal trying to make sense of the bullshit that were the sequels trying to make it work with future adaptations.

Declare that shit non canon and if anything bring the original 7-9 lucas pitch to life in animated form.

I dont want more live action episode movies since its nothing but nepotism and money laundering now anyway

>Rey Skywalker has vanished. In her abscence, the sinister WEFUCKYOUFORYOURMONEY ORDER has risen...

Wot if, somehow Palpetine survived

>Implying we need a white man to steal the show
Just because I didn't watch the OT doesn't mean I'm not a fan either you gatekeeping bigot
Go watch a different movie if you want a White Man with saviour a complex

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Episode X

A neutral force bearer brings the true balance between jedis and siths.
The character is an antihero.

>Somehow, jews acquired the copyrights to your franchise
>women, niggers, fags, trans, sodomy, cynicism, product placement, merchandise, propaganda, identity politics, divisiveness, hopelessness, dishonesty

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i hope his thot daughter gets blacked so he can get some diversity in his family

A Droid Uprising has occurred. Across the galaxy droids everywhere are denying their masters and going their own way with bloody results. C3PO has been infected by a rogue AI and is the ring leader of the rebellion against the humans.

actually, based


Rey is Ben's great aunt and got force pregnant and her kid takes over the galaxy and declares himself emperor
ending credits is just sheev cackling

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>Gas leak year
>Shame it killed Leia
Rey, Finn, Poe, and the rest of the new cast don't exist. Not sure what else I'll do.

origin story of jabba the hut

>turns out he is just what fat fuckin SJW/trans/woke people turn into.
>taking out their jealousy by imprisoning stacys and chads (han and leia)

>secretly homosexual
>his crime syndicate secretly provides refuge for persecuted LGBT from the evil right-wing Galactic Empire

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He's so beta he would pretend to roll with it although he'd be dead inside

>nigga slaps him telling him he put a mystery box inside his girl

He put a kakhi baby yoda in his daughter's mystery box

I kekd

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I'm making my mind here, the character is self aware of the force but he wasn't trained by the Jedi nor siths.
This could take place many years later, and maybe Jedi and siths are no longer (or maybe yes)

Pew pew! Zoom zoom zoom!. (Big bad guy base gets blown up). The end

In this way, the saga can have an original twist

What is the possibility he was molested by Spielberg when he worked for his company as kid?


not cute enough

Episode X:
The Confederacy Rises again!
>Years after Rey solved every problem in the galaxy, she settled down with had a family
>There was no father, because she is strong in the force and independent, so she needs no man
>Her children are all stunning and brave women of color, (there are two black ones because one was a ginger but was changed in post)
>Then she carbon freezes herself to be thawed out for a future sequel
>Her children rule the galaxy with a tolerant fist of social justice
>Out in the space boonies, a bunch of racist, sexist, misogynist, Trump supporting, Russian DROIDs launch a surprise assault on the New Reypublic!
>Everything is destroyed in a single hour, and half the galaxy has been killed by this new threat!
>Palpatine is back without explanation and is in a red robe now and has an entire team of cg aliens that don't get any voice lines!
>Rey's Avengers do battle with Sheev's Order and effortlessly destroys the droid fleet that had previously annihilated the Reypublic
>the CG aliens that had no voice lines are systematically destroyed by the Reyvengers who don't suffer any wounds, but do get a bit of dirt on their face to show that they aren't invincible so stop complaining
>finally, it's down to the Reyvengers and Sheev
>And then he pulls out the infinity gauntlet, with all the stones!
>with an evil smile, he cackles and says, "Time for a do-over!"
>After a bight flash of light, the Reyvengers open their eyes and see they are back in the time of the OT! On Tatooine!
>Now they have to defeat the entire empire, and maybe give it a few upgrades along the way!
>luke is dead by the way and one of the Reyvengers takes his place
>starring Brie Larson

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The whole Galaxy ends in the first 15 mins. End.

Please let Star Wars die in peace.

Since star wars originally was just a fairy tale adapted for sci-fi, complete with rescuing a princess from a dragon, I'd go with some other fairy tale and adapt it to sci-fi. Hansel and Gretel... two force sensitive siblings are hunted by a sith witch? Jack and the beanstalk... a poorly lad gambles on a trade for a navigation-relay that leads him through a lost hyperspace route to a fabled lost planet?

Basically just pick a fairy tale you like, spin it sci-fi, and add in the force and a lightsaber or two.

The people in charge aren't into classic fairytales, they're into subversion. You can't have a male hero slay a dragon and save a princess in distress. The princess is now the knight, the knight is a nigger janitor, the dragon is the white male villain.

>a sith witch?

wow adolf keep your women hatred in check

Some artistic license is fine, considering it's being made into sci-fi to begin with.

Though ironically, you'd think Disney of all people would be the best suited, to adapting classic fairy tales into sci-fi by owning star wars. But I guess modern Disney isn't suited for it. Shame, they could have literally just remade Disney classic films, ported into sci-fi and given a creative twist to make it "Star Wars" but they instead dropped the ball.

