This character was literally and unironically never funny

This character was literally and unironically never funny

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t. never stuck dick in crazy

I fucking hate Phoebe, and Phoebe-centric episodes are always the worst.

Ross is a thousand times worse though

Neither was the show.

I never understood the appeal of this drivel.

Who was the best though? Joey? He seemed the least like an asshole, just dumb

Ross is /ourguy/ though.

only a contrarian would say anything but chandler

>imagine hating ross

get a load of this pleb

She was a master troll though and Ross is still seething to this day, also Smelly Cat was good, fuck you.

she was the most fuckable tho. You just know she would have been a freak in bed.


Women aren't funny, which is why they go for "kooky" and "zany" instead.


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Ross is the only good actor in the show

who was seventh friend

For me it's: Ross>Chandler>Joey>Monica>Rachel>Phoebe

>Show about Jews stars Jews
Really gets the noggin joggin.

being a contrarian isn't the same as having a different opinion dumbass, it's having a different opinion in an attempt to make yourself seem unique, and quirky, and cool, like the snowflake (You) are

Ross is far and away the most fun character. He actually has a job and shit so has more interesting storylines than just hanging around the apartment all day.

She is a character made specifically for women. She is quirky and oh so random. That's the peak of pea brained roastie sense of humor.

stop making up definitions of words that dont exist you fucking dickhead

>Ross is a thousand times worse though
Rachel is an utter cunt who is much worse than Ross.

So close, Monica below Rachel and that’s the only ranking
friends is awful after seeing it more than once watch Seinfeld

Can someone tell me what the deal was with Michael Rapaport's character? They spent a few episodes building up his relationship with Phoebe, and he even hangs out with the guys so he's more than just the throwaway 'boyfriend' they have for one episode.
Then the writers suddenly decide to write in that he shot a bird and he never saw any of them again, even though it was totally out of character for him, he seemed like a fairly by-the-books cop character which is why he worked so well with Phoebe.
My guess is Rapaport was saying some anti-Jew stuff on set and they axed him.

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Rachel is unironically the hottest and funniest female on the show.
Have sex.

she was the hottest during season one though

For me, it's:
Joey > Monica > Chandler > Ross > Phoebe > Rachel

(on how good a friend they were)

Yeah I am right at these episodes too and wondering the same thing. The character had a lot of chemistry with the cast, but I guess the writers didn't want Phoebe to settle down yet, so they wrote him off.

Way better than Paul Rudd.

Monica has better tits

Paul Rudd was such a fucking jarring character. His brand of humour did not match the show at all, he frequently points out how Phoebe and Joey act like literal retards and his character seems to be aware that he is living in a fantasy version of NYC where no one ever has any real problems. He acts and behaves like a rational person most of the time and therefore does not belong on this show.

Yeah Phoebe was definitely grating and the worst part of the show. I saw her as a child so it bothered me whenever she acted like a sensible adult.

Monica is a way bigger cunt, bruv

Ross is the only good character on the show and an incel icon

the hottest alright,but a hateful bitch

hottest, no
funniest, yes
worst, possibly


I hope the next time you're drinking your daily cum smoothie you choke on some hardened fecal matter that you forgot to remove and it causes an extreme infection in your esophageal tract that slowly and painfully kills you and your story becomes headline news so that every single person who ever knew you understands just what a fucking faggot you are and were right up until your death


Rachel being the funniest girl is actually true, Cox has terrible comedic timing that often falls flat or feel hammy, funny because she's supposed to be the "veteran" out of the actors yet gets comedymogged by Aniston hard.

I just skip all of her storylines and even parts where it's only just her and one other friend. She's fucking terrible.

You know remember that Chandler's dad is a tranny and yet it wasn't political.


They do that with loads of characters. Chandler's girlfriend Kathy, Monica's boyfriend Pete, Ross with Julie, etc.

Lisa Kudrow is probably the best actor out of the main 6 and it's criminal she had to star as the oversexed blonde stereotype. Seriously, fuck Friends and fuck everybody who worships it

I agree, Aniston has the best comedic talent, but Cox is the best actress of the three, Aniston in movies feels like she's still acting as if it's a sitcom

neither was anyone else on friends, what's your point

>rapapport as a cop

>than just hanging around the apartment all day.
but that's the best part of the show and peak /comfy/ kino

For me, it's Disney Friends

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Phoebe was a low key psychopath and probably the most based character.

>look, user is doing his baiting Yas Forums bit
>no I think he's just baiting Yas Forums

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The soap opera was fun and the show was comfy

She was pretty funny in the bagpipes scene.

Ross > Chandler > Joey > the rest > powergap > Phoebe
Chandler best deliveries are either in direct response to ross, or because of a situation ross provoked

Ross has two kids with two different women, one of them was a lesbian

Chandler is also pretty good when reacting to Joey's dumb behavior
>Oh sorry did i get you?
>No you didn't get me, it's an electric drill. You get me you KILL ME

>that fucking episode where she started crying because Ross who has a PHD in paleontology wouldn't believe her when she said dinosaurs weren't real and acted all smug when he said they might not be just to calm her down


She's also the biggest asshole. She uses her mother dying and being a homeless kid to literally get away with anything. He twin was a better person than she was.

>My guess is Rapaport was saying some anti-Jew stuff on set and they axed him.

But he is a gigakike himself

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tv is /RossForce/ through and through, get the fuck out. Seriously though, Ross sucks ass outside of specific episodes(like the one with a football game or Transponster one) for the first 4 seasons, then he loses his shit in s5 and becomes the best character, Schwimmer was great at playing unhinged lunatic.

Phoebe is the worst character, but Rachel would be the actual worst person if they were real people and not characters in a show.