Why aren't you watching this absolute kino Yas Forums?

Why aren't you watching this absolute kino Yas Forums?

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I did not like Annihilation. Garland seems like a hack. Is Ex Machina worth watching?

How do you enter the little girl building?

>Is Ex Machina worth watching?
Yes, it's worth watching even if you don't like Annihilation. Unless you're not into sci-fi. Devs is more like Ex Machina.

I haven't really spent time on Yas Forums for a while. The marketing was never quite this obvious before, you might as well just come out and say that this thread is a commercial

this thread is a commercial

Attached: 1578301919786.gif (220x220, 9K)

This. Imagine talking about a new show on a forum dedicated to television and film

I did watch it. They made a massive monopolist corporation feel like a mid-sized startup.

There's about 40 minutes of wideshots and loud humming, and maybe 15 minutes of plot

also, poor ruskies, what fucked up ways to go

Massive monopolist corporation spend a lot of money to maintain the aesthetic of mid-sized startups. Tech hates to be associated as a brand with bland corporate offices or ideology, despite .

So it's basically just Source Code repackaged as a TV show. I also love how the reveal was done in the most bland boring way possible too

I meant in how personal the CEO and head of security dealt with shit. That just doesn't happen if you have more than 50 employees.

>Why aren't you watching this absolute kino Yas Forums?

I already did. I never had any choice desu.
Slave to cause and effect.
As of now I've only seen the first two episodes though.

Through the cunny.

someone give me a qrd of this show

That’s how it works if the CEO and head of security are working on a passion project and recruiting from their workerbase

It's a miniseries. I'm waiting until it ends and then I'll watch it.

>teeheehee im encryption XPRT
>teehee all encryption sucks because QUANTUM COMPUTER
>i list Fibonacci sequence for fun! That what smart people do!
>oh no my boyfriend is dead
>I’ll pull a cloud backup of his droid to see if he was up to anything!
>OH NO! It has a password protected app that will wipe the phone I just wiped to make this backup! What will I do I’m stumped D:

>well my code doesn’t work because of a memory leak but somewhere in the multiverse it does!
>response line is not: “well somewhere in the multiverse you still have a job.”

It's another one of those shows that won't reveal itself until second last or last episode. But so far a chick is investigating a secret computer place and of course sinister shit is found

can you imagine Zuckerberg comforting a random employee over their SO death? They pay HR for this stuff.
can you imagine head of security of Google following some spy in a garage with a knife, or stalking a suspicious employee by himself?

Yes I can imagine those things.

It’s already dropped that they’re hacking reality with quantum computers and that’s been pushed aside for the same “oh no my SO has died under mystery I investigate shady company” crap we’ve seen a million times.

>can you imagine Zuckerberg comforting a random employee over their SO death? They pay HR for this stuff.
you dumb motherfucker, he didn't give two fucks about her, he wanted to personally observe her to help decide whether he should give the go ahead to kill her too or not
>can you imagine head of security of Google following some spy in a garage with a knife, or stalking a suspicious employee by himself?
If the CEO of google told him to I could believe it

If zuckerberg and google’s head of security were part of a small group with a reality hacking computer they can use to find the best possible outcome of any situation, that they’d like to keep secret, yea, I can see that.

They’re reality hacking nigga. They can personally observe literally anything they want from within their cube and change variables to determine a viable outcome and act accordingly.

they have fuzzy imprints in the lowest rez and quality possible

they have rough ideas but not 100% accurate stuff yet

retard gets manipulated by pussy isn't sci-fi

Their issue is they can’t use it to verify any complete unknowns with any accuracy. But it’s more than enough to track/predict people they can verify in other ways.

Half the point of ex machina is if all an AI has to do to pass the turning test is manipulate a thirsty nerd, then we’ve already made AI stronger than most people.

Retards getting catfished by literal chatbots isn't a new story. Even women are easily manipulated by chatbots that do something as simple as simply repeat the shit they write back to them phrased as a question. E.g. "I feel bad today", to which it responds "Why do you feel bad today?", and then she responds with a story about her day while it interrupts her to repeat her statements back to her as questions; these "conversations" can go on for hours. It's amazing how easily people are manipulated by this shit, even in some cases when they know it's a bot.
These stories are so prolific I wouldn't be surprised if that's what ex machina was based on.

Blow 1080p up to a 20 foot screen and stand two feet away from it and tell me how great the quality is

Garland only makes trash

>I wouldn’t be surprised if ex machina was based on ELIZA
Whoa user, you might be onto something. Keep it under your hat though, I don’t think we’re supposed to know such things yet.

It's not actually about a giant little girl.

Worse, the super secret lab isn’t even inside the giant little girl

current chatbots aren't close to passing the turing test or tests such as:

Patriot on Amazon prime is prime Kino. Plotwise it's like Ian Fleming meets arrested development. Such a goddamn masterpiece holy duck. You don't understand, you don't unde0rstand this gift we've been given. Its not something you've ever seen before it's so cool and funny on so many levels I'm goodness pls watch it pls hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uwu

What are the Devs actually developing? Is this all so Forest can see his daughter again? Also, how do you think they faked the CCTV footage?

Attached: forrest.jpg (840x560, 75.04K)

they are developing the same thing the ruskie cunt developed but on a larger scale, a simulation capable of predicting the future

Patriot season 3 isn't happening. Series is cancelled. I'm legitimately upset.

48 hours still no watchable copy wtf is this 1.2GB 1080p shit

1080p should be 4-6GB MINIMUM FAGGOTS

the flaw in the turing test is if a person doesn't want to believe the AI can pass, it will never pass, as well as the opposite.

its low because there aren't a lot of complex shots

its 1:1 from the hulu stream.

turist tests is a blind test that needs a control group, if you're blocking anyone from passing including actual humans then you're a poor judge that should be discarded.

The point is you can't control a turing test and most people can't pass a turing test.

I just explained to you, by definition if someone is giving a negative evaluation to actual humans then they are a poor judge. Do I pass your turing test?

considering you're just repeating yourself when the points were defeated before you even uttered them, no, you don't.

All the other new FX shows have big high quality releases already

everyone is a poor judge

The OA s2?

you guys are kind of idiots, if chatbots were any good sales people would completely out of business across the world.
Give me 100 people and 100 chatbots to talk with for 10 minutes, I guarantee I wouldn't give a single false positive and possibly a couple of false negatives.

With what is hapening in Iran now...

The point you don’t seem to get is the Turing test is flawed in every way possible. It’s pass/fail is based upon subjective perceptions that are compromised by the test itself.

The second episode when they showed the nature of the project really blown my mind

>Also, how do you think they faked the CCTV footage?
they have quantum computers from the 23rd century

They didn’t fake it. They used the quantum computer to hack his brain and cause him to do things.

stop using the word "hack".

Don’t mess with me I can Fibonacci sequence

quantum magic computing meets international intrigue

it's alright

it seems to be one of those shows that you have no idea what could happen
breaks some dumb concepts of american tv, hes not gonna die, oh he dies