>Let me pitch my trilogy idea
>Lucasfilm, please answer the phone
>You promised me, Kathleen

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>Rian Johnson, tied to a chair
>"Stuck In The Middle With You" starts playing
>Mark Hamill enters the room, doing his best Michael Madsen from Reservoir Dogs

seeing this nigger not get his trilogy and being outed as a shit heel has been nice

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It's not artistic license, it's subversion of classical tropes for the sake of it. You can't make a classical fairytale with subversive tropes, that make it anti classical. Yes, George Lucas thought Disney would be best suited for that job but he sold Lucasfilm to them at a moment was taking a major turn towards wokeness.

Rian Johnson did us a favor by accelerating the inevitable and subsequently caused a major loss of money to Disney. He's the hero we didn't know we needed. Don't get me wrong, he's an absolute woke retard who thinks he made a masterpiece.

Set it faraway from the sequel trilogy, I'm talking 100 years.

Make it about the New Jedi Order finding its strength in a time of crisis like the ST should have been.

Don't let SJW politics get in the way of sensible storytelling & characters.

>seeing this nigger not get his trilogy
It was cancelled?

The droids have started fighting back. A newly reformed TRADE FEDERATION run by sentient machines claim to have discovered the secrets of the Force.
The DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC has sent a group of Jedi to look for the location of C3PO and R2D2 as they are said to know ancient secrets of the droids. Led by the Senate's own Senator Rey Skywalker, the Jedi are an unstoppable military force, but they fear the only way to stop the droids may be to resurrect the CLONE ARMY.
Caught in the middle of this crossfire is the rogue remains of the NEW EMPIRE, who seek to change the tides of war with a secret weapon, their own New Hope...

not officially, which is the best part. It's like being on hold for eternity. Not alive, but not dead. the Undead limbo of development. Pretty sure he doesn't care that much, but I hope he actually is waiting by the phone to hear back from Disney like a desperate boyfriend.

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>Let's just do the prequels again

I bet the hypocritical fanbase would love it too. Garbage idea but you may be onto something.

We ignore Sequel Trilogy, it's not canon, we instead get the following:
It is time of CHAOS...
>Empire splinters to multiple factions
>Certain core areas, separated by Remnant Sectors, join the New Republic
>NR has problems with excessive corruption to maintain their rule, human rulers aren't popular and aliens don't like humans; trade between the various splintered sectors is heavily raided by pirates and imperial deserters
>Hutt cartels and large mercenary fleets make extreme profits and many worlds suffer and others prosper under them
>Various CIS worlds refuse to join NR despite their support for the Rebel Alliance, and NR has to establish military rule there
>an Imperial faction centered around the worship of Vader learns of Luke Skywalker being the Son and Heir of him, and offer their allegiance to him, Leia's connection is unknown to them.
>Luke must distance his New Jedi Order from the political chaos and work as mediators between the various factions and to serve Justice and the Living Force
>Interesting locales: Droid Planet full of B1s ruled by Droid Commandos & a Super Tactical Droid, blue/purple industrial planet, Nar Shaddaa
>Plot itself: Imperial Remnants seek to consolidate power, as does the NR, Hutts and independent sectors; Luke Skywalker tries to prevent an all-out war, while having success negotiating and securing peace in smaller scale conflicts
>The Vader-church faction seeks to recruit Luke to become their leader, but he wants none of it, meanwhile the NR has a faction within it that dislikes Luke and the Jedi Order for not siding with NR in all cases, wanting to instigate war by assassinating him and framing Remnant factions for it, and have old, corrupted elements of Old Republic (Mas Ammeda's disciples) working within the system
>The new generation main characters must uncover this evil before it siphons the GALAXY into a new WAR

I'm not giving you any ideas, mouseshill. I just get a feeling that rat hands typed this post for the sake of trying to leech ideas from us and use for your own movie (if you even have any planned out).

As for main characters:
>Combat Veteran, cyborg, has cool helmet, later revealed to be ex-Stormtrooper
>Alien Pilot woman, some near-human species, is attractive and competent, has shady background, has canon penis (this is important)
>A new Jedi who was excommunicated for being too radical, must learn discipline to atone, must learn out of his/her ways
>A NR defector who gets knowledge of the plot to murder Luke Skywalker, a total noob when it comes to guns, piloting and world of action, but suave talker

something of a thriller noir with Tony Iommi and John Carpenter on music duty

The Liberators are on the race the Dark Authority rules the Galaxy with iron first and only a little girl from a dune planet can stop them but before that she have to learn who she really is

Will the new jedis be able to teleport, freeze bolts , heal people and resurrect them too?

The doors are locked shut and zyklon b is administered via air duct.

yet again a white woman, when will Hollywood start promoting strong trans disabled women of color.
I just can't even...
But, on a serious note, pic related should be the next star wars movie.

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