Real freedom means good wages, short hours, security in employment, good houses, opportunity

>Real freedom means good wages, short hours, security in employment, good houses, opportunity
for leisure and recreation with family and friends. Modern Science enables us to build such a
Parasite makes some good points

Attached: IMG_20200218_153136.jpg (405x406, 36.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Real freedom means me starring in 90% of all good Korean films"
He did have some interesting points.

I will never in a million years understand why people think capitalism actually works

it worked fine until the jews got involved

No it didn't

not trying to derail the thread or anything but my mother is a fucking cunt and took me to court and had me legally evicted from my house a few years ago. We eventually talked it out and she let me back into the house and I've been paying rent ever since. I got fired from my wagecuck job the other day and she's threatening to lock me out of the house and that the eviction is still valid even though I've been living here for two years and paying her 800 a month in rent. What the fuck do I do guys I'm scared shitless and I'm in debt up to my eyeballs I don't even have a car to live out of

t. jew

Parasite is the 10%

>I will never in a million years understand why people think capitalism actually works
People look around and notice they aren't starving

They also notice they're bankrupting over medical bills and living paycheck by paycheck while Bloomberg burned 500 million for shits and giggles.

Based bootlicker

in most countries, your relatives are under the obligation to give you a minimal subsistence safety net in cases like this. If you are in Europe, just go to social services. In the US, talk to a lawyer.

>real freedom means more sucessful people giving me free shit
Get a job.

>They also notice they're bankrupting over medical bills and living paycheck by paycheck while Bloomberg burned 500 million for shits and giggles.
Wait, did you know there's a whole world besides America?

You might have misread, the quote doesnt say that

the capitalism system actually allows you to criticize it all you want, while the other side... well not so much

>9M people a year die of starvation even though we make more than enough food for every person on the planet.
Sure, capitalism works just fine.

She'll need to evict you again then you got 30 days

This isn't what he said at all.

The quote in the OP is from British fascist leader Oswald Mosley. Really makes you think when americans consider literal fascism 'leftist shit'

Attached: fascismo[1].jpg (750x422, 81.34K)

Outside America ironically the most capitalist countries are African shitholes. Europe employs varyinh degrees of socialism

Yeah the idea of Interest, rent, price gouging, corporate monopoly. There's too much to fuck it up

most people who are comfortably rich and not multimillionaires/billionaires don't have short hours

>dumb africans who can't even feed themselves prove that a system can't possibly work anywhere on earth

>Citation needed

>real capitalism hasn't been tried



Have you ever considered that most of what you hear about communism or socialism is filtered through American media?
Yes, because the centuries of plunder and the lack of infrastructure has absolutely nothing to do with it.

in america, mother becomes landlord

Brainlet argument. Capitalism is an economic system, not a system of government. We can say what we want in America because we have freedom of speech, not because we have the free market. You could still have an authoritarian regime using capitalism’s competitive economic principles.

I like this movie but the ending is classic asian shore-up schlock, like, why didn't he just go to school to begin with and get rich the honest way if it was so easy

>Current estimates on poverty in the U.S. The official poverty rate is 12.3 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau's 2017 estimates.
>That year, an estimated 39.7 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure.
>According to supplemental poverty measure, the poverty rate was 13.9 percent.

>if it was so easy
Brainlet. You literally misunderstand ending

>He thinks capitalism is a form of government
You do realise that there have been authoritarian governments who were capitalist right? You can critise capitalism because you have free speech, not because of capitalist policies.

Unrestrained capitalism is what doesn't work, the idea that we should completely rip it out and go full commie is retarded.

Ops quote isn't even criticizing capitalism

because people function independently and will only ever care about themselves, only a naive child believes that any other system that relies on people to share fairly and work together would ever be feasible in a world like this without someone in the shadows cutting off hands and breaking legs to keep everyone "faithful"

>the capitalism system actually allows you to criticize it all you want
It doesn't, the capitalist system aggressively promotes and encourages sociological infighting as a distraction while any economic discourse is aggressively suppressed and deplatformed.


it was like 10 seconds tho, what was there to understand. does not fit with the rest of the film

>Real capitalism hasn't been tried yet
Cope. What about communism is retarded? The idea that people should be paid fairly for their labour? The idea that people shouldn't have to give away more than half their wage just to live in a house, the idea that healthcare is a right etc?
>Human nature means people are greedy
No it doesn't, humans are actually not inherently selfish

I was 20 once, too. It's ok lads, you'll come around.

Americans have a weird fetish about fucking over their offspring as hard as possible

From kicking them out of the house the day they turn 18 to leaving literally nothing to them after they die

>centuries of plunder
Colonization in Africa started in the XIX century. Ethiopia was only occupied for 7 years by Italy and was never colonized.

OTOH Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Uruguay, Chile, Poland, Ireland and many other countries were colonized for centuries and are not anywhere near shitholes like Africa.

Face it, niggers are dumb and no system in the world will ever work with them.

If you still believe in the human nature argument you must be 18 or even 16 and in your lolbertarian phase, that or severe mental disability

the kid dreams of getting there the earnest way but this is not possible so he will never see his father again. brainlet.

>You get more right wing as you get older
That's not the case. But enjoy being a bootlicker when your common man is dying in the gutter because a rich person refuses to compensate them fairly for their labour

>"i want good wages"

>despite being only 13%

Or he will become a college professor and have the students' parents subsidize his idiocy for the rest of his life.

I didn't say real capitalism hasn't been tried yet you raging schizo.
>What about communism is retarded
The idea that people aren't going to do everything in their power to screw everyone else over for their benefit. The idea that a government with a fuckton of power (which you need to enforce communism) won't do fucktons of horrible shit unopposed. The idea that people will do their best when everything is provided for them and won't just slack off. The idea that there'll be any kind of serious progress without competition. You're an actual fucking retard if you think communism is viable if every single time it's been tried it's at best resulted in a technologically underdeveloped country and at worse living hell for 99.99% of the population.

Except it is

Can't let the worker bees starve

>WAHHH I don't want to study and work hard to earn nice things in life

people don't need a reason to be awful my dude

it's basic primal instinct, you see someone with something better, or a better looking mate, and you feel desire and want, and say "why not me"

nobody teaches you that

Why are you strawmanning?

Attached: 1580874922754.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

It's not, aren't good wages, short hours and security in employment something that -should- happen under capitalism?
If not, why even support it ?

We have a recession coming that is only being delayed because we are throwing money, that said i dont see any system working with massive population or with humans/shrews at the top.

I have all those things under capitalism tho

>OP posts a fascist quote
>retards call it communism

>while Bloomberg burned 500 million for shits and giggles.

he is saving billions in long term by fucking over a another fellow jew.

>What is empathy
Maybe if things were on a fairer playing field feelings of jealousy wouldn't be so rife. Capitalism specifically creates a divide in people, if there was no division capitalism wouldn't be able to thrive
You do know that when basic needs are provided for, workers not only perform better but have a greater satisfaction in life.