So Randall and I went out walking and we noticed something interesting - some places were flat with lost of rocks...

>So Randall and I went out walking and we noticed something interesting - some places were flat with lost of rocks, while other places were up and down, with hills and valleys. And this can only be the result of a massive comet impact which caused catastrophic floods and wiped out 99% of life on earth, as described by the ancient stone temple at gobekli tepi.

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Other urls found in this thread: rocks creationism

There actually was a global flood. It isn't even up for debate at this point. That is also why every major religion mentions the flood. Was there an advanced civilization before this? Very likely.

If they were so advanced why did they get wiped out by water?


Very telling how the (((skeptic))) slandered them. Then they got called the fuck out. Almost as if certain people don't want people to fully know our history.

They weren't a super advanced civilization you tard. They were likely around 16th century level technology. Then the flood set everyone back several thousand years.

advanced civilizations doesn't mean they where fucking space aliens, it just means they had farms and actual cities and shit tens of thousands of years before we though humans did.

When was this flood?

Oh so why the FUCK would anyone care

shut up

For historical posterity.

isn't this guy a giant stoner?

Earliest recorded history is around 3000BC so at least a couple thousand years before then.



A person who doesn't appreciate history, is likely not very intelligent. Part of being human is trying to reverse engineer our beginnings, and where our ancestors came from.

You'll grow up one day and realize this, if you have a shred of intellect.

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Alien does not necessarily imply "extraterrestrial".

who cares how many times retards made farms and then died. could've happened a billion times and it doesn't matter. civilization may as well start with the schism in the roman empire and the conditions in the west that gave birth to a marginally less-retarded culture than had existed up to that point.

>A world-wide deluge, such as described in Genesis, is incompatible with modern scientific understanding of natural history, especially geology and paleontology.[17][18]
Where did you learn your facts? Joe Rogan?

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>dude don't focus on that history!
>focus on this history!
How tiresome.

Pretty sure boats existed back then retard

>cites Wikipedia
Are you serious, you little bitch?

>They were likely around 16th century level technology.

How can they be around that level of technology, but they didn't leave behind any rock, glass, bronze or ceramic items?

bet you're real interested in all the billion oogabooga tribes in fuckholistand africa and america and australia as well, right? you retard?

none of that shit matters. may as well have been zero human there and it wouldn't have mattered. well. I guess the world today would've been nicer. but otherwise.

You see what those numbers are? rocks creationism
And your next reply is more crying.

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It's called "recorded" for a reason
Even if there was a flood, most likely it was a big flood in one of the earlier places where people war relatively densely populated, not a worldwide-one, and through oral tradition and myth-building associated with it, it got blown to apocalyptic proportion. And those settled areas were not developed enough to have a concept of writing, otherwise we'd already knew about those

>the shills have arrived
Hey, guys. Welcome to the thread.

>They were likely around 16th century level technology
What the fuck are you talking about "likely"? I doubt any credible historian would claim such a thing. What do you even base it on?

they only found out about doggerland by accident, though.

not super plausible that human civilization existed in any of the places it does now before we think it did, but it might've existed in now-submerged locations

>I doubt any credible historian would claim such a thing.
I am not a credible historian.

Wow the irony of this fucking retard. Blow it out your ass.

Bro, just look at the horizontal lines on the side of the Sphinx for yourself, it's obvious.
You really need me to spoonfeed you?

>Blow it out your ass.
Okay. Close your eyes and open wide.

well at least youre somewhat self-aware of your retarded theories

The absence of evidence of the flood is proof of the truth of the flood

- crackpot conspiracy theorists

I'm not either, come to think of it

he's actually onto something about pre cataclysm civilisation, and he could be taken more seriously if it wasn't for all the "ayy lmao ayahuasca smoke weed everyday buy my book my wife santa" bullshit.

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>he's actually onto something about pre cataclysm civilisation
No, he isn't.

>they didn't know how to make tools of any kind but they were totes a prehistoric civilization bro!
fuck off with that shit. even hunter-gatherers from tens of thousands of years ago left evidence. if there were pre-historic civilizations, they would be impossible to miss, unless they made all their tools out of fucking wood and shit or something

It's fun to engage in theoretical history.

Source: my ass.

You mean the erosion caused by the combination of wind and sand which is not visible in other structures built from harder materials during the same era?

Don't use words too big for your skull. There's nothing theoretical ITT, only historical fantasy.

>he considers "theoretical" to be a "big word"
You just lost what little credibility you had in this thread.

I said it was too big for you, learn to read imbecile.

Really broke out the thesaurus on that one, eh champ?

that's alotta projection my man. here's a new word of the day for you: mendacious. try to work it into a sentence once today. for example: (you)r posts are quite mendacious

Whoever Hancock is, he sure creates a lot of butthurt. Based.

You're impressed by that? Stay in school, kid.

I think he's making fun of you

>coastal cities
>glacial erosion
>bronze disease
>10's of thousands of years

the only thing that can survive that sort of thing is stone

This is like talking to some kind of lower animal or brain damaged person.

Shhhhh, his oblivious nature is part of the amusement.

"He" is just trying to deflect to anything other than history or global flood schizology

You think you're talking?

This is a shot in the dark, but yo wouldn't happen to be Jewish, would you?

You actually think he's being all that serious?
No need to get all hot and bothered

>Almost as if certain people don't want people to fully know our history.

A species with amnesia ((they)) want it kept that way

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>being this mad

History informs us of how humans act and how situations can end up. It is very relevant for us to know such things

Oh, so you give up? Just pretending to be retarded? I guess that's a /thread then.

I'm not that user, user

To be fair, if a massive worldwide flood were to happen. We would instantly be set back 3000 years at least. Maybe not in the first 100 years but once the survivors started dying off and their offsprings started to repopulate, the lost of knowledge and means to replicate our current civilization would be lost. Then its just a matter of time for every piece of evidence to corrode and whiter away in the next 3000 years before we can even get back to the 15th century.

Humans just like us have been around for anywhere between 100,000 to 200,000 years.

Apparently we just decided to wait until 10,000 years ago to kick off agriculture.

It makes no sense.

We don't know shit about what was going on even 20,000 years ago. Cataclysmic events are a thing that happens periodically. It's fully plausible that there were advanced (in context) civilizations that came before us.

As for evidence of their existence: It's not easy on large timescales. The world looked very different back then. The Earth is not static and even large civilzations can get lost to time.

Well that's for sure

based Hancock, Santa does not get nearly enough credit.

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>The Rocks Don't Lie
Smart person here. Rocks can't talk

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Daily reminder that Randall Carlson routinely inflates the strength of his evidence and the impact crater under Hiawatha glacier that he claims happened during the younger dryas was dated (by real geologists) as falling within a multi-million period that just so happens to include the proposed younger dryas impact date ~10k yrs ago
It's not proof and it's pseudoscience to claim it is.

hes trolling stopnreplying to him

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Are you retarded?

You are a goddamn retard

We've been around for so long, and I'm to believe that we only recently invented airplanes? It makes no sense

>You are so smart want to do some mushies

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That's not relevant if your previous post is true.

nice argument

It would've been the last Ice Age. (8000 -15,000 years)
The melting of proglacial lakes like Lake Agassiz.